February 16, 2008

>Germany becomes the First Country to admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operations
>'For all those activists who have been
>investigating and reporting on clandestine
>government operations around the world to
>manipulate our weather patterns, this news from
>Germany is groundbreaking. The TV news report
>states that "the military planes of the German
>Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this
>is what the weather researchers are presuming
>and their suspicions are confirmed …

>"We can state with a 97% certainty that we have
>on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails)
>comprised by fine dust containing polymers and
>metals, used to disrupt radar signals."'

>"This is their main purpose, but I was surprised
>that this artificial cloud was so wide-spread.
>The radar images are stunning considering the
>needed tons of dispersed elements -- although,
>the federal army claims that only small amounts
>of material were propagated. The military heads
>claim that the substances used are not harmful."
>"In the United States of America there are
>protest after protest for many years now,
>against these military operations and now people
>are mobilising in Germany as well. Per example JOHANNES REMMEL of the Greens.
>"It's obvious that enormous regions are being
>polluted with clandestine actions, but all of
>this has to be made public. The government must
>provide explanations to the unsuspecting population."
>This is a very significant development in the
>battle to find out why our governments are
>spraying chemicals into our atmosphere, however
>it is only the tip of the iceberg. As far as
>researchers have been able to conclude, chemical
>spraying by our governments have been in full
>operation since mid-to-late 1990's (possibly
>earlier). The following video presentation is a
>great introduction to chemtrails and some of its possible implication:


Read more and watch ...


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