December 28, 2005

I agree with Michael--heed all warnings!

I live in the High Sierrasof Northeastern California. Last year (and typically) at this time itwas all about snow, ice, and more snow.

At 5000 ft elevation, outprecip is mainly in the form of snow, about 11 inches per year. Sofar this Dec we have received over 10 inches of rain. We had 12 inches of snow last week, but yesterday's LOW was 36 degrees (F), andLAST NIGHT'S LOW was 40.

It has been predicted that the next seriesof storms will dump up to 15 inches of rain over the next few days. The local Susanville river is expected to reach flood stage at 4pm.Knowing the condition of the levee system in Northern CaliforniaSacramento valley, I expect those folks are in for a terrible time.

And growing up in California, my experience has been that this kind ofwet, warm winter forshadows earthquakes. Poor Surely (my epileptic golden retriever) has finally settled down some. Maybe because we didfinally have a couple of small earthquakes in the last day. Maybe because she finally managed to snag a candy cane off of the Christmastree. Who knows?

As for my house, I am picking Daughter #2 at the airport in the am,and hunkering down for the rest of this year. This will be the lasttime to be together for awhile, as she goes back to college, andlittle brother is moving after the 1st.

Hoping we can use the time to distribute a bunch of family stuff, as my long awaited road trip, is once again gnawing at my brain, and my van and trailer stare at me everyday with a pleading look as if too say "when?"
A blessed end of year, and New Beginning to all,
