February 03, 2008

National Security Letters, use of drugs by NSA - why we need real oversight!!

This is a video response to WH Press Briefing, January 23 2008

How did America get in the fix it is in?

Turley has some thoughts

One will be very afraid in Federal offices -

the fear that they will inject you with drugs

that can kill is very real.


(NSLs) National Security Letters (Before 911). Before the Patriot Acts. Before 911. Before August 2001 PDB. After Able Danger and Phoenix memo warnings. What was so imperative? What was impending? What was being planned? By whom?


911 Stand Down Order FISA Church Committee NSA CIA FBI Able Danger FBI 9/11 FISA My Pet Goat WMD Niger Plame Sibel Edmonds Habeas Corpus Watergate Warrantless Surveillance COINTELPRO False Flag FISA Patriot Act Executive Privilege Constitution 911 Rigged Elections Coup Able Danger Cheney Bush Florida 2000 Ohio 2004 Diebold Torture Reichstag Fire My Pet Goat 1984 Fake News State Secret National Security Terror Alerts Propaganda Niger Plame Orwell Patriotism Treason Traitors Election Fraud Political Coup FISA Waterboarding Magna Carta Bill of Rights Countdown Keith Olbermann WTC7 Geneva Conventions Senator Russ Feingold Greg Palast Free Press Freedom of Speech Freedom-of-Expression First Amendment Sedition Act Free-Speech Rigged Elections Coup Able Danger Cheney Bush Florida 2000 Ohio 2004 Diebold Torture Reichstag Fire My Pet Goat 1984 Fake News State Secret National Security Terror Alerts Propaganda Niger Plame Orwell Patriotism Treason Traitors Election Fraud Political Coup Stolen Elections Ohio 2004 Was Florida 2000 Political Coup Terror Alerts 1984-Coup 911 9/11 Phoenix Memo Able Danger Coup False Flags

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