December 09, 2005

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Welcome to the Links Page of Seth!
You will find more Seth quotes at: (quite many)

Complete Indexes for The Early Sessions book 1 to 9 with page references
Greg Polson has “created these indexes [at] to facilitate study of the material presented in the books. They are presented in page order and in alphabetical order, or you can simply search the page for the word you are looking for.”

Creating your own reality

A very interesting and in my view very astute observation regarding one of the best-known premises by Seth and others “Your thoughts create your reality” comes from Bob Scheinfeld, founder of The Invisible Path to Success. Bob’s basic insight after many years of teaching self-help skills with various well-known leaders in the field is, “There are no limitations to the results you can produce ... – except those imposed by the specifics of the life purpose you came here to fulfill.” More info at Caveat: he seems to be quite a businessman ;-).

Excerpts from other recommended channels in keeping with Seth

Abraham is a non-physical entity (or rather ”a group of spiritual teachers who call themselves Abraham”) speaking through Esther Hicks on Reality Creation, Law of Attraction, and more. A nice complement to the teachings of Seth.

Although seemingly unconvincing at first glance (a mother channelling her deceased son), the Matthew material appears cogent and uplifting. Includes “Sethian” and quantum physics’ multidimensionality and probabilities.

“The Secret Doctrine” Unveiled: an “elephant” in a nutshell

Are you interested in what “the mother of Western spirituality”, H. P. Blavatsky, has to say on man’s spiritual evolution, universe, karma, reincarnation and many other basic concepts, but so far have been deterred by her writings’ volume and complexity? Here is the book that condenses the essence of The Secret Doctrine.

Portal site with many helpful links & info on the maker of this sitein case you are wondering where I am ;-)

Great exercises at above link, and

then -- you can join in, too at

Do you have a Seth-related site you personally recommend? Please let me know!
