I withhold apologies for the time being becuz I need you to understand that posted in my blog is quite a snippet about my own precarious political situation. I have good reason to feel afraid and "paranoid". I would have no way of knowing your sincerity and much reason to feel - ah - suspicious.
Steve Calkins has retracted his remarks about you. Can you see though why I might get paranoid about you just descending on my blog outta nowhere?
I try to keep no objectivity. As a "espiritual journalista", that's not my "baliwhack"!
The thing was -- all this came to light as the government is admittting messing with the Middle Eastern press.
All comments implicating the US in 9/11 are welcome! I've done more than my share of work on the topic, I think.
I worked in the on of the buildings at WTC, nights and weekends, for five years in the NY Attorney General's office as a "temp". I did a big NY vs. NJ pollution case ad naseum. You could feel the building sway and it whistled eerily as I worked mostly alone in a very vast office. I always wondered: When are these things going to come down? How? The answer was always: It's inevitable. Wait and see.
When the 'hit' came everyone was up in arms becuz I refused to get excited. Inscrutably, I would say "It is written." Became a CNN junkie to see the discrepancies.
If you are sincere, and I hope you are, I offer my hand to you, to end all this corruption, misinformation, lies, killing and suffering. All of it makes me miss sleeping soundly, as I am truly sensitive. It was the same during the Vietnam war era. The major difference being that then I was surrounded by others of like mind. Now, living in Canada, the culture to support my thinking isn't here. I rely on cyberpals to keep me fueled and writing.
Take the time to look at my blog and you shall see what happened to me. I opened my big mouth about Leonard Pelletier to the Head of the Senate Native Affairs committee. A year later, my husband was deported and I was run out of the country. The INS had a quota, there was nothing that could have stopped what happened. Things have been nightmarish pretty much all of the time ever since, despite my spiritual accumen.
I don't have big connections of any kind. But I will do anything to promote your book or website that you think will do any good. I could do a book review ...
Some days I wonder why nuclear confligration hasn't already happened, having been through the Cuban missile crisis in eighth grade. With the whackos now in power it's beyond miraculous that Cheney and Rove haven't come up with a plan that sets off a chain reaction. We lived with that fright during Vietnam, too. The fear they would use the Bomb (remember Goldwater, not a nice man) -- and then China would stomp the US.
All the necessary politics these days, throwing off millions of years of sludge, means you make mistakes all the time. I've been extremely stoopid this week. I'd rather be writing a nice little book about Sacred Geometry and Deep Ecology for 15-year old grrrlz. But it appears the Creator has different plans.
Just to get it over with -- where DID you go to school? Were you prepared for the life we are all now leading being busy with trying to persuade people in trance to WAKE UP! ??? It's so very sad ... and I purposely ignore all polls, except Al Jazeera's. LOL
Well, back to my email correspondence. It just changes all the time. My friends and I sort of destroyed the Fed Reserve over the weekend with research. Wonder what this week will bring.
Your admirer, (hate to admit it, but I am in awe you got this thing done)
aka Lady Broadoak
Love the references to Helen Caldicott.
Forgot to tell you -- during the 8:11 portal, when I tuned into the Global mass meditation -- something weird occurred.
I made my commitment to help other human beings heal from the psychological damage all this violence, cognitive dissonance, PTSD and other extreme forms of stress to heal.
Then my "soul" told me it was my job to help dissemble, piece by piece, the nuclear silos and energy plants. They must be taken down the same way they went up. It is my feeling they may have to be taken down with real LOVE by some very committed people for them to never "grow" again in these spots. These horrors are reallly the acne of fear on the planet.
To a safe and BETTER future,