February 03, 2008

Activism: A message for you from Toronto

Forward this to 10 people!!
Conversations That Matter coming to Light ~ Vision of Love in Action ~ Waking Up Our Global Heart

Ready for a collective quantum leap forward and upward?

CYRES challenges you to be the change.

The Quest: Inspiring the eye of the world, making an impact, with a down-to-earth note.
Consciously creating change through turning thoughts around and inspired action on purpose.

Think differently and life will shift.

Ultimately, personal transformation leading to planetary transformation.

Self change inspiring Collective change.

A worldview that says, we're all in this together, no one is separate. All is love. All is sacred.

Is your vibration a match to love and peace?

Stimulating thought and action via this empowering video. An insightful look at conscious creation.

Cyres Café is about co-creating conversations that matter and befriending the earth. Keeping open to Love. Relevant and real for everyday life experience. Inspiration for action. Infusing the world with a blend of love, appreciation, and self empowerment.

Taking thought beyond. Changing the world, one thought, one action, at a time.

Join in.

Create Your Reality Experience Self

Calling you to bring about an evolution in consciousness via spiritually-grounded participation. Be vocal. Be visible. Stimulate thought and question thought. Experience conscious dialogue. Amp it up! It is love that can change the world.

Change, without wanting to change anyone else but yourself. Change from love and inspiration. Loving each other as we are now. We are all mighty fine as we are now. Magnificent magnets. No two alike, and, that which is like unto itself is drawn. Be yourself. Inquire, explore, discover more about Who You Really Are. We do not have to agree or disagree, simply be. It is our birthright to be happy. It is natural to desire more. Everyone has a different interpretation of what's right and what's wrong. Nothing is wrong; we can't do any of it wrong. It's a growth experience. 'Bad' is simply, only different than what you want. Don't we all have different wants? Could we respect that? I am what I am and you are that which you are and it's all good. Thankfully we are not all the same, and, even with dramatic differences between us, we can still feel good and appreciate and respect each other. Live and let live while simply being enthusiastic for more, eager for expansion. See the world through YOUR eyes, the eyes of your source, and consider what is really true. What you do with your life, is your decision. It's up to you.

This energizing video combines the worlds of self-development and hip-hop in a fresh brilliant blend. Serving up hot self help. Putting CYRES at the forefront of the Conscious Change movement.
Also view the "CYRES * Create Your Reality Experience Self * The Lyrics" video, the complement to this video.

CYRES, with radical spirit, takes you to fabulous new frontiers of self empowerment and oneness. Inner peace for outer peace.

From the prison of fear let's walk free, unbind ourselves from the negativity, free ourselves from feelings of inadequacy. Never mind what is. You have to see as you want it to be. Wake up and smell the coffee. Walk through the fears into the field of infinite possibility. Living authentically. Taking action effectively. Being, in your prime, much freer, forgiveness personified, clearly focused in one direction, stronger, successfully much more in control of your life. On track. Singing your unique song, in harmony with all. A symphony of activity, loving and appreciating that everyone has their own song to express. Equal parts that all fit together. Feel the One heart beat. In tune with who you really are.

The only answer that is helpful is the answer inside of YOU.

Together we can build a powerful foundation for appreciation and co-creation.

Allow this experience to create a Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Be a Cyres Dream Seed:
03:50 minutes of increased awareness. Dream awake, open your heart, expand your mind, take inspired action and reclaim your future, Now. We, in unity, are becoming more the possibility of a planet of higher consciousness. Waking dreams are being experienced more and more. What if all it takes is maybe 10% of the population, people like us, to make a positive difference, serving All Life. Expressing "The Power of 10", plant this Dream Seed, this CYRES video, forward to 10 Hearts, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj1RcJ... and ask them to make a difference by doing the same, and so forth. One Heart.

The emergence of new hope is with us. Discover more about this, in the letters "to The Power of 10", plus create commentary and expand the experience, http://www.cyrescafe.net



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