Meditate, meditate, meditate is NOT the answer. Yes, the resonance has gone up. But constant meditation is not the answer. Constant meditation without a proper network of support and guidance will make you PSYCHOTIC, especially if you still have toxic chemicals in your body. They sit in your medulla oblongata for years, no matter how far your dna has developed. Deep meditation that raises the kundalini will push these toxins into the brain and give one a really deep high THE FIRST TIME that becomes "addictive" -- it is a state that cannot be reachieved, yet those who get into meditation often keep searching for this HIGH over and over again, to no avail. It sets up New Age cults, but doesn't help the meditator.
What needs to be developed is INTUITION and anyone who tells you differently is doing you no favor. We need to get dual brained. This is as important as "dna alteration' and may be absolutely necessary if human life is to survive on this planet. But to sit in meditation does not achieve this. Living a well grounded life, learning to communicate properly with fellow souls will accomplish this. Learning to be of service to others will accomplish this as we are then involved in ENERGY EXCHANGE. Doing seva (service) by peeling potatos is as meditative as sitting in theta for hours at a time.
What happens with prolonged meditation is depersonalization and a feeling of being outside yourself. It does not further human survival on the wholistic side or the personal side. We have known this for several years. The research was done in California in response to the Maraj Ji cult produced so many victims. I saw the development within the Yogi Bhajan cult.
This post has many marks of scientific disinformation.
Instead, be kind to others and quit using them like objects. Two, balance your life with real work and quit thinking you are above people if you are a "healer" or "enlightened". Get rid of your dependence on your car. Accept the "party" in the West is OVER. Be very careful of people who have found The Answer. Trust you gut IF you have gotten over your urge to block out painful reality in the modern world. People are dieing in the Middle East. Most people die in the world of starvation and lack of water, Face it. Quit relying on "Names" to tell you how to live. Enjoy the small pleasure in life and take a look at all the Creator (who is not you) is giving you in your life. Learn to distinguish the difference between POWER and FORCE. Accept that the point of power is NOW, while paradoxically accepting that nothing you do is going to affect very much. These are just GUIDELINES, in all the ways that word implies. They have nothing to do with continual meditation. The answer to a profound dilemma of how to live these days is not a 180 degree change into meditative ISOLATION.
This article is long .. and it is NOT just about Marahji and Elan Vital. It offers a very hard core look at things the New Age compulsion does that are contrary to health at a very deep level. I really suggest that people read it and take the time to look up the links, too. It can save everyone a life time of pain .... and establish BALANCE. Have a look at the Mayan symbol for Hanub Ku .. it suggests balance as do all the crop circles that are "mysterious" and not hoaxes ...
An editorial in yesterday's is an exposition & expose of Maharaji. The content embraces far wider a perspective than just Maharaji. I have copied this large essay into a word document. If any member of the list wishes to read it, I would be glad to email it as an attachment off-list.
As for 2012 being END POINT, this is still "under discussion" The Mayans don't agree on this either. 2016 is also suggested by those who study the cycles within cycles. The Mayans are not perfect either!! They are living breathing people like you and I. Setting them up on the "perfect" pedastal aids no one. Years of colonialization haven't helped them stay "in touch" either. But studying their culture for several years now, their predictions AND their spirituality has shown me that they rely on WOMEN to establish spiritual reality. We must have respect for both earthmothers AND rainbow warrior/creative types of women. We must accept the need to help woman alcoholic and drug addicted women to fulfill their spiritual potential if things are to improve. Lynn Andrews' Jaquar Woman has much to say about Mayan spirituality and the need for BALANCE and women owing their power, explaining the old earth religion in a very clear way. In addition, it shows exactly what an "ideal" relationship between men and women can be like. I recommend it to anyone who wants the full truth of what needs to be done. These male simple "technology" answers (meditate, meditate) are exactly what has caused a huge imbalance on this planet. We need less exposure of "thought patterns" and more awareness of what is going to keep this planet ALIVE. A bigger vision, if you will.
We’re Living 16 Hour Days
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The following is a mini-talk Dick gave at the opening of his 3-Evening Shift Research Seminar in Denver this week:
I want to begin by saying that I don’t have any answers for you. I’m expecting you to find your own answers and to share them with me. Answers as to what is happening in regard to a shift that is taking place or will be soon taking place.
But right off the bat, in wanting to spin this exploration as positively as possible, I want to say that I believe we are being prepared for a major shift in consciousness. Maybe not everyone is being prepared, but metaphysically-oriented people seem to be sensitive to the idea that something is happening ... something is coming.
Actually it’s more than a shift in consciousness, it may even be a reworking of our DNA. Scientific theory supports the idea that Earth’s magnetic field and maybe even the Schumann Resonance can affect our DNA through electrical inductance (the name given when two magnetic fields interact with each other to create a shift in attributes)
Are you familiar with the Schumann Resonance?
If you feel like life is going faster and faster, that’s because it is. The earth behaves like an enormous electric circuit. The Schumann resonance is the “heartbeat” of the earth itself. For thousands of years, it has been stable at 7.8 cycles per second. Because it was thought be aconstant, global military communications developed on this frequency.
It has been 7.8 cycles per second for a very long time, but since 1980 this resonance has been changing and it is now over 12 cycles per second ... and no one knows why. It can only go to 13. AND THIS MEANS THE EQUIVALENT OF 16 HOURS PER DAY INSTEAD OF THE OLD 24 HOURS PER DAY. In other words, our watches still say 24, but in actuality, we may be living 16 hour days right now.
It certainly feels like it to me.
There are so many theories about what is happening, but one says that everything will continue to pulse quicker and quicker ... to accelerate faster and faster until December 21, 2012. At that time we will have stabilized that pulse and will remain switched into the higher frequency all the time. You’ll be “ON” all the time.
2012 is “Zero Point.”
Maybe, if we survive, we will have transcended levels of consciousness. Some feel we will have transcended from a third-dimensional reality to a forth-dimensional reality. Or even a 5th dimension.
I like what a channeled messenger named Kirael had to say on this. “All the things you do contrary to love keep you from moving from the 3rd to the 4th dimension.”
When asked about how to prepare for the shift, Kirael said: “Stay in your heart and raise your spirituality. The key to getting through the shift is raising your spiritual essence. So how do you do that? Meditate, meditate, meditate.”
And this really makes sense because meditation accesses emerges that we don’t perceive in a linear conscious state. In deep meditation your cellular energy can surface and be delineated into thought patterns.
OKAY ... Let’s say the “Shift” is real and we’ve all signed on to participate. Metaphysical people seem to be among the souls who are being activated for this experience. In 2004, in the outback of Australia, an aborigine Shaman told me his people had known for a very long time that near 2012 a transition will be complete. As most of you already know, there are dozens and dozens of predictions, from the Mayan calendar to Edgar Cayce, regarding a shift.
The big question for most of us accepting this idea, is what will we encounter between now and then? The general consensus is that there will be a transitional event or a cleansing
I’ll share some of the ideas,
• Global Warming resulting in ecological disaster.
• Severe food shortages.
• War / Terrorism.
• An Epidemic.
• Economic collapse.
• A Pole Shift
• An ascension
• A fading out of our old world and the emergence of a new one populated by spiritually-centered souls.
Now I am not accepting any of these things are destined to be. But they are interesting concepts to explore.
Something is happening. But what?
We’ll talk about and explore “what” tomorrow night and Thursday night. I want to explore what your soul is calling you to do in response to this shift. And on Thursday we’ll project into the future to find out.
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