November 29, 2007

Impeachment Must Happen

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This is another in a series of URLS discussing impeachment!

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For further information, just put impeachment of Dick Cheney, Nancy Pelosi or war crimes in the searchbox, or hit on the links listed to the side.


By Carol Davidek-Waller

11/29/07 "ICH" -- -- Clearly the nation has turned against Vice President Cheney and President George W. Bush. Their approval ratings are the lowest of any elected leaders in American history. We are weary of war and bled white from profligate spending and larceny. Our civil rights have been severely restricted and crimes have been committed. A once peaceful world stands on the brink of turmoil.

As the 2008 elections draw near, it's tempting to look upon regime change as an end to our long night. We would like to believe that a change of face in the Oval Office would repair the damage done by the current administration. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Without investigation and impeachment, electing a new president will only serve to codify the unprecedented and illegitimate power stolen from the Congress and the American people. The powers of a dictator will be passed on like an Olympic torch where they will reside with the next president.

The nation has been wounded in its beating heart. The president is no longer obligated to uphold and defend the Constitution or obey and execute the laws of the land. We no longer have the full protection of the Bill of Rights. Our elected leaders are no longer bound to tell the truth. These wounds will continue to fester until they are cleansed by a strong dose of sunlight.

Failure to impeach is a threat to our national security. In the same way that we cannot expect our nation to be secure if we don’t understand what threatens us beyond our borders, we cannot expect the nation to be secure if we don’t understand and check what threatens us from within. The excesses of our own government can become a far greater threat than terrorism.

Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney were filed several months ago and the majority of Americans favor impeachment. Congress has refused to act. They even turned a blind eye when Rep. Dennis Kucinich read out the well-document charges against Cheney on the floor of the House and demanded action.

The charges against Cheney are chilling. They outline in stark relief the peril our nation faces when even one man exercises unrestrained power; even a man whose office is purely ceremonial. How could so much damage be done in such a short time? Why has no one stopped him?

Elections give us an opportunity to choose our representatives and leaders. They do not and were never meant to address the gross abuses of power, war crimes, felonies and fraud that Cheney and Bush have engaged in. Impeachment not elections gets top billing in the Constitution.

Elections will not address the tragedy of the hundreds of thousands who have died in an unnecessary war nor honor their sacrifice. Elections will not prevent your government from spying on you without cause or restore your right to privacy. They will not prevent you from being incarcerated or having your assets seized because one man, the president, says so. Elections will not prevent you from being tortured or flown to another country to be tortured. Elections will not keep your own military from being used against you. They will not restore the rule of law or the integrity of the Judiciary. They will not restore the balance of powers. Elections will not prevent this nation or any other from making war at will or stealing another nation’s resources. They will not restore the delicate balance of the global community, shattered by broken treaties and unchecked lust for domination and power.

Elections will not prevent a president Clinton from declaring you an enemy combatant and shipping you off to Guantanamo. They won’t prevent a president Obama from sweeping up Americans and holding them indefinitely on his word alone. They won’t prevent a president Guiliani from illegally and immorally murdering millions of Iranians for no legitimate reason. They won’t prevent a president Romney from seizing your home and assets because he alleges you are impeding operations in Iraq. It won’t prevent a president Thompson from exempting himself, his entire administration and his political supporters from the rule of law. It won’t prevent any president from leaving the nation unprotected by ignoring or rewriting the intelligence to suit his or her political agenda. Elections won’t guarantee that anyone you elect to lead or represent you has to tell you, the congress or the judiciary the truth.

Under the Constitution, we have the right to know if our elected leaders are doing their jobs or abusing the power of their office.

When serious allegations are made, it is our right to have public investigations that are immune to state secrets and executive privilege.

We have a responsibility as citizens to act on that information.

There is no more important work for congress to do. You cannot build anything on a weak foundation. Unscrupulous men and women have damaged the very foundation of our nation: the Constitution is the very bedrock upon which the order and legality of our nation rests. These same people have suspended the rule of law by which we govern ourselves. They assert that the government is theirs to do with as they wish. We cannot let that stand.

The genius of the Constitution is that it contains the remedy for its own healing, it’s own restoration. That remedy is impeachment. Not elections. Impeachment.

Carol Davidek-Waller is a news junkie and an avid blogger.

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"What will impeachment do? nothing not a thing’ it won’t pay for the wrong that has been done’ or the lives’ of those innocent’s you would have to lock up the whole American congress’ because they are just as guilty’ just as the Nazis who stood in the Nuremberg trials’ they the American congress have to be punished collectively in the manner to which they killed with impunity when they convened to do mass murder in the name of “freedom and democracy”

Look. This is mother talking.

We cannot afford the luxury of DENIAL. Some of us working diligently night and day, day after day to establish the legal options as Henry Wasman, John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi continue to block the way. It's called STONEWALLING.

So we are developing a three prong attack, please join.

1. to see that PELOSI, in particular gets removed, as she is not following her Constitutional imperative and that can/does make her a war crime co-conspirator. As Speaker, she MUST move the HR resolution along; she KNOWS that. The legal is building on that.

2. to take the issue to the state legislatures, a move also already under way.

3. Develop SPECIFIC [legal] charges to lay at The Hague.

ALL attempts to impeach MUST be pursued to lay this claim at The Hague and we are shifting through mountains of stuff about SPECIFIC legal claim, the history of how the tribunal was built ..

We must (and we are trying) to unite all those who would pursue impeachment together. That includes people outraged by the thought crimes bill that is pending who have ALREADY gone to state legislatures. It includes outraged Iraqis, French people (who already have made their criminal complaints known, environmentalists, British antiweapons activists, artists, the list is long, longer than you think. Cheney must go first, rather than BuZh to ensure Cheney doesn't mess it up and with the Scott McClellan finally there is an insider who has SPECIFIC evident to criminal wrongdoing that cannot be ignored, even by the AG of the US or HE becomes a war criminal as well.

Check out my blog, or go to Daily Kos. Do a search of my blog and you'll get each thread carrying SPECIFICS on joining urls.

Afterdowningstreet is another great site that understand we MUST go after Pelosi.

When you learn about the precise EFFECTS of Nuremberg, you will see that we must do this for future generations, for the victims of genocide perpetrated in these wars no matter how great the conspiracy is to keep them going!

Impeachment IS the remedy. I am sure if you put in about 2 hours on my blog, we can convince ANYONE that this what we MUST do. [ caveat; Anyone not braindead.] There will be PLENTY of downloadable "stuff" to pass on to your friends as days go by.

Remove PELOSI NOW. there are moves to have her unseated ALREADY in Congress.
Help us give her a good push!!
Virginia Simson

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