February 16, 2008

Christian Commons Project™: Mandate

The Christian Commons Project™ is designed to carry out the mandate to the Church given by Jesus Christ in the Gospel According to Saint John the Evangelist, Chapter 21, Verses 14 through 17, to feed the people. It is the indisputable, irrevocable duty of every Christian and Jesus’s whole Church acting in an environmentally responsible manner.

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The Christian Commons Project™

Monday, January 1, 2007
@ 12:01:52 AM (PST)
By Tom Usher

Last updated:
Friday, January 25, 2008

  2. Mandate from God: John 21:14-17
  3. There Are Hungry People even in the United States: Statistics from the U.S. Conference of Mayors
  4. Corn for Fuel: Serious environmental, health, and economic fallout
  5. Fuel Prices: Impact on food prices
  6. Foreclosures and Bankruptcies: Home foreclosures, bankruptcies, subprime-mortgage debacle, unemployment, stagflation, college loans
  7. Waging Wars on Borrowed Money: Sacrifice, savings, irrational consumption, credit disaster, expensive wars, reserve currency, the Petrodollar, the Euro, inflationary pressures
  8. Background: Data, traditional approaches, land ownership and uses
  9. 12 Myths About Hunger
  10. Why Not Just Give More Money to the Usual Charities? The Christian Commons Project™ is Different: Commons as source
  11. The Commons Has a Number of Additional Benefits: Support, skills, education, safety, “green,” alternative energy, innovation, laborsaving, sharing
  12. Heart and Soul of Christianity: Acts 2:44-45; Acts 4:32-35; Matthew 5:42; Matthew 12:36; Isaiah 32:7-8; Matthew 12:7; Matthew 23:23. Give and share, no baseless talk, warn, weightier matters
  13. Not Mere “Bible Thumping”
  14. The Failed Welfare Model and Failing Welfare Reform: Build, own, operate, and maintain; No breaking people
  15. How Is the Christian Commons Project™ Organized?
  16. Some Guiding Principles of the Christian Commons: New Commandment, John 13:34, Greatest Commandment, Second Great Commandment, Golden Rule, Matthew 7:12
  17. Community Property Works: Religious orders, community property in marriage, Anabaptists, Kibbutzim, U.S. military, earliest Apostles, disciples, Jesus
  18. Just a Few of the Many Established Communities of Various Types
  19. Why Not Let the Secular Government Take Care of the Poor through Taxes?: Privatizers, taxes, selfish interest, private fiefdoms, “faith-based initiatives,” political contributions, kickbacks
  20. Don’t the Poor and Others Still Receive Help?: Coercive proselytizing and evangelizing
  21. Yes, But Isn’t the “Faith-Based” Program Democratically Derived?: End-run around the establishment clause
  22. The Christian Commons is Better
  23. Christians Give without Holding out for Recompense
  24. Belong to Something Greater Than Yourself: God’s whole, Matthew 25:34-40
  25. 501(c)(3)
  26. Link to this page: Copy and paste code
  27. Blogroll, Social Networking Links
  28. Neighbors, Friends, and Family All, God Bless You and Thank You

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