The New Moon in the outgoing fire sign of Sagittarius is like an arrow shot into the future. But a hard square from erratic Uranus to the New Moon this month makes this an especially explosive event ... It's an excellent time to burn off karma and let go of old habits.
How do you "burn off" karma? The process begins with understanding and wisdom.

As it is the New Moon tomorrow, does anyone have any ritual ideas?
There are lots of rituals - the best being the one you make up yourself. An example, I write my intentions for the year on a piece of paper at new years- then around midnight or maybe a bit before.. I can go outside and said hello to the moon and the stars and light my list and watch it burn - sending it out into the ether and the Universe. Anything you can do outside, if you sit somewhere quiet or special to you.. and maybe lite a candle.. I usually lite a candle before bedtime and ask my angels and guides of light to come and be with me.. There's a couple of ideas there. Some people use Doreen Virtue's Goddess Cards and like them.
I like doing a special I Ching casting.
I am wondering, what do others do?