May 05, 2008

Arctic Earthquakes Increasing in Number and Strength

Arctic Earthquakes Increasing in Number and Strength

May 5th, 2008

We have just received word that the Arctic Circle suffered two Magnitude 4+ earthquakes in one day. This is very unusual, as this area hardly sees any seismic action. These two quakes, plus another off the Oregon coast, impressed the writer of this article, Michael Mandeville, as the beginning of a “continental class tectonic event,” to quote him.

Cayce Prophecies Alert: Upheavals In The Arctic

by Michael MandevilleSeismic Action in the Arctic

This is one of the more important Earth Changes advisories.

Go see the current quakes at, click on the high arctic zone to get just North America

Two Class 4 quakes have just struck high in the Arctic at two widely separated
points. I have been watching the Arctic for some eight years. This is the
first time we have had two quakes over 4.0. You almost never even get one such quake.

To add to the interest, a Class 4 quake also struck at virtually the same time
off the coast of Oregon. Look at the triangulation on the map, it is exquisite.
I am calling this a continental class tectonic event, I don’t think these are
random discrete events. I believe that they relate directly to the past three
weeks of shape-shifting long waveforms which have been traveling through North America. It will make some time to mull this one over…

Could this be the beginnings of Edgar Cayce’s polar shifts? If it is, do not fear, because the longer that these things take, the more likely that humanity will be to survive them.

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