April 30, 2008

My appeal for MONEY!!

I live on disability and am really hard up.

I work day after day, night after night to get TRUTH out to anyone who can listen. I have a GLOBALIST point of view, and am no nationalistics (in case you couldn't tell).

I can only do what I do, if you catch my drift. But no one pays me a dime.

In March, I finally put up a coffeecup. That is because BELL took me down. I'll be going to court on that one and my credit at long last will be RUINED, although I kept meticulous records of how BELL SCREWED me.

I have only written for no money so far, although I am to correct that!!

Yesterday, I discovered that although someone DID give me a donation, I didn't even get that. My paypal account was NOT activated!! So .. this month is going to be more than rough, it's probably going to prove to be IMPOSSIBLE for me to stay online. This is a crying shame, because there are some "stories" that only I cover, particularly Canadian ones on indigenous issues -- that get indexed on google. Even Mohawk nation news does not get "indexed" by google - so the only TRUTH about Ardoch Lake comes out on this blog!!

If you come by and read this appeal, drop some money in the coffee cup.

Lots of GUYS get thousands of dollars to do investigative journalism, I do not.

Here is a sample appeal of a good journalist who is asking for $25,000! I like Robert Parry alot. But I also know if I go to him or a few other journalists, they aren't going to help me get grants or even help me get on a proper feed! I write for free for one guy who has a car, a home, a reputation. He doesn't pay me a dime. He still can't even see the forest for the trees. When I post FOR FREE on his online publication, he not ONCE, not ONCE, has responded. He pretends publically that we are the best of friends, we are not. Far from it.

I am not going to get out of this deep dark place by myself. I need a good url, a good blogspace and the knowledge my ISP won't go down.

So today, here I am .. anyone with pennies to spare, send it to ME!!

I will definitely make good use of it, and not waste your nickels.

Here's Robert Parrie's appeal - consider I do a very good job and haven't gotten a red cent from anyone. I don't have a car, I don't have a home, I post really good items 24 hours a day, and I try to show you the PATTERNS and what underlies the actions of all the CORRUPT and EVIL politicians and corporations continually. I have NO MENTOR AT ALL.

So today, if ya have some pennies, put them on my coffee cup. If you still think that sexism doesn't exist, guess again. I don't "hide behind a guy" to keep my life ticking over .. and that means I really get into it trying to stay afloat.

Trust me on that.


Robert Parry's appeal letter to me today. (yeah, right)

Our spring fundraiser at Consortiumnews.com has stalled short of its modest $25,000 goal. While that presents problems for our long-term survival, it also has the immediate effect of keeping two important investigative projects on hold.

One project - dealing with the secret history of Republican ties to Iran's Islamist regime - requires an overseas trip that our budget can't cover. The other - relating to corrupt ties between American neoconservatives and Turkish extremists - calls for additional spending on complex research.

We also understand why it sounds odd to many Americans when we ask them to support investigative journalism. Traditionally, that's been the role of big media companies with large budgets.

But the reality of modern America is that these old institutions have failed. During my many years in mainstream Washington journalism, I watched this sorry transformation from the inside.

So, when the country desperately needed an aggressive press corps - as George W. Bush was claiming and consolidating power and then misleading the nation into a catastrophic war - the big media was part of the problem, not part of any solution.

It fell to small, independent outlets like ours to challenge the wrongdoing during Election 2000 and Bush's exploitation of the 9/11 tragedy as a means to stampede the country into the reckless invasion of Iraq.

But we can only survive - and take on the hard stories - with your help.

So, please put us over the top of our fund drive and give us the means to press forward with these important investigative projects.

For those readers who have been able to send us contributions over the past month, thank you.

To make a secure, tax-deductible donation by credit card, click here.

Or you can send a check to: Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); Suite 102-231; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington, VA 22201.

(For readers using PayPal, address donations to our account, which is named "consortnew@aol.com".)

With donations of $100, we'll send you an autographed gift copy of our latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush. (Or you can request that we substitute either Robert Parry's Lost History or his book on the rise of the Bush dynasty, Secrecy & Privilege.)

With donations of $150 or more, we'll send the hard cover version of Neck Deep. (We also have a few copies left of Parry's Trick or Treason, which we can substitute, if you wish, while supplies last.)

As always, thank you for your support!

Robert Parry, Editor

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush, was written with two of his sons, Sam and Nat, and can be ordered at neckdeepbook.com. His two previous books, Secrecy & Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq and Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth' are also available there. Or go to Amazon.com.

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