November 24, 2007

A great little website that seems to be aware REAL change, not green consumerism is the answer.

If they had a widgit, I'd post it on the blog - maybe you'd like to volunteer to help them out?

About This Site

This site is dedicated to individuals and families who live in North America and want to change their behavior to pollute less, waste less, and consume fewer resources. You will find practical advice that will result in less pollution or consumption of resources to a lesser or higher degree in many different areas. This site will not attempt to explain why change is necessary. If you want to know you need to go somewhere else and get informed. This site will also not explain how to make energy yourself. It is just not practical for most people.

Is this site for you?

If you came here because you are just curious but don`t really care about human influences on the environment please go here.

If you are not sure whether you pollute of not, answer these 20 questions and you will find out.

For all others, let us assume you arrived because you would like to live a life less damaging to the environment and need some ideas on how to do this best.

If you DO NOT live in North America, you are already polluting less. However, you are not perfect just because you do not live where the biggest polluters live. If you live in Europe, or a modern large city in any other country you are not polluting much less than the average North American and most certainly could improve how you impact the environment. You may discover that much of the advice here will apply to you as well.

Check the Practical Advice menu to the left to learn what you can do to pollute less.

Copyright Karsten H. Weiss 2007


We need your help (because this project is too much for just a few volunteers)!


You can help us with the translation into and proof-reading of:

You can work on a few pages or more. Up to you. Send us an e-mail.

New and Additional Advice

We also accept advice from anyone who thinks they got something. We don`t really know how all folks live and how much pollution is caused by ludicrous activities or habits in all of North America. If you see or think of something, let us know. We might even be wrong in somewhere! Send us an e-mail.


Spread the word please!

Thank You!

The following people created this website:

Karsten Weiss

Gary Vear

Cornelia Weiss-Johnson

Dr. Angela Schmidt

Dr. Ernst Assmann

Wendy Rosenau


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks!!

