I have a simple solution that will negate any need for banning words at OpEd News.
read more | digg story
August 31, 2007
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Dear George,
I was glancing over the Pentagon’s Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support when I noticed a slight tear in the steel chain of security you’ve draped across America’s shoulders to protect the Homeland from itself. The document envisions an “active layered defense.”
That is the problem: a layer is a layer because it is not an integrated whole. Every agency charged with the internal security of the Homeland has multiple other duties to perform. The Pentagon is busy losing a war; the Department of Homeland Security is busy losing
My recommendation is to create an uberagency whose sole responsibility is ensuring the total security of the Homeland. To show the public that this agency is serious, you would do well to call it the Secret State Police.
Some of your minions might have some qualms about including both “secret” and “police” in the same phrase because of the negative connotations this phrase evokes. Remind them that
The Secret State Police’s duties would extend beyond preventive prosecution. They would also shore up our perfection as a nation.
Your admirer,
Belacqua JonesTerror's Purse Strings
Published: August 30, 2007
LUXURY fashion designers are busily putting final touches on the handbags they will present during the spring-summer 2008 women's wear shows, which begin next week in New York City's Bryant Park. To understand the importance of the handbag in fashion today
consider this: According to consumer surveys conducted by Coach, the average American woman was buying two new handbags a year in 2000; by 2004, it was more than four. And the average luxury bag retails for 10 to 12 times its production cost.
"There is a kind of an obsession with bags," the designer Miuccia Prada told me. "It's so easy to make money."
Counterfeiters agree. As soon as a handbag hits big, counterfeiters around the globe churn out fake versions by the thousands. And they have no trouble selling them. Shoppers descend on Canal Street in New York, Santee Alley in Los Angeles and flea markets and purse parties around the country to pick up knockoffs for one-tenth the legitimate bag's retail cost, then pass them off as real.
"Judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys shop here," a private investigator told me as we toured the counterfeit section of Santee Alley. "Affluent people from Newport Beach." According to a study by the British law firm Davenport Lyons, two-thirds of British consumers are "proud to tell their family and friends" that they bought fake luxury fashion items.
At least 11 percent of the world's clothing is fake, according to 2000 figures from the Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group in Paris.
Fashion is easy to copy: counterfeiters buy the real items, take them apart, scan the pieces to make patterns and produce almost-perfect fakes.
Most people think that buying an imitation handbag or wallet is harmless, a victimless crime. But the counterfeiting rackets are run by crime syndicates that also deal in narcotics, weapons, child prostitution, human trafficking and terrorism. Ronald K. Noble, the secretary general of Interpol, told the House of Representatives Committee on International Relations that profits from the sale of counterfeit goods have gone to groups associated with Hezbollah, the Shiite terrorist group, paramilitary organizations in Northern Ireland and FARC, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
Sales of counterfeit T-shirts may have helped finance the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, according to the International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition. “Profits from counterfeiting are one of the three main sources of income supporting international terrorism,” said Magnus Ranstorp, a terrorism expert at the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland.
Most fakes today are produced in China, a good many of them by children. Children are sometimes sold or sent off by their families to work in clandestine factories that produce counterfeit luxury goods. Many in the West consider this an urban myth. But I have seen it myself.
On a warm winter afternoon in Guangzhou, I accompanied Chinese police officers on a factory raid in a decrepit tenement. Inside, we found two dozen children, ages 8 to 13, gluing and sewing together fake luxury-brand handbags. The police confiscated everything, arrested the owner and sent the children out. Some punched their timecards, hoping to still get paid. (The average Chinese factory worker earns about $120 a month; the counterfeit factory worker earns half that or less.) As we made our way back to the police vans, the children threw bottles and cans at us. They were now jobless and, because the factory owner housed them, homeless. It was “Oliver Twist” in the 21st century.
What can we do to stop this? Much like the war on drugs, the effort to protect luxury brands must go after the source: the counterfeit manufacturers. The company that took me on the Chinese raid is one of the only luxury-goods makers that works directly with Chinese authorities to shut down factories, and it has one of the lowest rates of counterfeiting.
Luxury brands also need to teach consumers that the traffic in fake goods has many victims. But most companies refuse to speak publicly about counterfeiting — some won’t even authenticate questionable items for concerned customers — believing, like Victorians, that acknowledging despicable actions tarnishes their sterling reputations.
So it comes down to us. If we stop knowingly buying fakes, the supply chain will dry up and counterfeiters will go out of business. The crime syndicates will have far less money to finance their illicit activities and their terrorist plots. And the children? They can go home.
Dana Thomas, a correspondent for Newsweek, is the author of “Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster.”
over a week. I now have a "proper" computer at long last, btw.
Tonight I got the following message. But just a few words of
George Ure is a people's economist of incredible reputation. I TRUST
him. He is, perhaps, a seventh generation prophet. He had this idea
with another guy to do a supercomputer run of millions of sites around
the internet . and they would take out ALL references to the past, and
only use sentences written in the present tense or those written in the
future tense to determine linguistically a sort of futurist universal
prediction project/service.
He took this idea to the US Department of Defense and offered to do it
for them as a consultant. They turned him down, so what he did was do
it anyway, but sell the information to clients (wealthy investors) who
would want the information these computer runs turned up. The
predictions, while a bit hazy at times get really intereting .. things
about volcanoes (the big one hasn't happened yet), things about the
appearance of this woman Elvira for instance, show up in advance ... if
Elvira Arellano isn't the untainted, non-partisan woman who the
linguistics have making headlines about now
<http://www.ipsnews. net/news. asp?idnews= 39055>
But this below came out tonight .. and we'll all see if it comes to pass
... remember this is based on thousands of websites, millions of words
having been gone through, world wide ... (This is the guy who alerted me
to the ammo shortage ...)
Something Big & Nasty September 2? Heads Up From The
The web bots are picking up something big for Sunday or Monday.....as
Igor says; "Everybody guard your pies."
<http://www.urbansur vival.com/ week.htm
Urgent: Something Sunday?
Just in from the predictive linguistics team at <http://www.halfpast human.com/
"Igor here.
Clif has worked all day yesterday and all last night. And was back at it
at 4 this morning when I checked in. We have a large data bubble of
datas which are showing up for Sunday, 9-2.
Clif says that he will have part 1 posted by Saturday afternoon at the
latest since so much of the data says that Sunday and Monday will be
very nasty here in US.
He probably ain't wrong about this one. And I think that he is probably
right about the 19th too. But anyway part 1 by late Saturday.
Everybody guard your pies. Igor out. "
No, I have no idea what the bubble is that is showing up in the 'time
scanning' technology, but something 'out of the blue' Sunday/Monday
seems to be coming...
Lake Sharbot; must reads
I started making arrangements yesterday to go up there.
Governments urged to end native blockade - BILL CURRY
Print Edition 30/08/07 Page A7
Algonquin leaders are urging the federal and provincial governments to diffuse an escalating standoff in this rural Eastern Ontario community before violence erupts.Doreen Davis, Chief of the Shabot Obaadjiwan Algonquin community, said the group of aboriginal and area non-native demonstrators will continue to block a uranium mining prospecting company's access to land she says was never surrendered by the Algonquin people.
Another native protest gathers steam On-line 28/08/07 05:05 PM
Protesters block access to proposed uranium mine in eastern Ontario; call on provincial government to settle the dispute after judge orders them to leave
Non-natives support Algonquins' mining rallies BILL CURRY
Print Edition 14/07/07 Page A12
Prospectors hoping to make the case for a multimillion- dollar uranium mine north of Kingston are furious that their access to the site is being denied by Eastern Ontario Algonquins.
see also: Negative-Gearing-Property-How-it-works-who-is-it-suited-too.htm
I read about this yesterday and meant to post about it, but found maissonneuve is right on it.
Again, this is a story that is MORE than meets the eye.
by Jordan Himelfarb
August 31, 2007
The National, CTV News and the Star lead, while the Citizen goes inside with the slashing of 1,200 jobs at a General Motors truck plant in Oshawa, Ontario. In response to the precipitous fall in sales of the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra pickup trucks, GM has cut production at the Oshawa plant from three shifts to two. Many of those losing their jobs live in the Whitby-Oshawa riding of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, who responded somewhat defensively to news of the cuts. Though “it’s a concern because people are going to lose their jobs and I know a lot of those people,” Flaherty suggested,with the Canadian unemployment rate lower than it’s been in a generation, these newly unemployed autoworkers are sure to find work elsewhere. Canadian Autoworkers Union president Buzz Hargrove took the news with less serenity: “They shocked the living hell out of us, quite frankly.”
Analysts throughout the Big Seven blame the cuts on a stumbling American economy, and particularly the plummeting US real estate market. A detailed article in the Star isolates three primary causes of the layoffs: the US real estate crash, which has meant workers are less likely to buy pick-ups; the rising Canadian dollar, which has made Canadian exports more expensive abroad; and astronomical oil prices, which have rendered gas-guzzling trucks unaffordable for many. Liberal finance critic John McCallum posited the cutbacks as a foreboding development for the Canadian economy: “All the economists are telling me … the possibility of a recession is rising, and that’s why it’s ever more important that this government takes action and shows economic competence.” With analysts extrapolating from the trajectory of the global economy, the word “recession” is bandied about extensively in today’s sources, though no pundit is bold enough to make an outright prediction.
Internal report to Congress, obtained by 1200 WOAI news, urges Congress to 'repeal' laws prohibiting tolling Interstates
Verizon and Government Seek Dismissal of Data-Mining Secrecy and Free Speech Zones
The majority of the more than 50 anti-spying suits consolidated in Walker's courtroom are now on hold until the appeals court rules
Porter: Kill More Iraqis or Pay $9 per Gallon
In normal, more humane, less Bushzarro times, the lies of the neocon Jon Porter would be met with sardonic derision
Marine tells of order to execute Haditha women and children
A US Marine was ordered to execute a room full of Iraqi women and children during an alleged massacre in Haditha that left 24 people dead, a military court heard Thursday
Former Reagan aide: 'Brownshirt' Bush among top 'mass murderers of all time'
President Bush's apparent plans for a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran will only add to the civilian death toll as a result of US intervention that has placed the president "high on the list of mass murders of all time,"
Larry Craig Pervert Scandal Is Tip Of The Iceberg
Media ignores lurid history of snuff style sex scandals
Bloggers battered by viral storm
Google's Blogger site is being used by malicious hackers who are posting fake entries to some blogs
Blackwater Buys Brazilian Bombers
Blackwater already has a force of armed helicopters in Iraq, and apparently wants something a little faster, and more heavily armed, to fulfill its security contracts overseas
AP: Pentagon balks at using 'ray gun' for Iraq crowd control
Despite repeated requests from U.S. commanders in Iraq, the Pentagon has balked at deploying a non-lethal energy beam to control crowds because of fears the weapon could be seen as a torture device
Cop gets 90 days in jail for killing un-armed, mentally disabled man
A former state trooper was sentenced Thursday to 90 days in jail for shooting to death an unarmed, mentally disabled man he mistook for a fugitive
Point, Click ... Eavesdrop: How the FBI Wiretap Net Operates
The FBI has quietly built a sophisticated, point-and-click surveillance system that performs instant wiretaps on almost any communications device
Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
International Lawyer Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, who is a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal, will make a public call for an International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
PCMAG Writer Suggests That Hospitals Should Start 'Chipping' Babies At Birth
Technology can be used to enhance our lives or it can be used to enslave us. On the surface Radio Frequency Identification Implants would be a good idea for tracking UPS packages and managing stock supplies in grocery stores
Teamsters try to block Mexican truckers
The first Mexican trucks will be coming across the border on Saturday.
Congressman: Stock Market Will Eventually Collapse
Ron Paul says martial law provisions in place to deal with economic discord
Police tear-gas farmers in clash over French GM crops
Growing tensions in France between opponents and supporters of genetically modified crops have led to violent confrontations
Useful Mutants, Bred With Radiation
Scientists have been quietly using radiation to scramble the genetic material in crops quietly around the globe for more than a half-century
DARPA Selects SRI International to Lead Development of PLATO
The SRI-led team will deliver a domain-independent electronic ‘student' that can be taught and can learn in human-like ways
Bush Warns Of Holocaust If Iran Goes Nuclear
Bush pointedly accused Iran's leadership of trying to destabilize Iraq, calling Tehran a destructive influence that puts American lives at risk
Bird Cage Liner Changed, Illegal Spying Stays
Gonzales' exit does little to undo the damage inflicted on the Constitution
Sarkozy in drive to give EU global role
Mr Sarkozy said nation states, which were still at the heart of the global order, were not well- suited to dealing with such challenges. Their capacity for action was constrained by financial interests, media influence, criminal networks and terrorists
Iraq weapons are a focus of criminal fraud investigations
Several federal agencies are investigating a widening network of criminal cases involving the purchase and delivery of billions of dollars of weapons, supplies and other matériel to Iraqi and American forces, according to American officials
Study: US preparing 'massive' military attack against Iran
The United States has the capacity for and may be prepared to launch without warning a massive assault on Iranian uranium enrichment facilities, as well as government buildings and infrastructure, using long-range bombers and missiles
BIS warns of Great Depression dangers from credit spree
The Bank for International Settlements, the world's most prestigious financial body says the global economy more vulnerable to another 1930s-style slump than than generally understood
Kevlar-lined school uniforms launched
A BRITISH company is offering to provide stab-proof school uniforms, lined with the same material used by soldiers, to parents worried about knife crime among youngsters.
Scientists' plea to use new hybrid embryos
Britain's leading scientists have made a final plea for the right to create the first animal-human embryos for medical research using eggs taken from dead cows
ASEAN Is on Track for EU-Style Bloc
Southeast Asia will have completed free trade agreements with all major countries in the region within the next five years, ahead of forming its own EU-style economic community in 2015, the bloc said Sunday
Drug Cartels Put Hit Squads In Laredo
Mexican drug lords locked in a bloody fight for control of a pipeline that runs from Mexico to Dallas and up through middle America have brazenly stationed hit squads and reconnaissance teams in Laredo
Eugenics Moves to the Twenty-First Century
From the elimination of undesirables from the human race; mass culling in the name of saving the earth; to altering the genetic code of humanity with advanced technology: Eugenics has moved into a new era
Chemicals in non-stick pans may retard babies' growth
Chemicals used in non-stick pans, fast-food containers, carpets, furniture and a host of other everyday household products are retarding babies' growth and brain development, two startling new studies suggest
Neocons One Step Closer to Attacking Iran
As should be expected, the neocons have shifted from one preposterous lie to another in order to prepare the way for eventually inflicting mass murder, mayhem, and misery on the people of Iran
US ambassador to UN: Middle East turmoil could cause world war
According to the US Ambassador to the United Nations, turmoil in the Middle East could lead to another world war
UK Gun Crimes Soar After Gun Ban
Gun crimes in England have almost doubled since 1997, when a ban on firearms began
Market Crash Forecast Suggests New 9/11
Mystery trader bets on huge downturn that could only be preceded by catastrophe
Attorney General Gonzales to resign
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has told President Bush he will resign, the New York Times reports Monday
CFR Seeks End of US Currency?
Capital flows have become globalization's Achilles' heel
Bilderberg Pushes Superstate
The leaders of Bilderberg have gathered the appropriate flunkies at the Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, to accomplish a North American Union.
Chavez offers billions in Latin America
Laid-off Brazilian factory workers have their jobs back, Nicaraguan farmers are getting low-interest loans and Bolivian mayors can afford new health clinics, all thanks to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Bush's New Rules Allow The CIA To Violate Geneva Conventions
Top military lawyers have told senators that President Bush's new rules for CIA interrogations of suspected terrorists could allow abuses that violate the Geneva Conventions, according to Senate and military officials
Resistance Is Futile: Census Bureau Turns Americans Into Info Kiosks
The Founding Fathers instituted the census as a tool to safeguard the liberties of the Republic, but now it is being used to undermine the very nature of freedom itsel
August 30, 2007 - 6:38AM
Naturally-occurring arsenic in drinking water poses a growing global health risk as large numbers of people unknowingly consume unsafe levels of the chemical element, researchers have warned.
The problem is bigger than scientists had thought and affects nearly 140 million people in more than 70 countries, according to new research presented at the annual Royal Geographical Society meeting in London.
Arsenic can cause lung disease and cancers, even long after people stop drinking contaminated water, said Peter Ravenscroft, a researcher at the University of Cambridge.
"What is new is the extent of arsenic pollution is much bigger than people realised," Ravenscroft said in a telephone interview.
"There is a very important connection between arsenic in water and arsenic in food, especially where people grow irrigated corps."
World Health Organisation guidelines set a safe limit of 10 parts per billion of arsenic in water supplies but tens of millions of people in the world drink unsafe water above that level, researchers said.
At present, Bangladesh is the worst-affected country. There, hundreds of thousands or people are likely to die from arsenic poisoning, the researchers said.
Arsenic has also been found in the water in developed countries and industrial activities such as mining can also lead to contamination.
Rising awareness has led to increased testing that has revealed more widespread arsenic in drinking water but other researchers said even more must be done to address the problem.
"Most countries have some water sources with dangerous levels of arsenic, but only now are we beginning to recognise the magnitude of the problem," Allan Smith, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley and adviser to the WHO on arsenic, said in a statement.
August 29, 2007
Market Crash Forecast Suggests New 9/11
A mystery trader has risked losing around $1 billion dollars by placing 245,000 put options on the Dow Jones Eurostoxx 50 index, leading many analysts to speculate that a stock market crash preceded by a new 9/11 style catastrophe could take place within the next month.
read more | digg story
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More... |
August 26, 2007
Put politicians on the hot seat
This is the all-party debate on poverty and disability to help determine the Province's next Premier, cabinet and provincial parliamentarians.
What it will NOT do is determine how to end ACUTE poverty for those of us who suffer it daily since 1995 TODAY. This could have been achieved any time during the past 12 years, but the Parliament of Ontario has not seen fit to see this happen!
Instead, during that time, despite inflation and a diabolic payment benefit rate thrown in disabled people's faces back THEN, disabled people in Ontario have only seen a 5% raise in their incomes; hardly nice when you consider that the MPs voted themselves a 25% raise only recently.
And what HAS McGuinty and his crew done to alleviate mass distress, more stress-related illness and a yawning prosperity gap ..? He's come up with a PLAN .. a plan to do NOTHING except get voters to vote for them again, saying if elected they, those big-hearted LIBERALS will PROMISE to raise the Ontario Disabilty Support Payment and stop the downloading of services to the municipalities. Hey, Dalton! You're full of C-R-A-P. Because I am disabled doesn't mean I am STUPID! I watched in horror as Dalton appointed someone heartless towards the disabled to be Minister of Health.
I meant to write this is a less explicit way but what I want to really bang away about is that this fine article (and it is) is buried on page four of the Saturday Living Section of The Star. It ought, rightfully to placed on PAGE ONE, as supposedly this is THE election issue. McGuinty made sure that it IS the election issue -- because by now we've all seen how this issue affects everyone in Ontario to one degree or another.
My friend, my "adopted son" Dave, died in the streets of Toronto last winter. He had given up. He was excruciatingly disabled, but he never received one penny in disability payments; he never found a doctor who would help him get the benefits he deserved. And so, although he quit drinking, he resorted to the Marijuana Maintenance Program as his lifestyle "choice". There really was no choice about it; he did it merely to survive a hopeless existence.
In the past year, rather than help me and my son get settled for good, Ontario has paid out a minimum of $100,000 in hospital fees related to ongoing stressors in our lives.
I have been given no money to get a computer as an assistive device, nor the equipment I need to make being online a comfortable proposition. Name me one person who's mind is intact these days who "makes do" without computer access. I have waited six months to get a cane! because no one informed me that their had to be a DIAGNOSIS on the doctor's prescription until I broke down crying on the phone to my ODSP office. It took me one year to get orthotic shoes and it's still a hard trek to get to my subway station; my bus stops running at 7 pm on some days. Some days I cannot make to the subway and miss my doctor appointments.
But to live at all, I am told I must work or volunteer for eight hours a week! And how am I to do that ..?
This meeting should be attended, not just by the disabled, but by everyone who works on the "frontlines" with them, their families, their loved ones and just plain people who CARE!!
And The Star should move this "issue" to page one and write many many nasty major editorials about both political parties who have left this waft on and on and on ... how many more of my friends are going to die before steps are taken?
August 25, 2007
www.theinternationa lforecaster. com
Train Wreck of the Week
By Bob Chapman
![]() CBC Nova Scotia | A brief history of agents provocateurs Toronto Star, Canada - The notion of agents provocateurs perhaps gained most of its notoriety in connection with controversial tactics used by the US Federal Bureau of ... QPP admit to ‘agents' but not ' provocateurs' Quebec police admit using provocateurs Yoni Goldstein: The QPP's undercover blunder |
Canadian Union Demands Inquiry into SPP Police Provocateurs Pacific Free Press, Canada - by CL Cook One of Canada's largest labour unions, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) yesterday demanded a public inquiry be launched into an ... More on police provocateurs VIDEO: Canadian Police Caught Attempting To Stage Riots Cameraman worries about democracy |
Sûreté du Québec provocateurs: Time for a public inquiry Canada NewsWire (press release), Canada - 24 /CNW Telbec/ - The Sûreté du Québec finally admitted yesterday that three violent provocateurs filmed, photographed and "arrested" during protests in ... Investigate role of police at summit |
AOL News Newsbloggers, VA -
But with pressure mounting, the Quebec police finally admitted that the three provocateurs were in fact, undercover police. Authorities initially denied ...
on Montebello agents provocateurs now has (at 12:30 am, Sunday 26 August)
and an astonishing 1219 comments
On the use of agents provocateurs at Montebello
This came off a youtube comment
Leave your comment at Québec police department
Faite un commentaire à la Sûreté du Québec
suretequebec(dot)gouv(dot)qc(dot)ca/accueil/aide/courriel(do t)html
Pour les résidents du Québec, écrivez à vos députés!
More information:
● Why Canadians should worry about the new SPP trade pact
● You Tube video: union leader stops provocateurs in Montebello
and those below from http://northstatesman.com/nasco/
source: http://www.hansenlawoffice.com/nasco/ this page: http://northstatesman.com/nasco/
The NASCO-MNDOT PDF files: 12
Dowload the entire archive here: MnDOT-NASCO-document-archive.zip 79.1 MB!
Read about: The North American Forum on Integration (NAFI)
President George W. Bush stands with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, left, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper upon their arrival for dinner Monday, Aug. 20, 2007, during the North American Leaders' Summit. WND was among the first news organizations to obtain and publish the agenda and the list of attendees for a secret North American Forum (SPP.gov) meeting held at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Banff, Alberta, Canada, from September 12-14, 2006. The meeting was closed to the press and the documents obtained by WND were marked "Internal Document, Not for Public Release."
4 days of Coverage on the Alex Jones Show:
Sunday 8-19-07: Sunday.mp3
SPP Preview
Monday 8-20-07: Monday.mp3
Some somewhat dated SPP material that needs publication ...
Kim Campbell on North American Union
She was joined in her paean to the joy of Trilateralism and the new continentalism by former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda. Both of them criticized the 'secrecy' of the meetings between the Three Amigos and their Corporate Counterparts.
KIM CAMPBELL:We have the world's longest undefended border, and there is a concern to create a security perimeter that will create confidence on both sides of the border that those movements can pass relatively quickly, that there's trust in the documentation, trust in the broader security system. And we've had to deal with that.Of course its hard to have open discussions when the agenda for Trilateralism and the New Contientalism is being pushed by the Corporate Elite.
It's something that predates 9/11, but the 9/11 brought it into very, very high profile. And I think we have to recognize we have in Canada, you know, the nationalists who are concerned that any kind of collaboration, any kind of harmonization of standards is the thin edge of the wedge of Canada losing its identity. And I'm amused to see that there are people in the United States who think that, you know, what they call "socialist Canada" is somehow going to come down and corrupt them.
But the fact of the matter is, our three countries are the world's largest trading region, the largest energy market. We really have an extraordinary future together, if we can find ways of dealing with the impediments for the movements of the things that we want to move and ways of ensuring that the public is confident that their security and that their standards of well-being are assured.
And I think one of the ways of doing that is to take this process -- this is the third summit in this security and prosperity partnership process -- is maybe to take it a little bit even more public and get the debate more open, because I think President Bush has been a bit quiet about it, even Prime Minister Harper. I don't know how President Calderon is dealing with this in Mexico. He's got a new government.
But these are important issues. And if we don't get them right, we really will lose the competitive battle, but also lose a lot of opportunities for prosperity and for security.
Building a trilateral relationship
RAY SUAREZ: Well, Professor, you heard the prime minister talking about the roles security has played in the trilateral relationship since 9/11. Is this a concern that is equally shared on both sides of these borders? Or is this a question of two close allies responding to what's seen as an American need, an American agenda, American wishes to toughen up both borders, north and south?
JORGE CASTANEDA: Well, Ray, I wouldn't want to speak for the Canadians, obviously. I think in Mexico we've been very forthcoming and very cooperative with the United States since 9/11 on security issues. Some of the things the Americans have asked for, we have done with great difficulty. Others we have suggested and they have accepted. And so I think we've come a long way.
But I agree completely with Prime Minister Campbell, Ray, that this could be a lost opportunity, this summit in Montebello, unless the three leaders really decide that they have nothing to be ashamed of in saying that they want to work towards a North American economic union, towards a North American security perimeter, towards a North American energy market.
If each one of the three leaders because of their domestic weaknesses get so scared of saying anything, of doing anything, of even moving an inch off just boiler-plate rhetoric, then this will be a huge lost opportunity. President Calderon has a lot to say about immigration, has a lot to say about drug enforcement, a lot to say about security.
President Bush has to understand that he has to combat his extreme right-wing in the United States which opposes any type of greater cooperation with Canada and with Mexico, because if he doesn't, they will eventually get to him and the Congress the way they got to him on immigration.
And Prime Minister Harper, I think, also perhaps should be a bit more forthcoming with a more trilateral vision of the relationship, instead of continuing to insist, as many Canadian prime ministers have in the past, that Canada has a better deal dealing bilaterally with the U.S. instead of trilateralizing the relationship, so to speak.
So I hope they really use this summit to move forward instead of standing still and being terrified of what their respective oppositions in the three countries would do to the three leaders if they were more forthright and clear about what they want.
*snip*You can't have authentic Trilateralism without Tripartitism, that is a balance between the interests of government, business and the missing partner in all this; labour and civil society."The problem with this process is that there has been no public consultation, and no parliamentary debate in any of our three countries," says Meera Karunananthan, a spokeswoman for the Council of Canadians, one of many activist organizations planning to attend the protests in Montebello.
Will Canadian Labour Accept Free Trade?
For more stories IN THE NEWS
· North American Union - Little expected at Montebello meeting
· North American Union - Two groups clash over immigration in downtown Seattle
· North American Union - First Nations Warrior: Our nations are in grave danger.
· North American Union - Critics fear superhighway to integration
· North American Union - Defeating The North American Union Monster
· North American Union - Upcoming Meeting Fuels 'North American Union' Fears
· Global Warming - Warming debate: Scene 1, take 2
· Global Warming - Hunters, anglers feel threat of global warming
· Global Warming - Scientific secrecy is a danger to all
·· Where have all the bees gone?
· What if a major earthquake hit today?
· Mine cave-in not a result of quake
· 10 cool cutting-edge technologies on the horizon now - complete list
· Global Warming - Hot tempers and global warming
· Global Warming - NASA admits global warming data error
· Warming Will Exacerbate Global Water Conflicts
· SCIENCE MATTERS: Warming may change the nature of the food we eat
· “We want a miracle” Utah miners may never be found
· Miners Given Up for Dead in 1968 Say Miracle Is Still Possible in Utah
· North American Union - Despite protests, summit results likely more pomp than glory
· North American Integration and the Militarization of the Arctic
· North American Union - 'Three amigos' agenda tamer than initially planned
· North American Union - Will Canada become the 51st state?
· North American Union - Leaders at Montebello summit eye hurricane warily
· North American Union - Protesters say it loud but peacefully ahead of Bush visit
· North American Union - Protestors say it loud but peacefully ahead of Bush visit
· Historic $2-billion native settlement set to go ahead
· North American Union - Security and Prosperity Partnership Constitutes "Grave Threat"
· Global Warming - Alaskan hunters experience global warming first hand
· 82 year old WW2 Navy veteran speaks out against Depleted Uranium
· Study Outlines Impact of Dirty Bomb on Calif. Ports
· Hurricane Dean aims for Mexico's Yucatan
· North American Union - Bush, Harper, Calderon to tackle economy, security
· Pentagon sets goals to hit before end of Bush term
· 165 safe after plane explodes in Japan
· China TV airs shows defending products
· Hope all but extinguished at Utah mine
· 13 die in Midwest flooding
· Painkiller use rising at alarming rate
· Many pressures led to mine cave-in
· Blacklisted: 4 travel companies people avoid
· Common virus may contribute to obesity
· About 5,000 aboriginals set to begin gathering near Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
· Ho-hum: the meat at the summit is a little dry
· Dallas Man Beats Mother to Death, Lives With Decomposing Corpse
· 750 million rodents devouring crops in Spain
Have you signed our Depleted Uranium Petition yet? http://www.xzone-radio.com/petition.htm
Have you signed our Gas Petition yet? www.xzone-radio.com/gaspetition.htm.
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Rob McConnell,
Host & Executive Producer,
A Division of REL-MAR McConnell Media Company,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Contact Information:
Corporate Offices Tel: (905) 575-5916
Studio Call-In Number: 1-877-528-8255
E-mail: xzone@xzone-radio.com
Website: www.xzone-radio.com
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The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show is a Proud Member of the TalkStar Radio Network.
"Working together as one, we can solve the mysteries of life." Rob McConnell, 2005
He produced The Rose, Trading Places and the movie he considered his most important accomplishment:
watch it for free at freedomToFascism. com
and find out why Mainstream ignores his
"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in
the major media." Wm Colby, Dir CIA