June 12, 2006


We tend to see this development as it affects us directly. As websters, we tend to see it as a loss to our ability to network.

But the real losers are the charities and support groups who are catering to any number of people who ONLY have access to the web to reach each other.

People on disability sometimes only have the web to be able to communicate with others and paying for each entry is going to be a new severe handicap. In the overwhelming urge to CONTROL the entire population, the government has really made lots of lives much worse.

The new earthchanges have made developing webs of help to for others a vital necessity. Katrina has shown us this very vividly and it's a real shame that now only those "authorized" to help will be able to provide services as many small groups simply will not have the financial means to step in and help out. So the system has well and truly gone MAD.

My assumption was that since economic forces in the US have only grown due to the web in recent years (remember that banking sites are the biggest beneficiary of the web -- the most popular sites are BANKS), that this could not possibly happen. Was I ever wrong. If this had really had the potential to hurt the biggest (financial) beneficiaries of the web we definitely would not have seen this happen.

It bothers me greatly that the human services sector didn't go and round up every single client/recipient of services to get it together and write CONgress!! Where are the United Way, government disability organizations, and so on as this mess developed ..? Are they so afraid to empower people that they couldn't organize people to DO SOMETHING ...? This mess also tells you something about CONgress people and political people who sit on the boards of charity organizations who surely could have seen where all this could lead.

On a societal level, this is much like having sent the whole population for a huge dose of electroshock therapy. Our "neural net" has been attacked for no reason at all except rampant CONTROL tactics. Perhaps it is going to take something this EXTREME before people wake up and people get organized. I hope this turns out to be something more than a negative lesson. I encourage people to KEEP CALLING CONgress people, the organizations this is going to affect and effect, and keep making noise loud and long. WRITE YOUR NEWSPAPERS!! Call up the television and radio stations!! Be specific about how this affects you and the ones you love!! As the poet says .. Don't go quietly into that (good) night.

Why should we keep quiet? and accept this as a new given? NOW is the time to act before it goes to the Senate .... We must not allow ourselves to get cynical and think that no one is going to listen.


A friend wrote to me, which why I wrote the above:

I sent this info to a friend of mine who hosts a number of web sites. This was his response (below). And here is the quote from the article that he is referring to:
"The vote is a defeat for Google, eBay and Amazon which wanted the net neutrality principle protected by law. "

That post is misleading!
It is "Big" companies like Google, Yahoo!, Amazon, and eBay that FAVOR "net neutrality" (and the link included says so!), because it means they don't have to pay more for using it more:

The thing I'd worry about would be the FCC getting control over video delivery ("cable"), which your link mentioned and which I had not heard before. If they got into the Internet too, I'd REALLY be concerned... like Militant!

As for www2 and www3, I don't see any advantage in doing that, I have made some "Third Level Domains", I can make them freely at will (down to any level), including www2 and www3... the big sites probably do that just to put different stuff on different server machines - spread the load - but none of my sites are that big. It's not like you Register such names or anything, what you Register is the SECOND-Level domain name,

From Peoplenomics 6/10/06:

Friday June 9, 2006
This Sucks Department:
CONgress Steals Internet for BigCorps
Net neutrality - the concept of all sites on the web being equal? Forget about it. The big corptelecoms don't want you to be too free, Citizen. (You might question the "official story of 9/11, ask where all the gold in the basement went, why #7 fell over, and even spread rumors of election rigging! - can't have that, now, can we?) CONgress (bought and paid for, as we know)
today sold out the internet to the corporate hijackers.

By the way, if you operate a web site, you might follow the trend by such outfits as the Council on Foreign Relations and CNN - and set up www2 and www3 prefixes. Not that it will mean anything, but hey, with the corps unleashed, who knows what will happen next? But when we learned of such prefixing, we added www2's of our own so you can get
www2.urbansurvival.com, for now... CNN can be found at www8.cnn.com FWIW...

Why do we have an FCC, anyway? Aren't they supposed to protect the public need, interest, and concern? What kinda crap is it not to look out for the Internet which - ahem - I would argue was paid for with our tax money... Cut 'em all loose in November! Send amateur crooks instead of these pros.
