All I want for Christmas
Stonehenge Watch

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A classic timekeeping gadgetStonehenge is certainly surrounded by mystery concerning why it was built and by whom. Druids, aliens, Merlin, the devil - heck, we don't know - probably built by some ancient ancestors of modern geeks. You can now harness the power of the sun and the stones by using the Stonehenge Watch. Just position the watch using the accompanying high viscosity compass to tell local apparent time just as the builders of Stonehenge did thousands of years ago. Prove the accuracy of both The Stonehenge Watch and your mastery of its power by confirming your calculation of the time by reference to the analog watch that is set into the reverse side of the watchcase. The Stonehenge Watch allows you to predict the exact moment of the winter and summer solstices.
Pocket watch with chain
Scale replica of the major components of the 5,000 year-old megalithic monument
Analog watch on the reverse side of the watchcase
Includes: watch, chain, shadow casting gnomon, working compass and instructions