Warning comes from top spy agency official
By Bruce Campion-Smith
Toronto Star Info from: The Canadian Press OTTAWA (May 30, 2006) http://www.hamiltonspectator.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=hamilton/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1148939429852&call_pageid=1020420665036&col=1112101662670 A top spy yesterday revealed Ottawa's increasing fears of an attack unleashed by homegrown terrorists on the same scale as last July's suicide bombings in Britain that killed 56. "It is becoming increasingly difficult to detect these elements," Hooper said. Hooper did not say how many homegrown terror suspects there are in Canada, where they live, or which groups they are connected with. But "we know who some of them are," he said cryptically -- and did not respond to questions from reporters after the hearing. And the Internet has become the modern-day equivalent of the terrorist training camp, Hooper said, estimating there are some 4,500 terrorist-affiliated websites accessible on-line.
"You can become committed to the al-Qaeda ideology without ever having been to an al-Qaeda training camp. You can do all of that over the Internet," he said. "You can learn techniques, you can acquire materials over the Internet. You can assemble an operational cell over the Internet," he said. clip..