February 10, 2008

Poverty and unemployment - let's start taking a look

It is said, the news stories on umemployment, housing and poverty are sadly lacking.

You've undoubtedly noticed this yourself.

If they can manipulate job statistcs, they'll do that in the business sections of a MSM news source - BUT the story about the real amount of poverty and its symptoms are desperately hard to come by.

This is my attempt to start off a discussion about a most troubling situation - one that as the economic Klusterfuck takes bigger hold, should become much more high profile.

Let's start DIALOGUING! We owe it to our children to look at the troublesome issue rather than ducking and running. Then we'll know how to make real recommendations to policy makers - should we finally kick the neocons out the door (and they come in insidious packages, looking like opponents when they are NOT.)


Poverty and unemployment in New York City

Poverty and unemployment in New York City (map/graphic/illustration)

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Poverty and unemployment in New York City. The United States Census Bureau sets the poverty thresholds according to money income before taxes, excluding capital gains and noncash benefits, family size and number of children under 18 years old. These thresholds were developed by the Social Security Administration (SSA) in 1964, then revised by interagency committees (1969, 1981). They are adjusted each year using the annual average Consumer Price Index (CPI). For example, a single person under 65 years old who earns less than US$ 9,214 in 2001 per year is considered living under the poverty line (www.census.gov).

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