April 29, 2007

Eli Lilly's latest scam.

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This is posted on a GREAT BLOG.

Did you hear that Eli Lilly, the company that was caught in a big
kerfuffle (read: had at least one 690 million dollar "settlement" and is being sued by various US States - cases against them in other countries) over Zyprexa (Olanzapine), recently released

an antidepressant for dogs? (Lady B says: emphasis mine).

The product, called Reconcile (fluoxetine hydrochloride), is a
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is prescribed for
dogs that suffer separation anxiety. It is prescribed on a
dose-to-weight basis for use in conjunction with behavior modification
training to help ease anxiety in dogs that become stressed-out when
their owners leave them behind to go to work or for other reasons. (Okay, boyz and grrls, we are dealing with Eli Lilly. I believe that they have Reason Makers - experience with Zyprexa seems to indicate this ... and sometimes the "reasons" are really DANGEROUS, like giving them to children ... sure build$ up them profit$, though)

Lilly research shows that 10.7 million, or up to 17 percent of U.S. dogs(1)
suffer from separation anxiety," said Steve Connell, D.V.M., manager of
technical, academic and consumer services for companion animal health
at Lilly. "We're thrilled that our first product for dogs can help
restore the human-pet bond, which can be compromised when dogs suffer
from separation anxiety." (Just wait. All sorts of dawgz are going to turn up NEEDING this drug.)

Reconcile is a chewable flavored tablet that is proven safe for dogs and puppies 6 months or older. (and aint that sweet? We used to wrap our dog's meds in some ground beef .. she would 'wolf" it right down! But it just might make it a reason to charge lots more ca$h per pill to have them in dog-friendly flavors.)

In field studies of approximately 600 dogs, 73 percent of dogs that
were receiving Reconcile showed improvement in separation
anxiety-related behavior within eight weeks when compared with dogs
receiving behavior modification training alone. Within one week of
starting Reconcile(TM) treatment and behavior modification training, 42
percent of dogs showed improvement. During trials, the most common
adverse reactions to Reconcile were calm or lethargy, reduced appetite,
vomiting, shaking, diarrhea, restlessness, excessive vocalization,
aggression and -- in infrequent cases -- seizures. [story]

Considering that the Chinese tainted pet food intended for American and
Canadian pets, I wonder what they think of Americans and their pets

* * *


Oh, my DOG! I mean God!!

Eli Lilly has NO shame, no ethics, no credibility whatsoever.

I find it signficant that I am reading this the week after all the stories about the VTech murderer and his profound usage of SSRI's.

Zyprexa IS a killer drug. It is an atypical antipsychotic THAT has been shown to be peddled by liars. They said it worked BETTER than the others. Guess what!?? It simply wasn't true.

Now, since the flashlight of truth has been shone upon the zyprexa shadows, we know that Mssrs. Eli Lilly & Co. are not always beacons of medical truth.

I knew that it was prescribed to my son who had drug psychosis. (DO NOT get me started on the dangers of MDMA and pushing one's consciousness where it should not be going.)

He was "labelled" paranoid schizophrenic.

I tried valiantly to keep him off it.
I tried valiantly to GET HIM OFF IT.

He is 22 and last July he had a STROKE.

I was prepared for the diabetes and pancreatitis (one develops the latter as the body fights to NOT get the diabetes. This phenomena makes it EXTREMELY difficult for a health practioner to detect the dangers to come, as the danger signals for diabetes do not show up in time to prevent it) .. but a STROKE?

At 22.

The fight against Eli Lilly has not come to the courts here in Canada YET, but the of counsel lawyer is the man who beat the Red Cross during the tainted blood scandal and the court battle should be a jolting media "ride". With this new dawg "medicine" Rover will be looking out the back window for the "dog catcher".

Back to DAWGS .. I have seen separation anxiety in dogs.

I HAD a Rhodesian Ridgeback. This is a breed that is not only INTENSE to the 10th power, BUT has separation anxiety so badly that there are rescue organizations dedicated to rescuing them. Yup.

The SPCA (where I got her) told me she was a Golden Retriever mix. Yeah, right. They said she was at the facility as the owners had a baby and they couldn't keep her any more. The dog had never had clicker training (btw, folks, this is what they mean by "behavior modification") which is essential for a dog that was BREED to be that agressive. Ridgeback is a mix of nine breeds to produce a lion hunting dog, who will not KILL the lion, simply corner it so that The Great White Hunter can go in for the KILL.)

I could not understand her ways. Love didn't seem to be an essential part of her personality; but being territorial certainly wuz. Being aggressive with other dogs certainly wuz. Being absolutely demanding certainly wuz.

So her seperation "anxiety" got really bad without the folks she had previously "bonded" with in her previous home. She was in FULL SCALE GRIEF, and I surely do not blame her.

These are some of the world's strongest dogs and she needed TONS Of exercise and freedom to roam; things I could not give her. Probably out in the suburbs she could fit her traits to that environment.

She began to nip at me as the days passed AND she took over all the furniture. You cannot fight a Ridgeback. I am disabled and couldn't sleep in my bed, sit in one of OWN chairs, or have even a 6" space on my sofa. Eventually I took the dog back to the animal shelter after I got SCARS from her biting me when I sat down on my own sofa.

She was put in quarantine and behavior modified for several months before they tried to let her be adopted again. (Poor ole Daisy! I am SO sorry .. but I did have to bring you back. How do I know what happened to you ...? I kept track of you on the shelter's website.)

Now, the POINT is - what would happen -- SHOULD Daisy be put on SSRI's? I'll bet she was damned mad being kept in cage except for a brief walk daily.

Note the side effect you have just sort of SKIPPED over - AGGRESSION. This is far likely to cause more problems than seizures, actually. Really really damaging for the dawg to be punished for what is a natural reaction to an ABNORMAL situation. What we are looking at here is post traumatic stress disorder (the dog lost its best friends and protectors) ... it is NOT depression.

But what do you think Daisy's chances of being put on Reconcile, had the drug been available back then ..?

I would say 100%. Why?

Because Eli Lily is totally unethical about selling drugs to organizations and to public care facilities. Several states have sued over this (Mississippi is a case in point) connection between diabetes and zyprexa. THEY have been picking up the tab for treatment of those who developed diabates on zyprexa and WANT THE MONEY TO PAY FOR THE TREATMENTS coming from the corporation that did the damage. But these States paid for all the zyprexa!! @ about $6 per pill X the no. of people taking them X the number of months they were on them ...

Who makes the pills for diabetes treatment .. why Eli Lily OF COURSE.

I refer any one reading this to Newstarget, an excellent anti Big Pharma blog by Mike Adams. It's an eye opener. My blog has several articles (in the main not written by me but just reposts) about BIG PHARMA.

I am angry enuf about pharmocorporate acculturation in our society, without now having to worry about the canine population being drug to death and seizure land.

If you go to www.ladybroadoak.blogspot.com -- just run a blog search on Big Pharma or zyprexa (teen screen articles are interesting, too) and although I wasn't using links back then, you will surely see a picture emerge of a corporation that is truly not helpful to living things. You will see how VIVA ZYPREXA was a way to reward pill pushers from Lilly who came up with new and unique ways to prescribe the drug (bipolar, dementia, depression, you name it) as well as to provide "incentives" for medical professionals to prescribe it. This tidbit of terror-ifying pill pushing took MONTHS to uncover.

And, btw, it is interesting to note who is on and/or has been on the Board of Directors of Eli Lilly. Why isn't that George H. Bush ... at one point? And there a few others who are still making a financial killing with their stock ..? (It is at least rumored that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have huge stakes in the pharma shares.)

This corporations profits remain startling stable despite the rapid decline of zyprexa prescriptions .. why? They are just higher/double dosing those who are still unfortunately on it ...

NOTE: The real public awareness about Zyprexa only surfaced when NYT ran a series on diabetes. Everyone they interviewed was on some form of SSRI or atypical antipsychotic. A few of us pointed it out when we read about it. We KNEW the reason they were overweight, bloated, lethargic, etc and talked about in the comments LONG AND LOUD. We bloggers, we made the mainstream media STAND UP AND BE NOTICING REAL "NEWS". Be sure to go to OpEd news and check out the many fine and truth telling articles by Evelyln Pringle. (And also, remember Daniel Hazard who went to the web with his own story ... I wonder if either of them has a dawg ....)

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