April 25, 2007

Why does orthomolecular psychiatry actually work ...? Because it tried to find answers to HELP PEOPLE, rather than just study dysfunction. T

The article below is terrifying as where does this white stuff REALLY come from ...? Drugs child ingest, snort, smoke, swallow or whatever? Are kids drug psychotic or TRULY schizophrenic ...?

Do these new findings really MEAN anything ... I mean it's about what happens to RATS and MICE for heaven's sake.

If you really wanna read this, the link is already here ... but consider what is being proposed!! And why, pray tell, are they doing this research at a CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. Supposedly schizophrenia doesn't show up until late adolescent (very late) or in somone's 20's at the minimum ... ain't this just a ploy to get MORE KIDZ ON DRUGS, more profit$ for Big Pharma's shareholders .. and so on and on.

Does it really justify the terrifying prospect at the end of the article ...?

Oh, potential Teen Screen victims , you've got more baloney to fight ...

And if you do read it, consider: usually you do GOOD SCIENCE by observing and then hypothesizing, testing and so on. You do NOT do it the way THIS was done - by creating artificial conditions and THEN observing.

And also,

who's putting the amphetimines in

the pot these kidz today are

smoking ...?


April 24, 2007

White Matter Matters in Schizophrenia

New study of effects of two genes on schizophrenia may aid in quicker diagnoses and the development of new therapies






Science Image: oligodendrocytes


Oligodendrocytes in mice with compromised signaling of the growth
factor neuregulin 1 (right) are smaller with fewer branches than normal
Scientists have suspected for more than two decades
that schizophrenia is linked to defects in the brain's white matter.
They could not tell, however, whether changes in the
information-transmitting region of the brain detected by brain scans or
autopsies were the cause or the symptoms of the illness.
A new study not only clarifies the association but also links it to
genes previously tied to the debilitating mental disorder and chemical
changes believed to occur in the schizophrenic brain. "[The report]
provides evidence that alterations in myelin [the lipid layers that
sheath and insulate nerve fibers and are the main constituent of white
matter] can cause defects in neurons and the central nervous system in
general that are related to neuropsychiatric disease," says the study's
senior author Gabriel Corfas, a professor of neurology at Harvard
Medical School's Children's Hospital Boston

*snip* (and this is a long and complicated snip)

Corfas says that the new findings indicate that screening children with
noticeable cognitive and social defects for increased white matter or
changes in its organization could lead to earlier diagnosis of
In addition, he says the results indicate that therapies
designed to treat other white matter disorders such as multiple
sclerosis could be useful in treating schizophrenia and other
neuropsychiatric disorders.*

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