December 27, 2005

I realize that this is a l-o-o-o-o-n-g post. I think it's worth reading the WHOLE thing. This is NOT mainstream media. This is people telling it like it is. It fits neatly with the previous post about the need for chaos ... To my brothers and sisters hit by Katrina, and all those who went and worked with them, and especially to those children who remained confused by the complete lack of coordination, I print this out ...
BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss. --

The storm that left this region drowning in debt and need also inundated it with some infamous examples of government spending. From oak-lined Waveland Avenue to the quaint cottages of St. Charles Street in Bay St. Louis, the Katrina-wrought equivalents of the proverbial $600 toilet seat, courtesy of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, are everywhere to be seen. Behold:

  • Rooftop after rooftop covered with blue plastic sheeting at an average cost to taxpayers somewhere north of $2,500 a pop.
  • Dozens of temporary classrooms provided for nearly $90,000 apiece by an out-of-state contractor in a deal that a Mississippi firm says it offered to match for just over half that price. Tack on tens of thousands of dollars more in additional costs for each unit.
  • Thousands of shiny new travel trailers provided at an average cost of nearly $14,000, but often requiring thousands of more dollars each in site preparation and being delivered through programs castigated repeatedly by lawmakers as inefficient and wasteful.
  • And unseen, to the east, floats the most infamous example of all, a cruise ship whose occupants at latest count included 23 Hancock County families, housed in a deal where the tab is currently running as high as $1,000 a day for a family of four.

In a Spartan office atop Bay St. Louis makeshift City Hall, Mayor Eddie Favre can only roll his eyes at how some of Uncle Sam's money has been spent while his town desperately pleads for state and federal help to meet an operating budget left staggeringly short of revenue after the Aug. 29 hurricane.

The cost of it is unbelievable, Favre says of the trailers, tarps and cruise ships. The alternative to that, I don't know, but that's quite a bit of money.

A number of lawmakers and watchdog groups have called for probes of some of the FEMA spending. Final cost won't be known for a while, but information from FEMA itself and other sources reveal some of the particulars.

No blues over this paycheck

The tarps covering Hancock County homes are part of FEMA's Operation Blue Roof, 99 percent complete in Mississippi, according to a recent release from the agency, with 48,000 of the temporary roofs installed. Nationwide, according to news accounts, the government paid contractors $2,500 on average for the labor to cover each roof, often no more than a 90-minute job, generally 10 times or more what a homeowner would be charged by a private contractor. The government provided the plastic sheeting and the FEMA contractors were allowed to charge the government millions of dollars more for administrative fees and additional materials.

A textbook case of big profits?

The 60-plus temporary classrooms came to Waveland and Bay St. Louis schools as part of a controversial no-bid FEMA contract for hundreds of such buildings throughout Mississippi.

The federal government paid an Alaskan firm $40 million, or nearly $90,000 per unit, to provide what are essentially commercial-grade double-wide mobile homes in a deal that is now the subject of a lawsuit and government probes.

Critics charge that the Alaskan firm's political connections are what really won it the contract at the expense of a Mississippi company, Adams Hardware and Home Center, which offered to provide the same buildings for $24 million, or about $53,000 each.

The amount of dollars that was charged by that Alaska corporation was outrageous, Adams Hardware owner Kent Adams told Adams said his Yazoo City firm is now suing the contract winner for unfair business practices.

The cost of the classrooms doesn't end with the contract to supply and deliver them. FEMA says site preparation and utility hookups push the price to $117,000 for each trailer.

A North Bay Elementary School student runs among portable classrooms paid for by FEMA.

Housing with a costly hitch

It's not yet possible to say what the final bill will be for FEMA's travel trailer program. Nearly 30,000 trailers have been placed in Mississippi, about 8,000 of those in Hancock County. While FEMA has said it's spending about $14,000 per trailer, and many are placed on individual private lots, some news media accounts have detailed cases where the cost to prepare large park sites has approached $40,000 per trailer. And an angry Bay St. Louis Rep. Gene Taylor recently brought to light a single trailer bone yard where hundreds of unused trailers were awaiting repairs or being scavenged for spare parts. Those factors and what it will ultimately cost to dismantle the temporary parks, repossess the trailers and dispose of them will add significantly to the bottom line for the program.

No carnival for taxpayers

But it's unlikely to compare with the crown jewel of Katrina spending: a contract with Carnival Cruise Lines to provide housing aboard three cruise ships at a cost of up to $236 million. Figures provided to on Wednesday peg the current per-person cost for the lodging at $244 a day. At that rate, it would cost more than $175,000 for a family of four to stay on one of the ships for the full six months of the contract, far above the price of the average home in the area.


hmmmm - we took Lowe's and Home Depot tarps to friends with homes damaged by Hurricane Rita and helped get the tarps in place - all for less than $100/tarp on Saturday afternoon, we asked FEMA for tarps for other houses in the neighborhood, but were told tarps were scheduled for distribution on Tuesday and to come back then, even though we could plainly see the tarps sitting behind the officials' tables

--- what a crock
makes me sick to think that the representatives I sent to Washington have no more sense than this; I will vote differently next time but will still bet nothing changes sick at my stomach

(Sent Dec 22, 2005 2:22:19 PM)

Once again, another story about Hancock county. When are we going to see more stories about Harrison, Jackson, Pearl River and other south MS counties? This is not meant to take away from the problems in Hancock county, it is only meant to expand this coverage to include other counties in Mississippi heavily affected
Mary, Jackson County

(Sent Dec 22, 2005 2:40:23 PM)

I think it is borderline criminal what is going on with the money that has been given to contractors related to the hurricane Katrina clean-up. Can't anyone stop them? Has our government become so askew that this is what it has come to? $2500.00 tarps that cost less than $100? It is embarassing and downright despicable, not to mention wasteful. I do not have any voting rights in that state however feel as though this is a crime against all taxpayers.
Tyce Austin, Austin, TX
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 2:43:17 PM)

Although the need was great and immediate, expediency and relatively unrestricted and loosely regulated government spending by remote control always did and always will equal to plain old WASTE. And in spite of all the aforementioned, here it is nearly 4 months later and the tragedy really is, there are hundreds if not thousands of people desperately waiting still for trailers that just sit empty in holding areas all over South Mississippi.
South Mississppi

(Sent Dec 22, 2005 2:51:18 PM)

I honestly don't think voting differently will help; our government is so corrupt that one candidate is no better than the next. Talk about a scam - and who issues these contracts for such outrageous amounts?! It makes me sick to my stomach. Where else but in America??????Stacey, Indiana

(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:01:43 PM)

At a time when Louisiana's people are pooling together their resources to help each other only to have it's own government give contracts to out of state bidders for three and four times the cost is criminal. Not only should someone look into this but quite a bit of firing should be going on. Oops, I forgot...They were elected by the very people they are screwing! My, my, my....
Karen Wheaton, Spring, TX
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:03:46 PM)

Typical Washington politics and ineptness. Government has never attracted the best and the brightest. The best leaders and managers work for the private sector. That is why this overspending does not surprise me. Vote Democrat or Republican, it won't change a thing.
Luis, Houston, TX
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:08:20 PM)

I've been waiting for help from FEMA for four months.I know the materials would be cheaper at Home Depot, but in reality, it might be a little harder to get that price when you say "I need 1.5 million of them."
Michael Smith, New Orleans - formerly
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:10:18 PM)

why do we blame our goverment, its the people there that is costing the taxpayers. If your not from here you have no idea how lazy these people are. I for one am tired of hearing "those poor people. Ive gave money an ive been there an seen these people sitting an complaining, but doing nothing to help. We as a nation have gave an gave to hear them complain. Help out people.
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:15:55 PM)

As another example of FEMA waste, my husband met with 8 FEMA inspectors all at once when our FEMA camper was being set up (4 months after the hurricane left us homeless). Clearly, it didn't take 8 people to check that situation out-- about 6-7 of them did nothing but remark on the nice house on our relative's property where we were placing the camper and what a shame it was that it suffered so much damage in the storm.
Fed up, Pass Chrisitan, Miss
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:37:37 PM)

My significant other took a group of Vietnamese workers (45 of them) to Moss Point, Mississippi as a subcontractor to install blue roofs under a supposedly FEMA-approved contractor from Pensacola, Florida. What a fiasco - the program is a sham. Work was not available as promised, and the contractor pocketed most of the money made. The workers walked away with next to nothing, as did my significant other. This program benefits no one but the contractors. You wouldn't believe the tricks that are pulled in order to withhold payment from the workers. I was and remain thoroughly disgusted.
Must remain anonymous
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:38:10 PM)

I have a friend here is Washington State who is going to the south for the month of January to do work for a roofing company who is promising more than $15,000 for a month of work doing FEMA work.
Su O'neill, Bellingham, WA
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:47:58 PM)

Why can't people just get along. I was raised in Virginia and was taught to help others and expect nothing in return. I have always told the people I help just to help someone else in need. It sure makes it easier. You have to be pertty low to scalp tarps. I now live in Texas and the spirit of helping is alive and well. Others take note.
Glenn Purvis Del Rio, TX
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:49:19 PM)

That's why politicians are known to be low life's.
I would trust a car salesman over a politician or a lawyer any time, as we know almost all politicians are lawyers. This bunch are selling this country for few dollars to the highest bidder foregn or domestic.
Shame on them.
Monterey california
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:51:17 PM)

I can not believe the exorbiting costs of these items. Where is the watch dog committee? Also, NBC should be doing fleecing of America on TV. Bring this travesty to the attention of the American people, so they may get in touch with their representatives and complain.
Sandy Frost
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 3:56:30 PM)

"W" wouldn't recognize a competant face if he saw one, especially when he shaves.
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 4:01:32 PM)

Our Government is an absolute joke. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We need to dump all representation and start over. Unfortunately, until we change the system, more of the same bad spending of our money!!!!! Pork, and self-serving interests of our politicians are absolutely shameful. Our elected representatives should be ashamed of themselves. I think it is about time to put the people's interests who elected you first instead of your own. It starts at the White House and moves down to all levels of government.
Ed Rosenthal
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 4:14:43 PM)

This makes me want to cry when I think of my tax dollars being wasted on these greedy unscrupulous robbers!! Especially since I can barely pay my mortgage on a VERY modest home of less than $100,000. This is so unfeeling of our government employees to participate in this at my expense and at the expense of millions of others like me!!!!!
@Senida M. Merritt
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 4:27:43 PM)

Tis ridiculous to know that there is hundreds of trailers sitting on a lot in Purvis, Mississippi while people are still living in tents on the Gulf Coast in 32 degree weather. Federal stupidity and contractors have milked the tax payers of billions of dollars, when all this could have been done much more resonably. It angers me to know end that organizations such as FEMA are handed hundreds of millions of dollars and then it is squandered away instead of being use to accomplish the same outcome at a much cheaper rate. I also know of people in the area of my hometown of Columbia MS, just 80 miles north of the Gulf Coast that have FEMA trailers sitting in their yards that are not being used for housing.....
What a waste and people on the coast are still waiting for housing
Mad as heck, Columbia, MS
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 4:31:52 PM)

(Sent Dec 22, 2005 4:45:59 PM)

Here is an idea.... Let's watch what we spend.... I wish I could get away with spending like the government!! If anybody tried to, they would ge locked up in prison and then a mental hospital!
Dave, Houston, TX
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 4:50:21 PM)

I was a firefighter deployed to assist with the disaster. I worked the Blue Roof Operation with the US Army Corp of Engineers. We worked in Louisiana, however the same protocol for the mission were followed everywhere.
Basically, the entire mission was to keep water out of the living space. It frustrates me to see the above comment as this person is obviously bashing the goverment blindly, without knowing the entire story.
Some people did not meet the requirements of the tarps. I felt heartbroken to turn someone down for a FEMA tarp, but understood why. I helped as much as I could and only wish I could do more.
The entire Blue Roof Mission was very good. I will tell you now that everything was documented and all tarps being put on were audited. We inspected the tarps and precisely measured how much tarp was put on. We made sure the contracters were paid for the work they did, not what they said they did. All in all, it was a very thought out process, and the government spend only what they had to spend. Kudos FEMA and the Corp!
It truly saddens me to see people complain about things like this. Over and over again I heard "Where is FEMA?"...
"Why isnt FEMA helping me?".
But the same people saying this had Blue Roofs and didnt realize FEMA helped them. Its a pity.
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 4:52:52 PM)

It's clear many suppliers should be jailed rather than paid. Unfortunately, the crooks within government will protect the crooks outside government. There is a crying need to clean up massive government corruption in this country. Are there no honest people running our governments ??

Tony R, Albany, NY
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 5:48:34 PM)

Who can we vote for? Both of the major parties are full of crooks who buy votes by playing to special interests which are often at odds with the good of the public as a whole. I voted for a third party during the last election cycle but unless many more Americans give up on the Democrat/Republican crooks nothing will substaitively change. The Democrats blame the Republicans and vice versa. When the Democrats were in charge the Republicans made fun of wasteful spending but now that the Republicans have power they are spending even more.
Doug, Sanford, NC (Sent Dec 22, 2005 6:01:01 PM)

Why has no one explored the "coincidence" that one of the contractors that is overcharging the US taxpayer is the Shaw Group whose CEO contributed money heavily to and politcal muscle into Blanco's campaign for governor? This story needs be told. Calling Chris Matthews!
Russell Jones, New Orleans, LA
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 6:12:58 PM)

This is really unbelievable, but somehow it doesn't surprise me. I understand that in emergency situations things need to be done quickly and there is not time to "bid things out," but this is crazy! This is a golden opportunity for our elected officials (local, state and national). Our govt. officials need to prepare/plan ahead and have disaster plans in order. I mean there should already be some contracts in place to provide emergency housing/schools/tarps etc., after an emergency of this order. It may not be a perfect plan, but the more preparation and the more in place prior to a disaster will speed recovery efforts as well as help keep costs in check.
Please those in charge in D.C. - remember the lesson of Katrina (and Rita and Wilma) and think ahead. GET ON THE BALL! Something of this magnitude may eventually happen again, lets not be caught unprepared.
Peter L., Waveland, MS
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 6:29:02 PM)

Mary,Ya'll have channel 13. They sure act like Hancock County is the stepchild there. MSNBC has "adopted" sort of, Bay St. Louis and Waveland. Can't we have anything. Have you been to Bay/Waveland? There is hardly anything left here. We are for sure, Ground Zero! The national news for months played nothing but New Orleans and Biloxi.
Marybeth Arnold Denney, Waveland, Mississippi
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 7:18:52 PM)

Hello, We need to know the truth no mater how much hurts our politicains need to go from Washington down to local the mind set is out of touch with all tax payers they keep letting the rich get richer and our backs just raise taxes cut the most important programs they speed thier time of a culture of corruption everyone nothing has changed just getting worst
i may seem hard to believe open up your ears and eyes we cannot live with a goverment like this they cannot agree on doing the right decision they have their on personnel agenda and the tax payers is not not their agenda waste waste they are GREADDY people self centered no integrity none they want to rewrite the constution to benfit their GREED
WE the peolpe voted them in NOW it's time to vote them all out clean all the houses out
We were once the strong nation now all nations will kill americans burn our flags spit on our soliders and We hace a corruption in all goverment agenices it's sick sad we must turn our nation in the right dirrection to serve the people not just the rich no one ever gets fired what ever they do or do not do the crooines they hire only their friends so nothing ever changes
Please American get out and VOTE that is one right they din't take away yet some people thing one crook is just as bad as the one in office now so what vote the bad apples out and if the new ones bad vote him or her out WE NEED to vote and make America the nation it was one time put term limits back they are not meant to be
life time jobs that is our problem
the corruption just read the paper and tv news we are in very big trouble and we have no protection no one to turn their all on the take and the Alaska oil deal what a joke they think we our stupid and they can do what ever they want and we cannot do anything about it think again VOTE THEM OUT
we need a change $2,000 to put a tarp on the roof with all the local people out of work and some outfit from Alaska comes down they spend crazy and raise our taxes business as usual.
And they wanted to impeach Mr Clinton that joke cost hundreds of million and we get nothing higher taxes to pay their royal style lifestyle Please God Bless America.
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 7:41:17 PM)

it's enough to make you sick...almost not proud to be an American...waste SUCKS!!!!! why does this go on and on? ..don't matter whitch seems to be the same ..and that is truley SAD!!!
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 8:25:35 PM)

'Yer doin' a heck of a job Brownie, er, I mean Chertoff'
Jef Ballard Portage, Michigan
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 9:18:16 PM)

A $100 tarp, reality. A no bid contract with FEMA, priceless.
Jim Miller, Huntington, WV
(Sent Dec 22, 2005 11:59:43 PM)

Never thought I'd see my insurance company, State Farm, this slow. They finally sent someone to look at my damage three days ago (almost four months after the storm). Maybe they only had one adjuster to go around to their clients in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
Two and a half weeks ago, someone finally called from their district office wanting to know about my damage, and I told him. I also added that the cost to make repairs may increase, because I was waiting for my roof to leak more and cause my ceiling to collapse. He said they were waiting on an estimate from me, which my wife had carried to them two months previous. Took another two weeks to get someone from them to come look at my house.
If I was this late in paying my premiums, my insurance would be cancelled.
Then to top it all off, their estimate was 25% of what mine was. Of course, they did say that if it cost more, then they would pay another $2500, but I first had to let them know about it, get someone to do the work with my paying for the repairs, and then they would reimburse me. I'll be looking for a new insurance company after 20+ years with State Farm.
Roger Wood, Picayune, Mississippi
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 1:01:59 AM)

Holy Crap they have BLUE MONEY down there?
Frank, Appleton, WI
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 1:23:06 AM)

Please, Please, The people in the gulf area was not prepared for this kind of thing and if they are not why should the government be.
would you be I don't think so.
We all look at the past there is no way of predicting what the weather is going to do or how bad a hurricane or any other storm is going to be until after the damage is done.
I myself feel the government needs to do what ever they can to help all of the people no matter what it takes or where. Who knows it may be you the next time around.
As to cost the government is spending. Go price RV trailors. 14,000. is not bad at all and FEMA did not have many sitting around before this last Hurricane season. We all need to do as much as we can instead of sitting around complaining what are government is doing.
John, Idaho
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 1:50:33 AM)

To Mary in Jackson County:The title of this feature is "Rising from Ruin: TWO towns rebuild after Katrina" Two towns...BSL and Waveland...Hancock County...get it?
Joel F. Von Raspe, Los Angeles, CA
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 1:52:16 AM)

What are you people complaining for? You voted this pathetic bunch in! Did you really think the republicans cared about you? How could they, when you have one of the biggest crooks in charge! (Chaney)
remember Halliburton?
Gary Canton, Mich
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 2:41:54 AM)

If the writer of this story was in the bussiness of swaying your opinion...I'd say most bought it hook, line and sinker. Waste spending sucks...making conclusions on half truths and incomplete facts is worse. Of course, we do live in a society where we make voting decisions based on the best TV ads.
Before you blog...research. Overpriced classroom for childhood education=good. Not providing proper education to the children of New Orleans for the past fifty years=bad. This region has always been in your pocket America...and there are hundreds more just like it across the country. Most of you just didn't feel it until your SUV fuel cost doubled. Shut up, research, act, repeat.
Armadeus Davidson
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 3:16:10 AM)

Welcome to america land of the not so free and home of the waste full. i have never bin to the affected areas of catrina to see if the people there are truly lazy but i do know how goverment contractors like to work they wanna do as little as possible complain the loudest and get paid lots fo money..
why well because there goverment workers.
personaly i like it back in the mideaval ages were if the politacol leaders screwed up. he got his head choppped off and some one else put in his place. whish we could do that now i am sure that would get the lazy of there ass and the accountabilty back to were it needs to be. cause the first person to say "not my job " or " i dont know" BANG head chopped off. just my thoughts ~shrug~
Christobe Seattle WA
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 4:14:13 AM)

The same people now complaining elected the fool! try to discuss the situation and the dyed in the wool Republicans just refuse to see what stares them in the face!
Louis Snyder
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 5:06:21 AM)

I am not going to sit here and defend FEMA, but the comments I have read on this website are ridiculuous. The "crooks" in the Government. Are you kidding!! For those of you not here, you don't understand what is happening. It is hard to find housing, workers, supplies, materials (sheet rock and tarps), and the traffic is horrible. The cornerstone of the local economy was New Orleans...population reduced by 80%!!!
Home Depot, Lowes, and others could never keep up if the out of state contractors were not bringing the supplies/materials with them. That costs money. Business men and women need to make money doing something or they will do something else.
Everthing is more expensive. I don't think our Government is a bunch of thieves. I think they are overwhelmed. I think it is FEMA's senior leadership that is to blame. They continue to work in their broken system instead of asking for help. They continue to pat themselves on the back for small victories instead of facing the reality: people are living in tents and it is Christmas!
Tim Black - River Ridge, LA
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 6:49:28 AM)

This NO BID administration disgusts me! for 30,000 bucks you can buy a 14x70 foot 2 bed 2 bath mobile home. Rent an acre lot for 150.oo (3,600 for 2 years) a month and put in utilities including septic for 6,000, total? For 42,000 grand.
I live in a mobile home that was built in Arkansas with is a whole lot closer than Alaska!
I'll be glad when this NO BID adminstration leaves in 06.
Tamara Beinlich, Joplin
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 8:01:36 AM)

I watch these trailers go by my office everyday on railroad cars and know they are needed in the South. My cubilce neighbor told me that often times natural gas lines are hooked up directly to the trailers, rather than having propane tanks. You would think someone would cost save the trailers via the excess propane tanks when natural gas line are is option.
Dennis, Cincinnati, OH
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 8:42:22 AM)

Yes, get out and vote and vote Democrat. Yes, all politicians are corrupted by the nature of the system. But, when we have all three branches of government run by one corrupt party (and when Alito is confirmed to the Supreme Court we will have that), the absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is very important that we have checks and balances to live in a Democracy. We are bordering on Totalitarian rule right now, and the response to Katrina is just the tip of the iceberg. Vote for Democrats so that we again have a shot at living in a Democracy.
Judy Creuz, State College, PA
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 8:51:48 AM)

With this type of waste in our government spending, think of the good this money could do if applied to the millions of our countrymen who in this modern, hi-tech age are homeless and without any medical insurance and are unable to afford to their prescription drugs. Go figure
J. Herndon, Nashville, Tennessee
(Sent Dec 23, 2005 8:51:53 AM)

If you want something royally screwed up-then just let our illustrious incompetent Washington officials be involved as it relates to the Katrina fiasco! They still really believe it was all a dream and will just wither away.
Bernard E.Helinski (Sent Dec 23, 2005 9:03:43 AM)

I wish the media would give continual coverage of these types of stories. It certainly would spark my interest and improve the media's ratings and maybe even result in some accountability.
Jay Paasch (Sent Dec 23, 2005 9:22:56 AM)

Wastefull spending, and we wonder why this country is so far into debt.Get rid of FEMA.To many chiefs not enough indians and to many bad decisions.
John Polidoro, Coventry, Ct. (Sent Dec 23, 2005 9:32:55 AM)

I understand that the article speaks to the "$600 toilet", but I would like to address the comments about paying $2500 per roof for work that takes no more than 90 minutes...I can only intelligently speak to "Operation Blue Roof" of all of the things mentioned in this article because my brother works for a contractor who has been hired by FEMA to do the work. I don't intend to defend my brother, but to clarify exactly what the $2500 "a pop" is paying for. It includes the sacrifices the laborers are making to do these jobs and the health risk that they have taken, and for that lone, he has earned every penny he has been paid. He voluntarily left his family to help with the blue tarp efforts in September and has only been back twice. He was immunized (twice) against a dozen things we would only expect to see in a third-world-country, yet has spent most of his days freezing cold and pretty sick. The contractor for which he works has paid most of his expenses (including housing in temporary trailers and some food) as there are very few places to stay, and in the beginning, there was no other way to get food unless it was arranged for them. To complicate the situation, there is a monumentally important thing called "supply and demand", and in the situation of the Blue Tarps, local contractors weren't available to get the jobs done in a lot of cases, so guys were "shipped in" to do the work. In addition, I think it's important to note that though it might be costing me, as a taxpayer, $2500 each roof, we need to understand that, as a homeowner, Operation Blue Tarp will allow me to actually save money in insurance premiums because the purpose is to mitigate further damage- further damage that my and your insurance company would have otherwise paid for.
D. Smith (Sent Dec 23, 2005 11:23:24 AM)

Sorry everyone but I disagree with most of you. During the 2004 hurricane season my house was at the crossroads of three: Charlie, Frances and Jeanne. My insurance company let me down. FEMA was there to assist to get repairs done which amounted to over $16,000. They were a blessing and could not thank them enough.The contractor hired by Nationwide charged $800.00 for a $40.00 tarp. Got a check from insurance that didn't even cover the roof repair. Thanks FEMA,
Winter Haven, Florida (Sent Dec 23, 2005 11:35:44 AM)

Why are we suprised people. The government rapes the public with wasteful spending EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!
Why are we suprised that contracts go to polictical supporters without bidding? Why are we suprised people??
They say that the government is for the people and by the people....maybe in fantasy land! what power do we have as citizens other than to take it???
The government breaks laws that THEY CREATE everyday....does anyone pay for it??
get real....
adam sheehan phoenix arizona (Sent Dec 23, 2005 12:16:18 PM)

NEW ORLEANS, LA (Sent Dec 23, 2005 7:06:44 PM)

Maybe this is why the trailers for the school cost so much: School was due to start Nov. 1st, weeks and weeks after all the other schools on the coast. The week or so before school was to start... there were only 6 trailers and one or two installers. Just so happens that a reporter who had talked with the school administrator, challenged a white house rep during a televised open mike press conference on the progress FEMA was making on the gulf coast, citing the lack of trailers one week or so before the start of school, in Hancock county. The trailers were to have been delivered and installed 2 or 3 weeks earlier. The conference was on Friday morning. Strange thing happened: On Saturday night, trailers started appearing and work crews were installing round the clock. People from Washington were calling to check on the progress of the installation.
Seems to me... someone dropped the ball when ordering or delivering the trailers, early on... and then folks worked really hard to cover up the lack of progress...which could explain the premium on the cost of the trailers. You got to deliver them overnight... it will cost more.
Mismanagement. Poor coordination. I don't know.
But don't blame Hancock County. They were calling and asking about the trailers for weeks...were told, they were being provided based on priorities that had ranked deliveries. Seems like Hancock county, ground zero, wasn't a priority until it looked like a big potential press "field day" was coming on Monday morning.
I wonder who dropped the ball? Investigate that.
I, for one, am glad that these kids finally got to go back to school.
I Anon (Sent Dec 23, 2005 7:16:33 PM)

No Shame,No Morals=Greed,Graft,Corruption=The United States Government!
Ron Hunter,Piedmont,MO (Sent Dec 23, 2005 11:04:48 PM)

George W. Bush. Everytime I see his face on television, I shake my head and ask myself, "How did this guy get to be our president."And then I say, "How did he get re-elected?'As a former business man and now a college professor, a dye-in-the-wool republican, I just can't get over the fact this guy couldn't KEEP a real job.
Look at his fruits: the country is NOT safer, the budget is now in deficit, he can't pick competent people to lead the critical areas of his administration, whether its post-war in Iraq, FEMA, nominees for the supreme court.
This simple thinking president in a world of complexity. The emperior has no clothes. The ongoling disgrace in FEMA is simply business as usual for this administration.
R. Clark, SD (Sent Dec 24, 2005 1:21:21 AM)

This is only the tip of the iceberg. George Bush and his political cronies are enriching themselves at the expense of thousands of local and regional firms that can do this business. The guy went to Harvard B-School. They don't teach doing no-bid contracts at Harvard. His presidency is just one giant shakedown of the American taxpayers so the corporate and political elite can just get richer. He ought to be impeached.
John Posey, Dallas, TX (Sent Dec 24, 2005 2:52:29 AM)

Everyone is outraged by the revelations of wasteful government spending? Contracts awarded with no bids? A Director of FEMA who's not qualified? Supreme Court nominations of people more capable of being a secretary than a judge, someone opposed to basic American freedoms? Aghast at orruption, disregard of the Constitutional law of privacy for American citizens? We get what we deserve when we elect (and re-elect) a president. Americans asked for this in November 2000 and November 2004.
George Cahelo, Knoxville, Tennessee (Sent Dec 24, 2005 7:15:51 AM)

After my first post I had to come back! I once saw 2 Habitat for Humanity homes built in 1 weekend. Cute little 2 bedrooms with a piece of land. The smiles on the faces of the new owners was priceless.
FEMA is paying $175,000 for a family of 4 to live on a cruise ship for 6 months, what a waste! Had they built homes, the people would be paying about the same as rent, and their payments would have gone back into the FEMA coffers. Oh but gee that would have let many poor people become homeowners and homeowners eventually end up part of the middle class, and we wouldn't want that!Some survivors are living in their cars 4 1/2 months after Katrina!
When you sit down with you family for Christmas dinner think about how truly lucky you are.
Tamara Beinlich, Joplin (Sent Dec 24, 2005 7:22:20 AM)

I sincerely hope you're not a "college professor" of grammar and composition,
R. Clark of SD!This thread speaks volumes on the "entitlement mentality" that's settled into American society. Our political leaders did not bring on these natural disasters, yet they are doing their collective best to help those affected. There are many hard-working Louisianans and Mississipians trying to rebuild their lives after this disaster. Unfortunately, for every one of them, there are hundreds of Americans who believe the horn of plenty can never be empty, without ever lifting a finger on their own.Instead of incessantly whining, how about you do something about the problem? You're a businessman, right? How about bidding $250 per house on the FEMA contract for its "Blue Tarp" program? Then, when you realize it's costing you $2,000 per house because you have to move in external labor, truck in every supply and then pay for your workforce's living expenses, you can write off the $1,750 delta as a charitable contribution?
F.C. Reid, Washington, DC (Sent Dec 24, 2005 7:39:12 AM)

By experience I have learned that when the goverment is corrupted and ineficient, also its institutions are.
New York City (Sent Dec 24, 2005 12:15:27 PM)

I don't know which is worse. The government's ineptitude at handling anything anymore, or the complete lack of intelligence by ALL people in New Orleans (civilians, police, mayor...)
that decided they would live in a city that sits under sea level, let alone decide to ride out a category 3 hurricane in it. The same people sitting at the convention center with their hand out for help were standing in a welfare line a month before with their same hand out. A year from now they will still have that hand out. It is not a race issue. It is an issue of getting off your butts. Do America a favor New Orleans, bulldoze that pork barrel of a city you call home and put it up on higher ground so we don't have to hear y'all complain the next time around.
Arthur T. Jerseyville , Illinois (Sent Dec 24, 2005 12:52:34 PM)

Katrina, is going to retire a lot of people as millions????????
John PAUL (Sent Dec 24, 2005 3:06:34 PM)

I agree that help needs be handled faster. Everyone knows that any "Government" agency overspends for stuff. Of course, most people in the public complain when they don't get taken care of. I can't understand why anyone would wait around for FEMA or the Government to clean their own house. Quit being so damn lazy and provide the manpower yourselves. Let's see, you complain that you don't have a job and no one will clean up your neighborhood or homes.....DUHHHH!!!! Do it yourselves......
Ron, Los Angeles, CA. (Sent Dec 24, 2005 3:41:44 PM)

I am amazed at so many negative comments on the government response to Katrina. I wonder how many of these bloggers have done anything to help except write these negative letters. I personally have spent time in the hurricane hit areas and the people I have spoken with were very happy to get the trailers and blue tops. After reading these comments, I have noticed that the only comments that are pro FEMA happen to be from the people living in the disaster area. It is so easy for someone to sit back and listen to the liberal media and write something negative about something they have no actual first hand experience about. Before you knock FEMA, how about getting down to the disaster area and work and help the people affected and get the real scoop about how much FEMA has helped these people. Darwin White, Cleveland, TN (Sent Dec 24, 2005 6:00:44 PM)Why are people surprize and all the wasted funds? Remember we have a President that choses not to read newspapers, listen to news broadcasts, and only listen to people who agree with him. We have had do nothings in office before but at least they were informed about conditions. This President is reieniscent of Marie Antonette "Let them eat cake".Barbara McGee, Lancaster, CA (Sent Dec 24, 2005 6:48:47 PM)aaahhh yes.. We just keep wasting more and more money and people keep suffering what a shame.. I guess that what we get for putting the MOST ignorant President in history in the White House. That's a bigger shame... Joe, Ny, Ny (Sent Dec 24, 2005 8:10:21 PM)

Suckers, you get what you voted for.
mike, minneapolis (Sent Dec 24, 2005 8:52:59 PM)

Instead of putting people up on cruise ships for such expensive ammounts, they should just get home builders to come in and build them brand new homes-- it would be much cheaper.
Things are not much better in my neck of the woods (the New Orleans area). We just received walls in our downstairs that was destroyed from flooding. My landlord had no flood insurance, and I have been having to replace every item lost myself (including appliances, furniture, etc.) and did not receive a single dime from FEMA. I have had to live out of my 10x10 foot bedroom, using my bathroom as my kitchen, and have had to cook only with my microwave and crock pot (microwavable food is expensive!)
I am ALOT better off than so many others though- I have a bed (not much else) but at least a bed. This place was considered unlivable, but I have had to live here (amid the mold, stench, etc.) due to having nowhere else to go. Where is FEMA for me? And one article stated those on cruise ships get room service?? I am lucky some days when I even get to eat at all! I am appauled by the waste of our government, and if they want to help people, please have them send me something! I could certainly put a tarp on roofs (tarps around here are about 25 dollars per tarp). I am ashamed of my government right about now. When I am down and out, they spend so much on cruise ships, over priced tarps, and so much more, and all I ask for is help from them and I get nothing.
What a waste.
NewOrleansArea (Sent Dec 24, 2005 9:23:12 PM)

In response to Darwin White, of Cleveland, TN:I am not too pleased with FEMA, nor are many in my area (the New Orleans area). The Federal Government built, maintained and owned the levees that broke, but now they are not sure they want to do anything other than make them pre-katrina strength. (Some good that did us). As for FEMA-- I received not one dime-- the reasons why varies depending on which operator I get on the phone. When I applied from a motel room in Texas, they asked what damage I received. I said "I do not know- I only know that someone living two doors down from me evacuated when the water was already a few inches into the building (townhouses, all units have a first and second floor).
So I know I at least got anywhere from three to six inches of water in the house, and he said the water was still rising. What damage, I do not know, but I am sure I lost my downstairs."The operator typing up my application put on my application "no damage".
So a month into it that was figured out, so I had to fax them proof of my address (my drivers license), as well as a statement stating that I had damage. Then I called three weeks later, and found out that they had not "processed that information yet". Then I called a week later, and was told that they have to send out an inspector. Then I waited two weeks, called back again to find out that "due to their being other tenants at that address" I was not eligible for assistance. Figured out they failed to put what unit I lived in so they had several families all listed under one address, not as individual households since I rent my own townhouse, and there are four INDIVIDUAL townhouses in this building.
Then two weeks later I called back and was told "the inspectors could not find your address and therefore your application is being denied." So because they could not find me I was being denied help???
So, we are now going on four months into this, and still nothing. I am fortunate that a stranger bought me a new stove so I will soon be able to cook food, but I lost other appliances, as well as all of my furniture and..
Heck, everything in my entire kitchen, livingroom, laundry room and downstairs bathroom!! I would not have even applied for FEMA assistance had my President not gotten on TV and looked me in my eye and promised me $2000 in assistance to help me. I feel it was my fault for not having renters insurance, and my landlords fault for not having flood insurance. However, the Levees were federal property, built by, maintained by (or lack thereof), and owned by the federal government. So damage due to their breaks should be covered by the federal government.
I do not want a hand out from the government. I want a hand up, when I am in the darkest of days I have ever seen in my life.
I have nothing good to say about FEMA at this point. Maybe by next year at this time, after I have been able to rebuild my life all by myself, FEMA will finally give me some help-- a case of too little too late for me.
I am very disappointed by the government's response-- on all levels- local, state, and federal.
NewOrleansArea (Sent Dec 24, 2005 9:50:31 PM)

I worked for a sub-contractor doing hurricane clean up. Though I was originally supposed to report to work in New Orleans at the last minute I was redirected to Miami to supervise a crew there--the reason being that there was so much bureaucratic nonsence going on in NO that people and trucks were waiting for days and weeks to get checked in to work and then not necessarily being given work (we were to get paid by the cubic yard of debries hauled to the dump site).
Since many subcontractors had invested in equipment and other overhead for the purpose of this work and could not afford to sit idle for very long some of them redeployed to Dade County to clean up behind Hurricane Wilma. This work was supposed to last at least 2 months...but it was more like 2 weeks.
People who went there lost money in the effort.When we returned to NO we found that many of the work teams had left or were sitting idle because they had not been paid. This money was supposed to have been paid by FEMA to prime contractors, who in turn would pay their sub contractors.
Well either FEMA was not paying or the prime contractors were sitting on their money, though I suspect that the problem was with FEMA. Two people who had some better knowledge than I both told me that FEMA was out of money...and considering how they spent it, that is no wonder.
As far as $100 tarps versus $2,500 ones, the truth lies somewhere inbetween. The same with the trailers. Considering the time that has elapse and the logistical issues involved this whole affair could have been handled much more cost efficiently. There are individuals who have never set foot in NO or Mississipi who have lined their pockets in an obscene manner. The government signed no-bid contracts with cronie organizations and persons who were unable to respond to the needs at anywhere near the efficiency of smaller local and regional organizations.
This idea that the national gov't had to take care of everything is a crock. Had they simply focused on coordinating and funding local and regional resources this whole mess would be much further along and for a lot less money and hardship.
There are people and organizations that benefit disproportionately whenever there is some crisis that can be used as an excuse to do the no-bid thing and it is because they have cultivated their political ties regardless of the competitive substance behind them. We as Americans have a serious issue on our hands and it is time to wake up to it. The one thing they can't manipulate is a groundswell of public opinion and the power of the ballot box.
Fed Up in Austin, Texas (Sent Dec 25, 2005 12:14:23 AM)

Well first off the clean up crews and the blue roof crews that are actually doing the work are not making the $$ that is going down there. the BIG companies ECC,Phillips Jordan,Horizon,Ceres These companies are making the BIG $$ while giving the hard working crews that went to this area to help the people of the area recover receive pennies in comparison with these govt contractors. Our crew has been in NOLA since Oct 8th and while there we have recieved PAYCUTS after PAYCUTS and like many of the crews we have mortaged and borrowed LOTS of money for equipment to help and are to broke to leave while staying puts us farther in debt.
I foresee a lot of lawsuits in the future for this most disorganized mess that the Govt has created.
While Ive seen QAs who write debri tickets actually making 1500 a day while 10 man crews are lucky to make this amount has a whole. Ive seen Discrimination by the USACE in Our black drivers get worse cuts at the dumps than our White drivers.
While PnJ and ECC and Ceres make profit upwards of 20.00 a yard the crews actually collecting and cleaning and doing the work are making a lousy 6.00 a yard to load haul and clean the debris up.
Ive seen Crews actually fighting over a pile of trash here.
These blue roofs that cost 2500 well ask the actually guys putting them on they make about 200.00 per house the companies with the contracts are making the other 2300.00 in profit.
And these floating ships that cost us 200 million are being used by you guessed it Fema employees and not victims they sit at the docks with a 40% occupancy
So I ask why isnt the 55 year old in the less popular or affluent areas on these boats in the empty rooms after all we the taxpayers have paid for it.
You America has NO IDEA at just how dirty and wrong the STorm bussiness is.
cleanupcrew NOLA (Sent Dec 25, 2005 1:08:19 AM)

I've never really been witness to so-called overspending by the U.S. Gov't but recently I had an excellent opportunity to make A LOT of money working for one of the 4 no-bid prime contractors. Yes, it was a conflict of interest!!!
Once I started to trace everything down as far as the FEMA trailers being installed goes. There is no way to stop it...
Everything is put into place, as if it is habit, (overseas Iraq-Afgahni rebuilding efforts).
I ask questions, I get the same things repeated straight from a book or manual. Yes, there is definitely wasteful spending, duplications of funds, there are really 5 inspectors meeting at the same trailer, you drive by a trailer being installed and you see at least 10 green shirts standing there, 2 more doing the work, I've heard these guys get paid $22 an hour (Which is billed to the gov't 3-4 times the amount $88.00 /hr).
It's no longer toilet seats & hammers, it's in the people, which are being taxed rediculously as well because of major overtime, it's a win-win for gov't, prime, & laborer (mostly from out of state).
I would love to share details, but I would lose my anonymity. But, if the right people look, and look hard enough, and trace the steps of at least 200 random trailers from the manufacturer to the resident actually living in the trailer from beginning to finish, they would see it. For anybody defending these contractors & the gov't that hands them the money, what are your motives?
abob (Sent Dec 25, 2005 1:10:55 AM)

Y'all down south there:Remember that your states put Bush in office. The Republicans could care less about you. They're too busy golfing and hanging out with their multimillionaire contributors to be bothered with the likes of you.
Next time consider voting Democratic. They're the party that gave the first hoot about average American citizens. If Clinton were in office this never would have happened.
Bert Anderson, Nashville, Tennessee (Sent Dec 25, 2005 3:49:28 AM)

All these opinions make me forget my own ignorance.
I have the only solution which is,shut down FEMA and every federal program that wants to be everybodys daddy.Then let people do all they can for themselves before their elected congressman takes their case to the top. Then they would even bother to vote.
Dave,Maryville,Tn. (Sent Dec 25, 2005 9:37:20 AM)

It is truly amazing how the "bleeding" heart liberals point the figure at the current administration for failures in the Katrina aftermath, lamenting how much better a democrat could have handled it. Well, how well did the Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans handle the situation. I believe that gives a fair assessment. In reality, republican or democrat, no leader would have predicted this type of devastation. We have all been living with our heads buried in the sand. A megadose of reality was heaped upon the gulf coast and, ultimately, the nation. Individuals as well as the government bear the burden of recovering. It is foolish and arrogant to think that the government, alone, is responsible for everything.
Living along any coast line or any large body of water is a risky venture...
We should all consider our current situations and prepare for the future while learning upon the lessons of the past. Get over it...move on...adapt...and overcome.
Imagine life in the U.S. during the Civil War or during other times of devastation...
We can prevail but the "handout" mentality must cease. Many other Americans living throughout the United States suffer the loss of homes, loved ones, etc...every day.
The fact that so many loss so much at one time does not diminish the losses elsewhere in America by other Americans...they too must move on.
Clinton would have faired no reality only the upper echelon changes politically the policies and base personnel remain the same. The practices of FEMA and other agencies remain virtually the same regardless of the administration. Clinton was fortunate he never confronted such crises in his tenure. We will never know how he would have handled it.
God Bless the People of Mississippi and Louisiana. My significant other spent 19 days deployed in the region.
Take Care and Good Luck....
KC (Sent Dec 25, 2005 10:00:17 AM)

One can only hope that despite all the greed, corruption and whatnot going on down there, that there is plenty of good going on as well. Let's praise and support the do-gooders and those who need it, and take care of the rest....
This is a battle I believe we can win!PS-I'm not one of the stereotypical 'softies' from up this way, but a transplant from the South who'd really like to tear into some of those crooks that are hurting those in need.
KA, Seattle, WA (Sent Dec 25, 2005 11:03:57 AM)

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