December 01, 2005


I saw a cat with a machine in his brain
The man who fed him said he didn't feel any pain
I'd like to see that man take out the machine
And stick it in his own brain
Do you know what I mean?

I saw a rabbit with its eyes full of tears
Well after all they have been doing it for years
Why don't we make them pay for every last eye
That couldn't cry its own tears
Do you know what I mean?

When I tell you that we'll all be looking for changes
Changes in the way we treat our fellow creatures
And we will learn how to grow
Learn how to grow!

When I tell you that we'll all be looking for changes
Changes in the way we treat our fellow creatures
And we will learn how to grow, yeah
When we're looking for changes

I saw a monkey that was learning to choke
A guy beside him gave him cigarettes to smoke
And every time that monkey started to cough
The bastard laughed his head off!
Do you know what I mean?

When I tell you that we'll all be looking for changes
Changes in the way we treat our fellow creatures
And we will learn how to grow
When we're looking for changes
We're looking for changes
We're looking for changes
We're looking for changes in the way we are.
~ The Beatles

A Message from my “sponsor”

lots of it is just words words words…people behind the words is what it should be about. But the net can do that to people…they get so dang prolific with their beliefs…and connect on a few sentences…)whateva…) and then when someone has a differing stance—or even god forbid a strong voice that is doing something…yikes. Right?

I don’t know why women would want to read fiction over truth…maybe they are only seventeen or something….eh?

It is the new moon…after all. Just show who you are…that is all I can say. People will be people where ever you go. If they are not in a group somewhere…they are at the local coffee shop…or the water cooler…talking about the same dang thing. And you said yourself…you hang with a different crowd…right?

To look at it as a weeding out vs. a judgment thing…like the stones that are in your circle…medicine stones that have been placed…that is who you are. There is no going back. Too bad so sad they don’t get it…maybe they will next time around…or they will hear something again in a different way and they will think…oh yea…V. said that…Other part is…Cassie sue…(lol…and then some)…words that come from one like you are strong…really strong. Incite people…lightening…remember? Lightening doesn’t stop to smell the roses all the time…not saying you don’t belong in one place for long…just that you are here to speak. And you are. And part of the ramification (price …) to pay…) is what happens.

love you too…you are just up against a lot of hogwash. Lol…k?

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
YeahThere will be an answer, let it be.

And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. :::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::>><<:::::::::
I have such a stake in how this cyber circle comes to gather.
The stones are placed in such a way that there can be no
Another let down.
No “Yet another betrayal.”
Why do I react so personally? Because it is personal.
If you work this hard at being understood,
especially when You are a Cassandra it is no easy task.
You are both participant and “facilitator” wearing two hatz.
The crowns of Queen Bitch and Princess Boohoo
Set down forever by the fireside to melt.
What you don’t want is to be “mother”,
even though it is Inevitable. Mother Earth is to do this.
A motherless daughter, now matter how well trained,
No matter how Self Under-standing IS
All Wayz
Walking the gauntlet,
and gauntlets weren’t the
Specialty of the House
you grew up!
No Woman has yet improved on the junction
Love thy Neighbor as Thy Self.
Simply put: I am Another Yourself
Mitayaki Oyasin.
When you call me softly with Siyo!
I always come.
Call me Mother, Sister, Daughter, Loved One,
But don’t call me “Lady”.
An outdated tag from another life.
A life of patriarchy and repression.
And don’t call me Late for Dinner, either

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When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, I want the hand of Earthlings Anonymous to always be there. And for that, I AM Responsible. I AM your humble servant. You are part of the ONE. As I love the ONE I love you.

Think virtue. Teach virtue. Live virtue.

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New sloganz: Surf's UP! Ride the waves! Live a myth or make a myth. Coincidence ... or SYNCHRONICITY??!! Can you hear the BUZZ?
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