April 24, 2007

Save internet radio!!

Radio Paradise has joined forces with other webcasters as part of the Save Net Radio coalition. Our goal is to pressure the US Congress to adopt a copyright royalty policy that will allow US-based webcasters like RP to continue operating -- which would not be possible under the royalty fee structure which was dictated by the record industry and recently rubber-stamped by the US Copyright office.

Here's how you can help:

  • Educate yourself. Check out the information on the SaveNetRadio.org website, read Bill's blog post and stay in touch with ongoing developments via Kurt Hanson's newsletter.
  • Sign the online petition and send messages to your members of Congress. This is a new petition and letter campaign. Even if you've already signed a petition or sent an email or letter, please take a few minutes to do it again. Congress needs to get the message loud & clear.
  • Make your voice heard online and in the mainstream media. Let everyone know what a personal loss it would be to you if RP and your other favorite Internet radio stations went away.
  • You can also participate in the discussion about this issue in our Listener Forum and on the Save Our Internet Radio Blog.

    Thanks a lot for following through on these suggestions, and stay tuned for other ways you can help.
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