and then
think about CANADA
It's time for VISION, folks
Spirit-Crushing 'McJobs' Are Putting an End to Upward Mobility
By Margy Waller and Shawn Fremstad, Philadelphia Daily News
Posted on April 12, 2007, Printed on April 13, 2007
http://www.alternet .org/story/ 50347/
The media and the pundits spend a lot of time focusing on the massive increase in compensation for top jobs.
But if we really care about strengthening the national economy, it's time to focus on the other side of the story -- what's happening in the low-wage labor market. In a report we've written (with Heather Boushey and Rachel Gragg), "Understanding the Low-Wage Labor Market in the United States," we find that more than 40 million jobs -- about 1 in 3 -- pay low wages.