December 25, 2005

This Article Published 09. 13. 05 at 2:58 Sierra Time
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A psychic spy looks at Katrina
Anthony C. LoBaido
Psychic spies are a very real phenomenon. The U.S. government used them for decades and they are still being used by the FBI in the “War on Terror.” I personally had the honor of interviewing Dr. Jessica Utts a professor at U.C.-Davis, who had access to the CIA’s files from The Stargate Project. These stories were published on and read all over the world. started with one reader (in Joseph Farah’s bedroom) and now has many, many millions of readers around the world.
Please see …
CIA Psychic Spy Program
The Stargate Project
FBI, CIA reportedly using Psychic Spies in War on Terrorism
Now in regard to Katrina and recent events in New Orleans my friend Sophie, (not her real name) a psychic spy (what she really does) or “remote viewer” who lives in the Mojave Desert (not the real desert) has offered many interesting comments.

One of the issues that some people may be wondering about (and it’s a bit nutty) concerns the possibility that the levees in New Orleans were blown with plastic explosives. This to set in motion the events that would ethnically cleanse New Orleans and eventually allow it to be completely rebuilt by the American and or transnational elite.

Why? New Orleans is a rich port where oil and commercial goods are found in preponderance. Katrina has given the elite an unthinkable opportunity – the chance to rid an entire city of oxygen stealing parasites, banish them (from the carwash) forever and then rebuild that same city to their liking. (It was “hood” and now it’s just “good.”)

This writer heard of a recent meeting of elites held in Dallas that made plans to rebuilt New Orleans “without the criminal element.” This article was on and should be analyzed.
In fact all of should be analyzed as the U.S. State Department (the same one Pat Robertson wants to drop an atomic bomb on) recently stated that is the top disinformation website in the entire U.S.A. if not the entire world.

The State Department also said that LoBaido’s columns were “dipped in vodka” and “if you lick the screen you will become drunk.”

Truth be known, aside from the murderers and rapists, many of the black people in New Orleans are good and decent citizens, most of whom are Christians and they deserved far better from their local, state and federal governments. (Whites have long ago learned NOT to depend on the federal government).
Blacks have survived much in their history; the nightmare of Africa, the nightmare of slavery and now the nightmare of the welfare state. And it is unfair that many decent blacks (and white, Asians, Latinos, Arabs) will be unable to return to New Orleans. The truth is ugly. The true is hard to come by, but it is something we must search after nevertheless.

Would the government blow the levees? Would Pat Robertson nuke the Staties or let’s say, assassinate poor Hugo Chavez of Venezuelan hammer and sickle fame?

Consider that this writer published a story on in which Willem Ratte, considered thee single best special forces operator on the entire planet, personally told me (LoBaido, Anthony C.) a story of how the South African intelligence machine in the dying days of Apartheid carried out bombing operation against their own people.

Willem Ratte is not a person to be trivialized. He was imprisoned in South Africa and survived a very long hunger strike. He refused to meet with Nelson Mandela, who knows a thing or two about Willem. Ratte ran the Recce Wing of 32 Battalion in Angola against the Soviet Union and Cuba. Eeben Barlow (the founder of Executive Outcomes) personally to me over tea that Willem was “the most professional soldier in all of the SADF.” This refers to the now defunct killing machine par excellance that was the old South African Defense Force. Under the ANC Africa’s greatest army decayed into an Aids-riddled joke.

The point here is that governments cannot be trusted. Look at Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, TWA 800, Niger yellowcake, Iraq and Afghanistan, 9-11 and other murky events infused with at least some lies.

Consider the wars, fake ops and assassinations carried out by the SAS, (in Northern Ireland, Bosnia) Executive Outcomes, (Angola, Savimbi) Sandline, (Sierra Leone, Papua New Guinea) and the Mossad (too many to count). Personally I don’t think the levees were destroyed on purpose. But is there such a thing as a secondary surge from a hurricane?

Would you really trust Tony Blair about 7-7 knowing the kind of person he is? What’s so very sad is that we even ask such questions because we have so many doubts about the morals of our leaders.

After extensive remote viewing (RV) Sophie told this writer the following;

“I do not know of any documentation to support the claim that American soldiers have been fired upon by their own citizens. I think the story was just made up, like at least 50% of the news seems to be. There were a few reports early on of helicopters being shot at. As in, ‘Come back and get my family, you son of a bitch!’

“Regarding anger and ingratitude, one should bear in mind that many survivors had been passed by dozens of vehicles over a period of days, including some with visible pallets of food and water intended for the troops. Some people had been without food and water for several days. They had watched their elderly relatives die. Yes, they were angry. The welfare state produced a lot of people who had just enough money to feed themselves and reproduce.

Creating all these government dependents was a horrible mistake, but they are not the ones who made it. Both major parties conspired to bribe the inner-city political machines in return for votes. Now that we have Diebold, those people are unnecessary.”

In regard to the idea that the U.S. government might just collapse one day as did the former Soviet Union, Sophie said;

”I submit that the prospect is not only thinkable, but eminently desirable. What do we want with a government that flagrantly flouts the Constitution? What allegiance to we owe a government that deploys Blackwater mercenaries against us, the citizens? The courts have ruled that private property in the United States can be taken by government via eminent domain for anything the government considers ‘public use.’

”More recently they have ruled that the president can order any American citizen detained indefinitely without charges, access to a lawyer or a trial. The decision is conveniently timed, since that is what has happened to the refugees from Katrina. Did our forebears give their lives to have the federal boot on our necks forever?

”In 2001 during the long meditation I was explicitly told that if the United States widened the war beyond Afghanistan the US would be broken into four or five pieces as a result. At the time I didn't see how that would happen. It is becoming clearer now.”

In regard to the race issue Sophie stated;

“I believe that entitlements and affirmative action have poisoned race relations in the US, perhaps irreparably. Since white political power is in decline here, every power bloc is starting to see white assets as up for grabs.”

In regard to the criminal element at the Superdome Sophie went on a rampage, and her “rage is delicious!” as Mike Meyers used to say on Saturday Night Live.

”Don't you know a psyop when you see one? We've been treated to nonstop coverage of ugly, ungrateful government dependents. They've been officially stigmatized as rapists and looters, even cannibals.

”Well, take another look at the long, long lines of people waiting to get into the Superdome before the hurricane struck. Everybody waited for hours to gain entrance, with no food, no water, no shelter and no bathrooms. Look at the pictures. You will see mostly families, small children and the elderly. They are waiting in a patient, orderly manner. Do these people look like rapists and murderers to you?

[LoBaido note: Were the Kennedys there?]

”BTW do you know why they had such a long wait before they could get inside? Every single one was TSA'd at the entrance. I don't know if they were wanted, but each one was searched and groped and his or her belongings ransacked.

”Weapons, alcohol and non-government-approved drugs were taken. If anyone had a pet, it was taken away and killed. Then the person was shoved into the mob inside.

”The storm hit on Sunday evening. By Tuesday the Superdome had run out of food and water (except for the armed guards, of course). Days went by with no help. Did people start fighting over necessities? Sure they did. Did they riot and demand to be allowed to leave? Sure.

”The troops at the door had no means of keeping order inside, so they didn't try. Did bad things happen as a result? Of course. Considering the thousands of people jammed into the dome, it is surprising that there were so few incidents.

”The viewer is meant to feel disgust for the refugees. So their rights are nonexistent: it serves them right for taking our tax money all their lives. So what if they get spirited off into the outback and converted into animal feed? Serves them right.

”It's a psyop … Hitler started exactly that way.

”Incidentally, the reason the British and Australian tourists were spirited out of the Dome was that things were getting bad for everyone in there, and someone realized that the stories these tourist would tell upon their return home would make the Bush administration look bad. This would make trouble for the Bush-friendly governments of Britain and Australia.

”The tourists couldn't be silenced, so they had to be taken out and shipped home.

In regard to the Gay Pride Southern Decadence fest that went on amid the dead in New Orleans (we’re all so very proud!), Sophie pointed to murder beyond abortion as a greater issue;

“Murder of the innocent who do not happen to be babies should be in there somewhere too IMHO.”

On the US$ 2,000 FEMA cards and the Wal-Mart sprees for the Katrina survivors Sophie [who describes herself as "tall and blonde on the inside"] said;

”The feds have changed their minds (or else the everybody-gets-a-free-$2000-debit-card announcement was a lie from the very beginning, intended to evoke anger at the refugees). Only a token few people have gotten cards, and the vast majority of refugees certainly won't.

”Instead they will have momey directly deposited in their checking accounts. Naturally they had checking accounts and brought their banking records with them, right? Suure. They aren't going to get anything.

”If you check, you will find that any who got cards will turn out to be relatives of FEMA employees.”

On LoBaido’s idea of privatizing FEMA (and hey, why not have a mom and pop Space Shuttle with eco-unfriendly tiles?) Sophie said;

“FEMA should be disbanded outright. Its officially stated purpose has nothing to do with disaster relief. Its actual mission is to preserve the United States government.

[LoBaido note: And monkeys may fly out my bunghole, whatever that is. I think it’s a bilge on a ship].

”Although the head of FEMA was tossed overboard as a political gesture, the chief feds are delighted with what has happened in New Orleans. Using a package of sweeping new powers and executive orders, the federal government has taken control of a major city, lock, stock and barrel. They literally own the city and everything in it.

”The people of New Orleans have effectively been under arrest ever since the disaster was declared. They have no due process rights. They have no property rights. They are government property and can be disposed of in any way FEMA wishes.

”Right now the plan is to ship them off to camps all over the United States where they will be kept under armed guard and allowed no contact with the outside world for the next five months or so.

”After that, with public attention predictably taken up with other things, the able-bodied males can be rotated to labor camps. The rest can just disappear. In this age of advanced technology there is no need for messy (and incriminating) mass graves. Feed mills are humming away right now, churning out animal feed with animal protein added. What better way to dispose of all those useless eaters?

”Remember, they are all looters and degenerates. We won't ask where they went. There will never be a true count of the dead in New Orleans, so any annoyingly persistent relatives will finally be told that the loved one perished in the flood. Do you think it can't happen here? It is happening here.

”There's something I've looked for and haven't been able to find: a federal exit strategy for New Orleans. I do not believe there is one. The feds do not intend to release control of the city: not this month, not this year, not ever.

”The plan is to absorb the entire country this way, city by city.”

[LoBaido note: I think the film Soylent Green will be banned in the future!]

On Mayor Ray of New Orleans fame, Sophie had these choice words;

“The Mayor was furious when the feds seized control of the city without bothering to provide any disaster aid. He too fell for the lie that the mission of FEMA is disaster relief. In fact FEMA did everything it could to stop private relief efforts. The plan all along was to seize control of the city, evict all the inhabitants and divvy up the spoils. The mayor was voiciferous in his criticism until (RV) the feds offered him a cushy job in the HDD if he'd just shut up and cooperate.

In regard to FEMA again, Sophie added;

“FEMA wasn't unprepared. The measures to take control of the city were all in place. Item … When the flood struck the N.O. authorities phoned a company that restores damaged documents and asked it to rescue the city archives. The archives contained documents of enormous historical value as well as the deed records to the city.

”When the company arrived with its trucks they were brusquely turned away by armed federal goons. With the deed records gone, the feds and their cronies will be free to plunder the city. FEMA was prepared, all right.

Talking about Bushie-Bushie Jr. and his response to Katrina and the waves, Sophie simply said;
“Some of us wish he had stayed in Texas. He does less harm when he's offline.

Of course no LoBaido column would be complete without mentioning mercenaries. (Or Allah McBeal and the bald Chinese lady with no pants on) and Sophie (all on her own) went off on the whole soldiers for sale issue;

“The Blackwater mercenaries were deployed at the direct order of Michael Chertoff. (While we're talking about names, let me point out that Chertoff means "Son of the Devil" in Russian) They are used to operating outside of any legal constraints in Iraq and have been given the same status here by executive order of President Bush.”

(Shelley wrote more about the mercenaries, but having known professional mercenaries and assassins all over the world I thought it wise to delete those comments).

Final thought:

Once again this writer asks the reader to consider this fact. Before World War II began, Japan invaded China. The Chinese in one particular city responded by loading hospitals and museums into ox carts and fleeing to the west. They diverted a mighty river while enroute, this to throw off the pursuing Japanese. When they got to Sinkiang, they lived in caves for a spell. Then they built the Burma Road.

Can you imagine the criminals and murderers in New Orleans walking from New York to San Diego carrying the entire city in wagons, diverting the Mississippi River and then building a road to Cabo San Lucas in the Baja Peninsula with hand tools in eleven months? That’s what the Chinese did. (See

What is wrong with our society?

Sophie’s answer is very, very simple,

“Politicians. Government as an institution.”

Having a psychic spy at your disposal is a very good thing. Don't you agree?

In the end, let all decent Americans of all colors, languages, ideologies and religions unite in the cause of good. Let us not become depressed over the lies. Let us enjoy the small things in life and love each other, be kind to one another and seek God, His face and truth.

Anthony C. LoBaido is an American journalist and photographer. Write him at
