Hi, I watched this last night. Even ate popcorn for the 45 minutes. I'll spoil it by telling you The Ending. A former CIA operative, a woman, says: "It's not even good for our country ... It certainly is not good for the world."
I was married to a CIA operative when he was 'recruited' in 1985. They were interested in me as well. Although I wasn't "secretary" in Washington material, they were interested in me thinking up things they could put on jets homeward bound after dropping off gunz in South America. You know, make a bit of money on the side and give them cover. Nice vacations, good clothes, a flush bank account, a cozy life for my newborn son. But I didn't like these guys. They think they are philosopher/poet/statesmen, above everyone else. The women I especially didn't "like". They were mostly former stewardesses, marrying their status Gods. Girls from oil families. What was I, a commie and former LSDer, going to talk to these ladies ABOUT? I knew what they REALLY did and had a conscience.
On the movie you find out what happened to these four people before, during and after coming out. I got divorced, black listed from working for five years. I now live in exile in Canada. One agent in the movies goes through a list of all the countries he was deported from after he left. In my case, Interpol has me made out to be a very big drug dealer.
I think this movie does a great job. But a few more minutes to describe other types of individuals recruited and other types of OPs would have been nice. They work, obviously, as journalists. They are also charities executives, managers of international Planned Parenthood organizations, Art history profs who are very white, very elitist and can go from one country to another with impunity.
This movie is SO timely. It seems Bush and the CIA have been at odds for a long time. They even wrote him a letter, signing all their names!, chastising him for allowing Valerie Plame to be outed and not taking the initiative to find our ALL parties involved himself, rather than to leave it to Patrick Fitzgerald. The CIA -- unlike the poor, the veterans, the disabled, the elderly, the homeless who just got screwed by Congress -- still has vast resources at its command. They run companies, loaded with the secret information the American taxpayer has paid for.
I think this movie is Civics 101, only. It may enlighten some for the first time. But there are still more revelations to be made. Still more of the dysfunctional mentality that allows it and the School for the Americas to exist. More of the connections to other organizations such as the Tavistock Clinic and the Red Cross to be made apparent. More on the deep dark methods of controlling foreign populations let out to the light. The payola, blackmail/bribery/ co-optation is only hinted at. But this is a start. You are watching The Mutant Patriachy's last gasping breaths.
I think the time has come to watch this and then pass it on. Really worth forty minutes of your time.
We are all ONE. As I love the ONE I love you.
As I always say, The KILLING Must Stop! The torture must stop!
Former CIA Agents Reveal Secrets of CIA in Free Google Documentary
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 4:48 AM
Subject: Former CIA Agents Reveal Secrets of CIA in Free Google Documentary
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This message is available on the Internet at http://www.WantToKnow.info/051130ciasecrets
"The CIA is a state-sponsored terrorists association. You don't look at people as human beings. They are nothing but pieces on the chessboard." -- Verne Lyon, former CIA agent in documentary "Secrets of the CIA"
Dear friends,
"Secrets of the CIA" is a fascinating 45-minute Turner Home Entertainment documentary made available for free viewing by Google at the link below. Five former CIA agents describe how their initial pride and enthusiasm at serving their nation turned to anguish and remorse, as they realized that they were actually subverting democracy and killing innocent civilians all in the name "national security" and promoting foreign policy agendas.
A Notre Dame football star, an aerospace engineering senior at Iowa State, a pretty high school graduate, an Olympic shooting champion, and a young patriot all were recruited by the CIA at a young age. These five brave individuals risk retaliation in revealing the story of their gradual disillusionment and finally defection from the CIA, as they eventually became convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were serving neither democracy, nor the people of their country.
The shooting champion describes being put in charge of overthrowing the democratically elected government of Guatemala. The patriot relates his deep remorse for his direct responsibility in the deaths of numerous innocent people for which he can never make amends. The pretty high school graduate describes how her initial addiction to power and intrigue turned to disgust and horror. This powerful documentary is a rare and remarkable look at the results of unbridled secrecy and the lengths to which government will go to achieve questionable foreign policy goals.
With best wishes,Fred Burks for the WantToKnow.info TeamFormer language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton
P.S. You can also order this documentary at amazon.com.
Secrets of the CIA is available for free viewing at:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8085945499556832271&q=cia
Note: For some deeply inspiring stories to provide balance this disturbing information:http://www.WantToKnow.info/coverupnews#inspiration
See our archive of cover-up news articles at http://www.WantToKnow.info/coverupnews
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Explore these empowering websites coordinated by website founder Fred Burks:http://www.momentoflove.org - Every person in the world has a hearthttp://www.WantToKnow.info - Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups http://www.gcforall.org - Building a Global Community for Allhttp://www.weboflove.org - Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us allTogether, we are building a better world based on love and cooperation
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December 01, 2005
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