August 17, 2007

The End Of The World As We Know It: Hope Vs. Mindset

The difference between hope and mindset and why it matters And ...this is a step in the right direction, to propose that weassume personal responsibility to avoid denial and wish to further one's own maturity in what's before us. I would argue though that some fundies are actually more a mindset and less buying into hope than some New Agers and so-called progressives.As the lines between ideologies continues to blur, I think we will see more ruminations such as this, well written and extremely thoughtful. Which will keep us all ..hopeful .. that somewhere out there there others of like mind who see the havoc wrecked on each of us by a toxic mindset. But the New Agers I deal with, seem to be as much like Rapturists as anybody, waiting for the ETs or the Ascended Masters or SOMEONE to rescue them. When you try to get them to take on the concept of empire, and show them how it works, they run off in any direction, citing the use of some magic potient or another, programming some crystals or some other method they adovocate as The Answer. The days of the Street Prophet, largely funded by counterintel pro is upon us and they get each other to reinforce the latest scheme of true escapISM. Getting people to truly want to go through the process of maturation is not easy; and even having children is considered SELFISH after decades of propoganda by the depopulation folks. It's gone THAT far. The Empire Builders and NWO folks have done their work very well so that something very toxic appears very refreshing .. and hopeful!I think tons of people are going to have to swallow a even bigger dose of reality before realize how deeply they have been manipulated in recent decades and give up the imposition of ideology that leads to ONE WORLD, ONE GOVERNMENT thinking/mindset before we see the end of empire. Some fundies, I've said, are better at this than those who choose to look "enlightened" and gain their prestige that route.

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