February 14, 2008

Moon over Alabama: The Dem Rethug Farce

There can be no change in Amerika until the dem rethug farce is deemed irrelevant. Wouldn't it be ironic if the ultimate political whores - HRC and Cigar Bill - were the catalysts for that to occur?

The Dem Rethug Farce

by Debs is dead
lifted from a comment

I don't understand why people are even debating the Obama Clinton thing especially on the thin ice of race, since HRC spent a good deal of effort trying to paint her opponent into a Jessie Jackson type candidate for african americans only. The stereotyping was led by Cigar Bill of course and the only thing it appeared to achieve was to swing away black voters disenchanted by the spectacle of the "first black prez" showing his true colors. The bullshit flowed from both sides which is to be expected.

We know this, just as any thinker knows that a person capable of winning the nomination from either party, dem or rethug is a guaranteed enemy of ordinary humans inside and outside amerika who is going to continue the policies of amerikan imperialism plugged-in, that GWB introduced.

There is only one tiny chink of light showing anywhere in this. It seems likely that as Susan articulated so well earlier, the Clinton dynasty has screwed the pooch badly.
The dynasty is going to have to fight dirty (well dirtier), to secure their 'rightful gig'. Even the dynasty's number one supporter, the NYT conceeds that here:

With every delegate precious, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers also made it clear that they were prepared to take a number of potentially incendiary steps to build up Mrs. Clinton’s count. Top among these, her aides said, is pressing for Democrats to seat the disputed delegations from Florida and Michigan, who held their primaries in January in defiance of Democratic Party rules.

Of course the ClintonPlc syndicate will be up to much sleazier stunts than that little piece of duplicity. The Clintons are so determined to secure 'their' place in the White House that are blind the fact that most of Obama's support comes from people who probably won't just sigh and mutter "politics as usual" before pulling the handle for Hilary, the way that most of her supporters would if that happened to their candidate.

ClintonPlc have shown the depth of their ignorance and hubris admirably so far, particularly in the way they conducted the primary. They are quite capable of a blatant super delegate buy-off redolent with pork barrels, blackmail and bribery right at the convention. That winning in this way could back-fire badly especially in the long term won't occur to them. Future-schmuture. Remember Hillary was a dedicated rethug until Cigar Bill recognised her potential as a number cruncher and hard-headed win-at-all-costs organizer and persuaded her she could find even more fame and fortune in the dem party.

If a convention floor shonky happens, it could spell doom for that favourite plaything of the elites, the democrat party.

Best case for ClintonPlc worst case for humanity is that the Obaminites will go home after swearing off participatory politics for life.

There are a number of other alternatives not least of which would be a big chunk of the democrat support base actively fighting against the outcome and splitting from the party.

Many african-amerikans including many of those who loathe Obama and his policies would see a super delegate slink off as the ultimate betrayal after decades of african american support for the party.

An event such as this could provide the momentum for something which dems have always consoled themselves with as being an impossibility. Consoling themselves as they cynically encourage corrupt afrikan american pols ahead of the legions of capable and honest ones, while they cynically destroy New Orleans as a home for african amerikans of all income levels, while they allow policies which aid thefts of assets and cynically remove any hope of african amerikans of owning a home.

That so-called impossibility is a complete breakaway and the formation of a new party dedicated to aiding the interests of all unwhite amerikans.

I realise that many readers have been gulled into believing the mainstream analysis which holds that this would be impossible to succeed at, but success is not an impossibility. The last straw will break the camel's back eventually.

But more than that could happen to the dems. The legions of young bourgois voters will be turned off too many of them for good and they may choose to look elsewhere in future.

This is dangerous stuff for the dems because the only really firm demographic HRC has is amongst older dem voters and of course they are a dying breed.

Now the death of the dems, isn't an instant fix, but it would be a start to turning around the mess that is amerikan politics and governance.

The rethugs need the dems as much as the dems need the dems. Remember the farce is kept running by both sides agreeing to concentrate on the issues where tiny details separate them, and then blow that up into a major stoush. The emasculation of the pseudo-left party would mean there was no longer a system to agree on the issues up for debate.

People may start debating empire, war, or, heaven forfend, the cult of ownership. Why do property rights transcend all other rights? Maybe the emphasis could shift a bit. . . ?

There can be no change in Amerika until the dem rethug farce is deemed irrelevant. Wouldn't it be ironic if the ultimate political whores - HRC and Cigar Bill - were the catalysts for that to occur?

Posted by Bernhard on February 14, 2008

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