Originally post by
Apr. 26th, 2007 08:49 am
Someone mentioned Seeds So here I go again with a little teaching (I hope). There are 2 types of seeds (well really there are more than that, but for basic garden purposes we are focusing on 2 types) Hybrid seeds and open-pollinated seeds.
If you plan to garden, do yourself a favor and make sure you only buy open pollinated (the real expensive versions are known as Heirloom) seed. here's a little info taken from http://www.primalseeds.org/hybrid.htm
Open-pollinated varieties are the traditional varieties which have been grown and selected for their desirable traits for millennia. They grow well without high inputs because they have been selected under organic conditions. These varieties have better flavour, are hardier and have more flexibility than hybrid varieties. Breeders cannot manipulate complex characteristics such as flavour as easily as they can size and shape. These seeds are dynamic, that is they mutate and adapt to the local ecosystem, as opposed to modern hybrids, which are static.
What that last line means is that if you plant & grow an open pollinated seed in California & let some of your crop "grow to seed" for the next planting, the plants will instinctively adjust themselves to your area. Plants from CA are going to be different than plants from Alabama, but you can save seed in both areas to plant the next crop.
You can't do that with hybrid seed. So don't buy it!!!
And here's a tip for new gardeners - have your soil checked - a local university or agri co-op will usually do the test for under $10 - many do it for free & prepare your soil before planting food - this means add the nutrients that you don't have enough of - can't have nutritious food grown in soil with no nutrients. You will find that your plants are healthier & you will deal with less insect damage - Insects usually do not attack healthy plants!!
A simple yet very effective and non toxic bug b gone for your garden is - get this - a soapy water spray! Get one of those garden sprayers (like for fertilizers) and put some mild dish soap in it (like ivory) and water your plant after the sun has gone down - spray them real good & let it dry - won't hurt the plant or the soil & the bugs hate it! 1 comment - Leave a comment |

Apr. 25th, 2007 12:09 am Happy Red Hat Society Day! For
all who are members, Enjoy, for those who are not, you may want to
learn a little about the society, it is for women over 50 (although
younger members are allowed in many chapters & are considered Pink
Hatters), there is a lot of literature written by Society members &
even a musical, Hats!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life - remember rule #1 - there are NO RULES!
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