April 22, 2007

Earth Day 2007

The pic above (by Ellynore, and a fine pic it is, too)

seems to symbolize EXACTLY how I feel about

Earth Day this year.

In the past, no one seemed to remember that there were FOUR r's, not three. Reduce, reuse, recycle are great. But RETHINK is so IMPORTANT. We live on ONE planet, with finite resources, but infinite creativity.

For the past coupla weeks, I've asked people to post me their ideas as if they belonged to a think tank that was refashioning the world.

Today, I read Mary Ratcliff's fabulous article in OpEd News

Her question is ...

So you want to save the planet? What should you consider first ...

and the answer is very forthcoming.

And in line with what I put forward to my OWN question. We need a consortium that does nothing but think about what needs to be done!! And she shows how one such month-long conference lead to so many positive innovations .... I think we need our own think tank!! (with pay, of course! I am SO sick of reading CIA documents about the doom to come from water, drought conditions, terrorists and the like).

Now, Mary has an open thread for discussion at The Left Coaster
which I think you could post your comments on this important question as well as on OpEd. Someone remarked that her article was timely. I think it was beyond timely!! It's the PRIORITY NUMERO UNO. It's up to US becuz with these governments' YOYO mentality (You are On Your Own, as Katrina so poignantly showed us), we are going to have to set the AGENDA.

Funny, but Lenin's first book was "What needs to be done ...?" This is not to say we must have socialist or communist ideology or systemology, but highlights just how important setting an agenda really IS ...

And in that vein, a very exciting event is marked for 17 May.

Read the story. Sign up to stand up. Set up an event in YOUR community. Invite EVERYONE in your address book(s). Send news about this to your media. Get all the men there!


It's time for our silent celebrations. The sheeple are waking up!


And before I forget, Care2, had an outstanding campaign this year. I signed the pledge, did you ...?
