I had promised to do some posting about hallucinagens and why, what, where, who and when ...
And then Blogger started playing up AGAIN. I've now beat the posting system once again.
And now, I found the one statement I was looking for to post FIRST
And here it is ...
We do these drugs and potions to access some heaven on earth.
Rob Brezsny says:
Its names are many; dreamtime, fourth dimension, underworlld, astral plane, collective unconsciousness, afterdeath state, eternity, bardo and Hades - to name a few.Then he says:
-Pronoia, p. 204
The problem was that unlike the other techniques on the list, psychedelics bypassed my willpower. Their chemical battering simply smashed through the doors of my perception. No adroitness or craft was involved on my part. One of my meditation teachers referred to drug use, no matter how responsible, as "storming the kingdom of heaven through violence."
Pronoia, p. 205
So, I will be updating this at odd times, with different stuff.
I think it is an important issue. I think lots of people think the end times are coming. I think lots of people think "the ships" from Arcturus are coming. I think lots of people are not creating a NEW reality here on Earth, because they are lazing but think typing emails into groups is The Answer - and are still putting lethal and VIOLENT drugs into their systems (and that includes abundant amounts of alcohol, the liquid drug).
But if we are to be REAL shamans, visionaries, gateways, portals and multidimensionalists, we need to be listening to our INNER TEACHERS as our leaders, not our drug induced "real"ities.