as well as atypical psychotic
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RIP the shooting victims at Virginia Tech
I find that the mass of people I talk to do NOT want to think that there is anything more to this than a MAD MAN. But there are just too many anomolies AND too many parts of a puzzle as to what makes a mind control victim lose it to just take this as patly as the Mainstream Media has and is playing it. So many many suggestions are made; get students more organized and togethr. Don't get paranoid. Get paranoid. and so on and on and on.
The truth is that there ARE overlapping detalis with previous clump murders in the past. I certainly have seen the videos that contradict each other .. why does he have a shaved head in the videos, but the person shown arrested has PLENTY of hair ..? If you want a full run down of some of this kind of stuff, I refer you to prison planet if you are having problems believing more was at work here than met the eyes.
But back to the junk food defense.
I am not even going to post what has been said, but I am gong to post one comment from the blog which ran that argument, because it is easier for you to see it all in black and white from that source, than me researching and digging to bring all this up on the blog. And many thanks to Suzy.
And since this is non-censored "journalism", I do want to point out to people that each time I took HALDOL, something awful happened. Two bonafide suicide attempts. Complete hallucinatory states. In one case I was stabbed in the thigh with it and the entry point of the needle still has a scab and that part of my leg has been numb ever since. That was five years ago! Was I crazy and HAD to have this drug ...? No, I was given it becuz I questioned AUTHORITY in each case. I am thankful I lived through it all ... and didn't hurt anyone.
Sugar certainly is something to watch out for. Please consider, as well, the common denominator here: Cho Seung-Hui, the shooter, was on psychiatric drugs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Public Health Advisory of March 22, 2004 identified the side effects of SSRI antidepressants, as: “Anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, akathisia (severe restlessness), and mania (psychosis), have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants.” SSRI antidepressants have documented side effects of suicide, mania, psychosis, aggression and hostility. There are numerous incidents to illustrate the point, most are never publicized. Here are the very few which were: Eric Harris, 18, on Luvox, with his friend Dylan Klebold, killed 12 classmates and a teacher at Columbine High School, before taking his own life. The coroner confirmed that toxicology reports showed Luvox in his system. Dylan Klebold's autopsy was never made public. Christopher Pittman, on Zoloft, killed his grandparents. Andrea Yates, on Effexor and Remeron-Effexor, drowned her five small children in the bathtub. Princess Diana, on Prozac, and Dodi Fayed died in the car crash driven by their driver Henri Paul, on Prozac. Chris Farley, on Prozac, had a Prozac-induced heart attack. Mrs. Phil Hartman, on Zoloft, killed her husband. A wrongful death court case was filed and settled by the Zoloft manufacturer. T.J. Soloman, 15, on a mix of antidepressants, shot and wounded 6 classmates. Jim McDougal, on Prozac, Clinton's ex-partner, died of a Prozac-induced heart attack after his dosage was increased to 60 mg in prison. Shawn Cooper, 15, on a mix of antidepressants, fired two shotgun rounds on students and school staff. Kip Kinkel, 15, on Prozac and Ritalin withdrawal, killed his parents and 2 classmates, wounding 22. Jeremy Strahmeyer, on Dexedrine, raped and murdered a 7-year-old girl in a ladies restroom in a Las Vegas casino. Jason Hoffman, 18, on Effexor and Celexa, opened fire at his high school, wounding 5. Elizabeth Bush, on Paxil, responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania. Cory Baadesgaard, 16, on Paxil and Effexor, took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates and a teacher hostage. Chris Shanahan, on Paxil, killed a woman. Chris Fetters, on Prozac, killed her favorite aunt. Matt Miller, on Prozac, hung himself in his bedroom closet after only 6 days on Zoloft. Seth Privacky, on Wellbutrin, shot his grandfather, parents, brother and brother's girlfriend while celebrating Thanksgiving. Jarred Viktor, on Paxil, stabbed his grandmother 61 times, He took Paxil five days. Jeff Franklin, on Prozac and Ritalin, killed his parents as they came home from work. He used a sledge hammer, hatchet, butcher knife and mechanic's file, then attacked his younger brothers and sister. Sergi Babarin's, on SSRI withdrawal, Salt Lake Family History Library shooting left three dead. Matthew Beck, on Luvox, left five dead and killed himself. Edward Leary, on Prozac, was involved in the New York City Subway bombing. Nick Mansies, on Paxil, was convicted of killing a little boy who was selling cookies door-to-door. Dana Sue Gray, on Paxil, killed several elderly people. Officer Stephen Christian, on Prozac, ran into a police substation shooting at fellow officers and was killed. A wrongful death case was settled by the makers of Prozac. David Rothman, on Prozac, killed two co-workers and himself at the Department of Agriculture in Ingelwood, CA. Williams Evans, on Zoloft, shot a co-worker at Columbus, Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, then himself. Marilyn Lemak, on Zoloft, killed her three children. Christopher Vasquez, on Zoloft, butchered Michael McMorrow in Central Park. Michael Lubrecht, on Effexor, drowned his own child. Paul Marsh, on Paxil, killed his best friend. Megan Hogg, on Prozac, killed her three little girls and attempted suicide. Vera Espinoza, on Prozac, shot her small son and daughter, then herself. Mr. Cunningham, on Prozac, axed his wife and daughter to death. Margaret Kastanis, on Prozac, killed her three children, then stabbed herself to death. Larramie Huntzinger, on Zoloft, ran his car into three young girls, killing two. Mary Hinkelman, on Prozac, shot her two small daughters and her sister before shooting herself. Lisa Fox, on Prozac, shot her small son and her dog before shooting herself. Dr. Debra Green, on Prozac, set her home on fire, killing her children. Lauri Dann, on Anafranil, shot seven children in an elementary school classroom, killing one. Donald Schell, on Paxil, shot his wife, daughter and baby grand-daughter, then himself after taking Paxil two days. In June 2001, the Paxil manufacturer was found guilty of this murder/suicide and ordered to pay $6.4 million. Gloria B., on Prozac, killed her sleeping 17-year-old son with a sledge-hammer before she attempted suicide. Larry Buttz, on Prozac, superintendent of schools, shot his wife, son and daughter, then himself. Michael McDermott shot seven co-workers in Wakefield shortly after his anti-depressant medication was increased. Julie Woodward, on Zoloft, took her own life 7 days after the first tablet. Rebecca Riley, on Seroquel, Depakote, and Clonidine, died at the age of 4. When I was going to school, no one ever imagined violence in schools. Now we are accepting it as part of life. Evil isn't easy to confront. Note from Connie: Wow! Where did you get this very convincing information? Did you see the column by Mike Adams to which I referred, which also cites antidepressants as playing a role in the shootings?
Posted by: Suzy Hamilton | Friday, April 20, 2007 at 11:28 AM
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