Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of December 28 2005
ALL HEADS UP: COSMIC QUADRUPLE WHAMMY PERIOD - This current period from now through to about January 20 is without doubt the most dangerous period for major tectonic reactions to the cosmic vectors during the past year, since the rupture of the Indo Trench off the Northern portion of Sumatra on Christmas 2004.
I Polar Motion Vortex
AS REPORTED YESTERDAY: A Significant Change In The Wobble Of The Spin Axis Is Definitely Under Way. A shift in the phase of Chandler's Wobble is most apparent, which will shorten the seven year Chandler's Wobble this time around. As well, a large acceleration in the shift of the average location of the SpinAxis is now "apparent".
Be advised that a solar wind will hit the Earth during the next 48 hours in the midst of rising solar activity, an increase of sunspots yesterday to 90, and the formation of a Quadruple Whammy - Perigee, Perihelion, New Moon, and the alignment of planets sufficient to cause major solar storms and sudden ionic impacts on the Earth through to about the middle of January.
Already we can see significant shape shifting activity in the Earth now this week increasing, focused currently most strongly from the MidAtlantic through the Western coasts of the Americas.
Major quakes could occur in any ofthe usual and historical zones - in fact they are more probable during the next week then at any time during the previous year.
Settle in somewhere cozy and warm, avoid travel, but be ready to flee from coastal zones or major earthquake destruction at the drop of a hat.
Solar VortexPlanets: Currently Venus is moving into alignment with Earth while Mercury aligns on the other side of the Sun with Pluto. This double-headed alignment will be near perfect on both legs about January 9, 2006. This will bring in a new surge of sunspot and solar activity about January 1-4, during the New Moon Syzygy in Perigee, even as the Earth approaches its Perihelion (closest approach to the Sun during the first week of January). Venus and Earth will as a pair move into alignment with Saturn about January 22 while Mercury is close to an alignment with Neptune (which it will perfect a couple of days later). This most likely will induce even greater solar activity, which will likely surge out from the Sun about mid-January.
Weather: From these alignments we will probably see two major storm waves peaked into extremes by the Sun, the first to hit during the first two weeks of January, the second to hit during the last two weeks of January. In the meantime, the recent Sunspot peak on December 26 at 90 is already impacting the atmosphere and is already driving the weather into record-breakers in many areas of the Northern Hemisphere.
Believe on the alignments, it is not worth trying to travel this January.During the past week the Sunspot Count has been on a very choppy ride skirting close to an overpowering one. The cosmic wheels are clearly grinding with greater import than the previous week, but still not with catastrophes upon the Earth this week, MERELY with 3 foot snowfalls in Maine and the like.
Next week…
Date Flux Sunspots Area
2005 12 21 87 45 260
2005 12 22 88 77 280
2005 12 23 93 47 290
2005 12 24 92 70 340
2005 12 25 92 77 300
2005 12 26 93 90 440
2005 12 27 92 78 350
2005 12 28 89 61 230
NASA does not know what to make of the fluctuations, other than to observe that it is a good time to view auroras.
Fluxgate at the U. of Alaska is choppy, not big magnetic waves at the moment, mind you, but definitely choppy.
Basically, the series of planetary alignments through to January 24 will keep us all guessing as major storm waves pound added extremes into this winter's worst weather periods.
Timing most especially seems up in the air. On December 23, Mercury Jupiter aligned. As I observed two weeks ago, never in the past three years has such an alignment failed to produced a rather spectacular increase in the Sunspot Count and in over all Solar Activity. I opined then that this IS now solar MIN phase and thus the activity is likely to be reduced. I concluded that it will be very interesting to observe this alignment during this phase.
As we can see, the alignment clearly produced a major spike in the Sunspot Count, some three days after the alignment. This timing is within the variations we have observed during the past four years, the Sunspot Peak comes up to four days late, as early as ten days in advance, demonstrating why long range weather forecasts are technically IMPOSSIBLE, as all weathermen have proven decisively during the past generation despite enormous use of money and computer power to make the weather predictable a month in advance. They cannot account for the variations in the solar flux, which ionically alters the behavior of the atmosphere enough to actually drive storm fronts into chaotic (unpredictable)conditions.
AS PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED: On January 8, Venus and Earth will align, this also has never failed to produce a spectacular result, but then I said the same thing about Earth Mars. So spin the roulette wheel and find your number that way. This is virtually on PERIHELION, in fact without looking at an ephemeris, I would say that this IS PERIHELION because the orbital synchronicity of the two planets on this swing MUST mark the Earth's closest approach to the Sun. I wonder how often this synchronicity repeats. Then on January 24, 2006, Earth and Saturn will align, with Venus close into the alignment, with Mercury nearly 180 opposite on the other side of the Sun. I will be very interested and eager to see what this configuration brings.
Remember, as we have seen the past few years, the peak sunspot periods should be about 3-10 days in advance of the alignment, sometimes up to 3-5 days afterwards. Storm fronts are energized in as little as 24 hours but generally the full result in broad storm fronts between continental air masses and marine air vapor flow does not seem to be felt until about 3-5 days later. These then take another 3-5 days to work across the continents.
All in all the Sun is likely to be highly unpredictable during the next 30 days, some additional major spikes in activity are likely to be seen. Thus, we will likely see more than two waves of extremes pour through the Sun and though the weather fronts through to the end of January.
We are nigh into the New Moon (Dec. 30)Syzygy and for the next five days. This should be a AN EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG seismic season. So far, quake activity is apparently about normal in both frequency and magnitude for a non-syzygy period. As of the moment, world quake activity appears fairly random for all quakes over 4.0.
A few shape-shifter quakes have struck during the past seven days and activity in the Carib Plate is muted while South America is elevated.
From the SWVC, volcano stats:8 restless – Yellowstone, Alaska, & Kamchatka – 5, Mauna Loa and White Island 25 active 62 on alert status
Popo gave out only a few exhalations (explosive puffs) of steam and ash today, but sent a huge spire of ash into the atmosphere a few days ago. Colima, one its sisters is also still actively puffing ash sporadically. Most active zones remain the Carib Plate, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and Kamchatka. All these zones are collision points with the Pacific Ocean Bottom Plate.
Volcanic activity increased slightly this past seven days. New lava flows at Kilauea, Etna steamed, ash plumes increased around the Pacific Rim of Fire. Steam and quakes continue to predominate, while several of the Northern Pacific Arc continue to grow lava domes in parallel, ranging from Kamchatka to Alaska down to St. Helens. I suspect that when one of these erupts, many of them will also erupt in a spectacular world symphony. Their simultaneous eruption may awaken the world to the true cause of Global Warming, and 2006 may be the year. Expect new eruptions at nearly any time to commence a new season of acceleration in volcanic activity.
AS PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED: The biggest danger period coming up is the New Moon Perigee at Perihelion, from about December 30 through to about mid January. Solar Activity should be intense during this time for the Venus Earth alignment and this "touch" could add impetus to earthquakes as well. Solar flares and CME's can suddenly and briefly impact the Earth with a force which is up to 30 times the gravitational vector of the Moon. This jostle on one continental slab may produce quakes. All in all, then, the first week in January will be an exceptionally dangerous one on all fronts in the vortex. We have a full-fledged Four Whammy danger period
This period actually has one additional whammy built into it for the Northern Arc of the Pacific Rim of Fire. I cannot explain why, but during a X MIN year when the wobble is as small as it gets during its seven year cycle of expansion and contraction, seismic activity mag 3.0 plus in Japan and California go way up, even doubling overall for the year. This has been seen several times since 1962.Worldwide, overall quake activity above 3.0 decreases or at least seems to "pause" in its growth curve during the X MIN, but overall volcanic activity increases RADICALLY, which is followed in the next expansionary phase of Chandler's Wobble with an increase in the acceleration of Earthquake activity. This pattern has been seen repeatedly since 1973.
These patterns can be seen ever more clearly in the charts I have updated for the "Return of the Phoenix".
Based on these charts I can predict that 2006 will be the most dangerous earthquake period in California and Japan since 2000, with "big ones" much more probable than during the past several years. This zone of danger will persist all year and into 2007 through at least the Spring. Thereafter the danger will diminish through the next X Wave cycle of Chandler's Wobble.
Volcanic activity is already surging upwards and during 2006 will be more explosive and colorful than in the previous five years. St. Helens is likely to have the major eruption it has been building up towards this past year, along with Popo, Colima, and of course with major flare-ups in the steady erupters, including esp. Etna and Kilauea. If St. Helens erupts, expect it will have company in the Far East in Kamchatka, the Aleutians, the Kuriles, and possibly Japan and the Philippines.
Any volcanic pre-signaling during 2006 should be taken with GRAVE ATTENTION. Often times the flare up of pre-signals lead to nothing, but during the next 18 months they are more probable than at other times to actually lead to increased activity.When the revised books are in the can, I will make these charts visible to subscribers.
THE TRILOGY VORTEX: The revised version of Book One is available now at the website. Book Two needs a few more hours to work, Book Three will take a couple more weeks. After finishing it up during early January, I will put the entire trilogy into paperback and hardbound editions. New access codes will be sent just after the first to current subscribers. If you are a current or past subscriber, I will send you a paypal button which gives you the obtain to renew at the old rate. New subscribers are now being asked for $36 annual donation.
ECONOMIC VORTEX:Don't blink. Hold your course. Meltdown window: mid-Spring to mid-Fall. Almost all observers agree that the housing bubble is the driver of the current economy and that it is bound to break in 2006. We are pretty much at the beginning of 1929 with the same kind of psycho-dynamics and vastly over-inflated bubbles at work with easy credit far too easy to obtain to inflate the bubble even more. Welcome to the re-run of the Great Depression, you are right on time.
NOT SO PSYCHO-PATHETIC VORTEX:AS OBSERVED LAST WEEK: In Iraq, a new government, thankfully, will form, a national unity move will begin, and by March 2006, the U.S. will be asked to leave rather abruptly so that the Iraqi's can get on with fixing the basic utilities in the country with the help of Iran/Gulf States money. So will the U.S. be out of there in, say, six months? With the Iran play now unfolding it very difficult to predict much of anything....see the next item.
LATE BREAKING NEWS: Dan Youra at Utoons TV reports that a cure for terror has been discovered. It takes just one click of one finger. Just turn off Cable News. (See the Earth Monitor: http://www.michaelmandeville.com/earthmonitor)
VERY PATHETHIC PSYCHO VORTEX:With the U.S. government stalemated and sidelined from stark raving incompetence, it now appears that the Zionists will attempt to use Israel to strike Iran and destroy the last 20 years of its industrial development. Most likely Spring is the earliest possible Window for this strike. The Zionist maneovering, preparations, agitation and pressure can already be seen. Both Israel and the U.S. are now activity following policies of border incursions against Lebanon and Syria to undermine Arab confidence and credibility in their own territorial rights. Since these are the two weakest, most isolated Arab countries, it is easy to push them around. Continued violation of their sovereignty continues to teach the Arabindians that they are irrelevant to the march of “Western Civilization” over their lands.
THE THREAT OF A BROADER WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST AS A RESULT OF WESTERN IMPERIAL POLICIES IS EXTREMELY REAL AND EXCEPTIONALLY GRAVE. Neither Israel nor the U.S. can accomplish their goals with military force against Iran. Yet there really is a faction of well-intrenched Imperialists in the U.S. and Britain who are and who intend to continue to pursue policies of violent dominance against many Arab nations. The only result will be the gradual generation of World War IV and about 3 billion humans hostilely polarized for the remainder of Century 21 against everything American and Jewish. Not a very wise course of action. I am completely convinced that the fall of Israeli bombs in Iran will begin the rise of Nostradamus's fated figure, the so-called Anti-Christ, who will essentially be the "Mirror" in which the West will see its own terrible image. Already we can see in Iran the nascent President looking more and more like Bush's mirror. An Israeli strike, in Iran, or an American one, will be conducted by exactly the same arrogant, biggoted, stupid mentality which created "Custer's Last Stand". The result will be the same, except this: the West will not be able to eventually over-run these Eastern lands.
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December 29, 2005
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