January 11, 2008

IMPEACHMENT TOOLKIT: Global People for the Impeachment of Richard Cheney


Global people for the impeachment of Richard Cheney


The charges are too serious to ignore. And our voices are not on any US petitions.

The Bush administration must finally be impeached.

There is credible evidence that the Vice President abused the power of his office, and brought America into an unneccesary and genocidal war against Iraq using flawed intelligence. We feel this must be investigated. To prevent future abuses, the proper international legal avenues must be followed. Serious breaches of international law have occurred.

The world is paying the price, not just America.

While it is the constitutional and international duty of Congress to hold impeachment hearings, the world grows weary of waiting. We sign to prevent any further wars by the United States. And we wish to see an end to war crimes. We do this to end the vast archipelago of "detainment" facilties and the lack of international criminal court oversight of these facilities. We do this to end the practice of torture.

We ask that there be a return to the rule of international law on the part of the United States.

On April 24, 2007 H. Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment Against Dick Cheney, was introduced in Congress. Since then two dozen Members of Congress have signed on as cosponsors of the measure. Yet elected American officials refuse to act.

According to long established precedent, the next step should be Judiciary Committee hearings on impeachment.

Our petition is urging House Judiciary Committee to conduct these hearings so vital in recovering the health of our planet and ending the specific wars which must be identified in the enquiry process.

We will be calling Congress (202) 224-3121 and

contacting our own media to let them know that a push is on for the immediate impeachment of Richard Cheney in the US Congress and ask that this be given publicity far and wide.

We do this in support of those Americans who are signing petitions for the impeachment of Richard Cheney, war criminal.

The fourteen impeachable offenses can be found at

We sign in support of those in the United States citizens demanding impeachment and ask that this be pursued as quickly as possible so that the war crimes will stop and the planet be restored to stability and sanity with the respect to international law.

We ask that our voices be heard in the United States Congress. We ask that our concerns be given the highest priority.

Copies of this petition may be returned to: impeach.to.end.war.crimes@gmail.com
It may be found on the care2 petition site at: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/537250776

Jan 11, 2008, Virginia Simson , Canada

The cessation of war criminality will not stop without impeachment proceedings. Torture/"enhanced interrogation techniques", kidnap/"rendition", lies, deceit, and coverup have become the order of the day, rather than the rule of international law. As persons who cannot sign petitions for impeachment as we are not US citizens, we can sign our support for impeachment efforts and ask that the US Congress pursue this enquiry to gain evidence of the international law violations. Help us end torture, rendition and return to following international law. NOW. Please.

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