November 26, 2007

CBS and Tasered Utah Man

Crosspost: Taser investment, negative publicity and selling Taser International's stock SHORT

TASR on CBS The Early Show - Really Bad Press


I know that this weekend I was thinking about shorting TASR. I just remember that stock when I was investing in it around $8 a share. Now its in the low teens and dropping. Something tells me with all the bad press that we may see it test some new lows.

I think that walking to my shower and seeing this on the Morning Show is a sign (check out the video yourself). I also think that the UN debating wether to label TASERING a form of torture is even worst.

Listen I am going to SHORT THE HECK OUT OF TASR this morning. I usually don't do any trades until about 10, but this is going to be an exception.

So for the record I have short positions in RICK and now TASR.

Wish me luck!

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