December 22, 2005

Towards the Canadian Homeland Security State
Sweeping Surveillance Bill introduced in the Canadian Parliament
by Connie Fogal November 17, 2005
"Massive Empire of Surveillance" December 22, 2005

The sweeping surveillance bill introduced in Parliament November 15, 2005 called "The Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act" is a gross violation of Canadian civil liberties, of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and of our Constitutional entitlements. It must not be tolerated . Every politician who supports it is an enemy of Canada, our people, and our freedom. Every Canadian who cares about his/ her liberty must take a stand now. It is truly a question of liberty vs a police state. This Act is an attack on not only freedom of speech, but freedom of thought. It is Orwell's 1984 coming to fruition.

The Canadian Action Party months ago requested a copy of this bill, but our government has failed to release it to us. The only details of the terms of the pending bill that we gleaned came from the media, both mainstream and internet. The philosophy and real reasons for it we have learned by examining the following documents which we obtained from the internet. (Will this Bill threaten or restrict our capability to conduct such research in the future? Am I to be defined as a "terrorist" for challenging it?)

1. The discussion paper of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives posted on their website November 2, 2005 called, "Building a 21st Century Canada- United States Partnership in North America, April 2004".

2. "The Canada-US Smart Border Declaration" with a 30 point action Plan signed December 12,

3. "The Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement" signed by President Bush, President Fox and Martin in March, 2005.

4. "The Report of Ministers to the Leaders" (President Bush, President Fox, Prime Minister Martin) -SPP- (Security and Prosperity Partnership)- North America, June 2005 See: Anne McLellan, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, David Emerson, Minister of Industry, and Pierre Pettigrew, Minister of Foreign Affairs are the reporting Ministers for Canada.

5. Report of the Independent Task Force on the Future of North America called "Building A North American Community." See: Trilateral Task Force Recommendations,

These reports and agreements reveal a very disturbing fact. Prime Minister Martin and his Ministers are not setting policy for Canada. They are taking instructions from the USA's president Bush and doing his bidding. The background force driving all the Leaders of Canada, Mexico and USA are the Chief Executive officers of the most influential corporations of those three countries. The most influential chief executive officers of the three nations want a unified North America by 2010. They need an enforcement system. This bill to spy on good citizens, especially those who will dissent and oppose this system, is one prong of that policing mechanism.

In the "Report of Ministers to the Leaders" -SPP- North America, June 2005, (number 4 above) the Ministers report that on March 23, 2005 the three Leaders of Canada, Mexico and USA instructed their respective Ministers to create an "architecture" which would further enhance the security of North America. The report of the Ministers refers to the commitment of the Three Leaders on March 23, 2005 to "Establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America....".

The Ministers report that experts from the three countries met between March and June of 2005 developing specific plans and objectives to meet the common security goals in an "evolving and strengthening North American Relationship". The Ministers report that they have established plans to enhance partnerships on intelligence and information sharing including developing a comprehensive law enforcement strategy.

The United States just recently passed their internet spying law. My guess is the language of The Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act is modeled on the USA Internet spying act, just as our anti terrorism law, the Public Safety Act, mirrors the USA Patriot Act .

The Canada -US Smart Border Declaration was signed December 12, 2001 by John Manley when he was Deputy Prime Minister and Tom Ridge US Homeland Security Director. Point 24 of this 30 point action plan refers to Joint Enforcement Coordination- a comprehensive and permanent coordination of law enforcement , anti terrorism efforts and information sharing. Point 25 is about Integrated Intelligence- joint teams to analyze and disseminate information and intelligence, and to produce threat and intelligence assessments. This internet, e mail, cell phone spying is not about pornography as Anne McLellan whitewashes to sell it. Her hypocrisy here is as guilty as the duplicity found out it the Gomery report on fiscal corruption in the system. The 9/11 justification is wearing more than thin. What the ministers call "architecture", I call the trappings of a police state. I do not want it. No Canadians were asked if we wanted it. No Canadians were asked if we wanted a regime change into an unaccountable unelected North American Union ruled by Orwellian laws that imprison us. The Empire of Surveillance must be struck down! All Canadians are entitled to security and prosperity, not imprisonment and poverty. Connie Fogal is Leader of the Canadian Action Party, and Director, Defence of Canadian Liberty Committee.


U.S. wants to build fences at Canadian border
17 Dec 2005
By Randy Boswell
From The Ottawa Citizen

Decision to consider 'physical barriers' to escalate tense relations between Canada, U.S. Add the spectre of security walls rising along “the world’s longest undefended border to a federal election campaign already being driven by debate about Canada's relations with the United States.

The U.S. House of Representatives voted late Thursday night to CONSIDER erecting a physical barrier along the American border with Canada, the firmest step yet toward building the kinds of fences now in place on the Mexican frontier to stop the northward flow of illegal aliens and smuggled goods. The directive to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was passed by a strong majority of the House and was contained in an amendment to a controversial immigration bill working its way through Congress. The motion cleared the way for about 1,100 kilometres of new fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, but also urged the agency to “conduct a study on the use of physical barriers along the northern border.

Clashes between Prime Minister Paul Martin and U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins over climate change, handguns and softwood lumber prompting Mr. Martin's stump-speech pledge not to be dictated to by the U.S. have soured U.S.-Canada relations and prompted opposition claims the Liberals are recklessly provoking conflicts to win votes. Yesterday, a spokesman for Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan, who is responsible for handling cross-border security issues in the federal cabinet, said barriers have not been part of Canada's security strategy and have not been raised in bilateral discussions with the U.S. Given the size of the border, you're not going to have a wall all along the border, said Alex Swann, noting that static defences are widely viewed as less effective than risk-reduction measures such as identity cards.

You never rule out anything in the security game, he added, but it's not a priority for us.

Sponsored by Representative Duncan Hunter, a California Republican who has long championed fences and walls to halt illegal crossings in the southwestern U.S., the plan to shore up U.S. borders passed by a vote of 260-159 on Thursday but was strongly denounced by some Democrats as a Berlin Wall for North America.

America with walls between Canada and Mexico is not an America that reaches out for people to come here legally, argued Representative Sam Farr, a California Democrat. Mr. Farr's press secretary, Jessica Schafer, said yesterday that the congressman will keep fighting to have the fence provisions stripped from the final legislation.

Representative James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, one of the strongest proponents of the immigration bill and a backer of the Hunter amendment, said during Thursday's debate: Our nation has lost control of its borders, which has resulted in a sharp increase in illegal immigration and has left us vulnerable to infiltration by terrorists and criminals.

Last month, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced a secure-border initiative that provided for increased use of unmanned drone aircraft, infrared cameras and other high-tech surveillance measures, as well as increased staffing, to patrol the Mexican and Canadian borders. Clip..


Steve's Note: This is an 'older', (Nov 15), article that I am posting to this 'collage of articles', to make the point that ALL former English colonies, (Canada, Australia, The United Kingdom, and The United States), have now passed 'Patriot Act' type legislation, and have removed many 'Constitutional'/God-given freedoms, and have created an ever increasing 'surveillance state' in each of these respective countries. It is clear that these 'governments' are simultaneously seeking police state powers, and are moving increasingly towards the goal of a 'one world government, lead by the elite. (911 was cover-dressing for what they have planned for the people of the world/mass depopulation. Be advised, these collective 'governments'/(really global tyrants) are, (under the guise of protecting us from terror), progressively swinging the the door of freedom closed.

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The End of Justice in Australia
by Ghali Hassan November 15, 2005

The right-wing government of John Howard proposes to introduce through Federal Parliament a draconian anti-terror legislation, the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005 . If passed, the Bill would make it easy for the government and the police to arrest and detain without charge Australians from Muslim and Arab backgrounds on suspicion of planning to commit act of terrorism. The Bill would abolish the fundamental right of Australian citizens, the right to personal liberty in peacetime. It is the end of justice for those deemed Un-Australian by the Howard Government. clip..

Steve's Note: This bill has since passed and is now law in Australia.


So, just who is Christian Bailey? 100M$'s 4 Iraq Propaganda
18 Dec 05
By Andrew Buncombe From The Independent (excerpt)

A 30-year-old Oxford graduate with no public relations experience has been handed a $100m contract by the Pentagon - to plant false stories in Iraqi papers. The Lincoln Group, a previously little-known business intelligence company headed by a heretofore little known young Briton, Christian Bailey, an Oxford graduate and consummate net worker, is at the centre of a mounting storm of controversy surrounding the Bush administration's covert propaganda war in Iraq. It was recently revealed that Bailey's company was the recipient of a $100m (£56m) contract from Donald Rumsfeld's Department of Defence for buying space in Iraqi newspapers to place deliberately one-sided stories written by US psy-ops troops, at a time when the chaos of Iraq makes genuine journalism all but impossible and when journalists risk their lives on a daily basis to report the truth.

