December 20, 2005

This was published 2 November. I never posted it to the blog, but as it is no longer running on any other site, I decided that now was a good time to publish it here.

Women and the Civil Disobedience Movement
By Virginia Braddock aka Lady Broadoak

The Tide Cannot be Stopped
Acts 27:23 "For there stood beside me this night an Angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve."

The women are coming forward. They are coming in vast numbers. They are a surprising coalition.

They are homemakers and workers, mothers and childless, old and young, rich and poor, marathoners and the disabled, educated and illiterate, civil libertarians and Bible carriers; one thing is common to them all. They are from EVERY WHERE. The most auspicious characteristic of this alliance is that so many participants are absolutely new to any kind of protest movement.

Spiritual Warrioresses -- leading the Civil Disobedience movement -- are a global phenomenon. And this is making a difference.

Rather than sitting alone in profound silence, isolation and denial, women everywhere are taking up The Cause.

That cause -- in two phrases -- is: Save the world AND get rid of Bush and his cronies NOW before it gets any worse.

Cindy Sheehan is not a one-off. Chomsky can’t identify her by her archetype, but I can. There are many Spiritual Warrioresses arising. And what’s interesting is that it is an inner call, it is not based on Ghandi, Pankhurst, Martin Luther King or any of the nonviolent leaders of the past. That is what has confused people about Cindy Sheehan and the women at Camp Casey.

It is an illusion to think the civil disobedience (CD) movement now underway is only about troop withdrawal from the Middle East -- or about the thousands of lives lost and people maimed and martyred on both sides in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s about the quality of life and purpose we all want to enjoy. The Cabal understands the Prophecies; they just want to make the optimum use of time to store up their goodies to get them through the End Times.

I saw three things today to chew on.

One was a doctored picture of Senator Harry Reid which originally appeared in the Washington Post. The original pic, in which he appears sainted, a surreal dome behind his head with his apostles, now carried the label “An American Hero.” God bless Adobe Photoshop.

Another was the posting of a website by a female student, This woman is posting -- from Middle Eastern and European papers -- the entire story of what REALLY happened with the forged papers that lead to the war in Iraq.

The next item is a letter from Alicia Castro, a member of the Argentinian Parliment who in very polite terms tells Bush to STAY HOME! And not come down to Argentina. She suggests a teleconference so that his presence does not lead to violence. His safety cannot be guaranteed.
Disclaimer from the person who posted it on I have not authenticated this letter. If you want to deconstruct the sources, try this link.

Get your television sets in good working order; the global pressure (lead by Women) against the Bushista regime is about to get into full swing.

No offense, Senator Reid and colleagues, but we’ve waited SIX YEARS for you do something.

The women pushed you into your much-praised action. We don’t need praise and “looking good”. We want to have a chance to save our planet, peacefully, legitimately and spiritually. It’s about time you grew a backbone and stood up to all the lies. Why did you vote for war? Where will you be when the inevitable recession hits? When the inevitable Depression follows and the rich get a buck for every 10cents they’ve hoarded, where will you be?

The real "American" heroes are the American women (and men) who were NOT duped as well as the people of the Middle East. The people of "occupied" Iraqi and Afghanistan, both dead and live, did everything to bring yesterday's situation about. The Congressional politicians sat on their hands and shut their mouths while devastation reigned until the din of opposition was deafening despite the media's complicity. Women led the way.

This isn't just about justice and truth, it's about a whole planet trying to STAY ALIVE. The people of the planet want peace after the disruption of a Cabal/Imperial faction of a few power hungry elitists and the people who wouldn't, or couldn't stand up to them. Civil disobedience is about nurturing and being responsive and caring.

After the meltdown of Chernobyl, the revolt of Soviet “republics” were lead by women who demanded that they not be burnt up by Soviet warmongering. The Soviets did not have their citizens’ best interests in mind. The Berlin Wall, the unthinkable thing happening, came DOWN. It’s happening in North America. NOW.

Women and children are the biggest victims of war. But they have been keeping their own together as best they can.

The women have been leading the fight against the lies they are being told, the deceits and manipulation to the point that the 2004 election was stolen; the demonization of Arabic people and drug users and the poor; the bankruptcy America and the rest of North America is being plunged into; the torture of prisoners; war profiteering; the Cabal’s profiteering off Avian flu “vaccine”; reaping profits from disasters; the growing divide between the rich and the poor and the breakdown of the civic contract; the unprecedented environmental disasters.

To us it is clear: you are either pro peace or pro war. If you are pro war you cannot be taking the time to be tending this wonderful planet so that it is liveable for everyone. Our imaginations remind us that everyone is someone’s son or daughter and we live in a family of humans. We want no torture of anyone, for any reason.

Hint: a true democracy does not have secret prisons for any reason. ~ Peta, HRA Moderator~

It’s overwhelming. We are all suffering from a mass contagion of cognitive dissonance; what we are being told is happening versus what we think is happening versus what is really happening are all at variance. No women can condone torture of another woman’s son if they have any imagination. Where will the nuke go off … Iraq? Iran? Syria? Saudi Arabia? We are being fed disinformation at a dizzying rate. And it’s frightening. Why not vote with our feet?

We see the absurdity of killing your brothers and sisters if they don't agree with you because we have a much broader perspective. Maybe we just paid more attention in civics and history class; maybe we can hear the call of our hearts better.

The Information Age has been a useful tool for the gathering of the female tribes. Fed up with “finding themselves”, women want to find a way to help others and themselves. Life has suddenly taken on new meaning and purpose. We no longer move down the streets in isolation. There is no “glass ceiling” in the streets. We are all equal. All voices are heard. All banners are read and celebrated. We can vote with our feet to say that “Enough is enough.” And we know the angels are at our side. We move fearless and forward to a day when we wake up unafraid.

"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." - Thomas Edison -

Psalm 91:11 “For he shall give his Angels charge over thee, to keep thee safe and guard you in all your ways
