January 31, 2008

Soldier suicides reach record level, study shows.

Vets’ battle with depression reveals effects of long tours, lack of resources.Don't forget to sign on to attack Bill O'reilly about the homelessness slur he made either!!America, quit bankrupting our future!!From comments posted:Too many of our soldiers are coming home not only physically scarred but emotionally, they are battered and bloodied. The reality of war has devastated our soldiers. We sent them to Iraq with orders to shoot on sight anything that moves. We turned our young men and women into killers and then pay private armies five times more. Support the troops; the irony of that statement. *shaking head* True support of our troops is demanding they be brought home. True support of our troops is impeaching the bastards who sent them there to die for a lie. The think tanks have all bought and paid for plenty of commercials and ads to make you feel like unless you support the war, you do not support the troops; as if supporting their death is some noble cause. Understand the only reason this war is happening is because there are many individuals whom have vested financial interest in maintaining this war. Follow the money. Have you ever heard of the saying "order from chaos"? The ruling elite or the Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg/Club of Rome elite have stated that there goal is the depopulation of our earth and to restore order after they create the chaos. In other words, break the country with our bombs and guns (who gets paid for supplying those guns and bombs?) then come in and re-build the country in our own image, to "bring democracy" to the region. (who gets paid for the re-building of all those buildings?) The absolute truth is we here in America are guilty of war-crimes. At this point we have allowed war criminals and war profiteers to set our countries mentality and objective toward this war, which has made us just as guilty. We are endorsing their policies with our silence. The troops are the first victims on our side, we will be next.Peace, Love and Respect,Jen

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