January 30, 2008

Abramoff fallout has lobbying industry close to crisis

Trouble has been building for earmark lobbyists for years since separate scandals involving earmark improprieties sent lobbyist Jack Abramoff and former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) to jail. "When the passengers begin to fight over the deck chairs on the Titanic, you know something is up--or down. This beginning to look like a hard hard hard-landing. The only place where it will be "business as usual" will likely be in prisons. The irony of ironies. As the Bush Administration shivs everything and everyone in sight to avoid the label that Hoover had to swallow as the cause of the Great Depression, the cockroaches turn into cannibals. That's why Halliburton jumped the wall early." (Priceless comment worth repeating from 'Dan' )

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