The blogger server was out of commission for a day, so I am backed up.
Yesterday I had to meditate nearly all day, as my body is telling me "something is up". The killing of the head of Al CIADUH has been accomplished, or so they say. What does that mean ...? What happens next ...?
Psychiatriatry 101: If you fed a rat each time he presses a button and give him a piece of corn, he is happy. If you you make him push a button TWICE, to get a piece of corn, then he gets aggressive, but he'll keep eating the corn. However, if you make him hit the buttom 17 times to get the piece of corn, the rat gives up and starts BITING HIMSELF.
Lesson: If a controller gets his way, he'll be extremely content. If you make it a bit harder for him, he'll push back even harder and probably bite you. But if you make it very difficult for him to get what he wants, he will reveal himself as the pathological rat he is, and you don't have to do anything to have him bring himself DOWN. He'll do it for you.
The problem we still have is that CONgress makes it so very very easy for Bushy and Rover. Sure Harriet wasn't a "happy ending" in Bush's self centred world. Laura may be acting up or acting out and "sources" are saying she's moved out to the Mayflower Hotel in DC. (Remember he only sees Condi, Barbara, Laura and Rover on a daily basis.) Bush's drug addiction must be really bad by this point. It was so bad he could barely speak a few months ago. They are trotting out Rumsfield to do the psycopathic speeches these days -- even yesterday when it looked like they can end the Iraqi war without loss of "face". They've got the "main terrorist". Where is Bushy? Having to trot around picking up pieces of the Katrina fiasco -- and trying to appease the guys shooting at the Mexican border. Damage control isn't their favorite thing -- cooking up "deals" to make ever more money is. That's the skull and bones way.
So in a traditional sense of being sandbaggged I think NO -- Bush is still in office. But on an interior level, I think that the administration are done for. It's ceased being FUN.
Another variable -- there really is a "secret" global cabal. Are they fed up with Bushykins? They seem to be ahead of the "curve" and still able to pull in vast amounts of money. Their plan is to start a war "with the aliens" .. either by simulation or for real. The last ditch effort to get total CONTROL. The Sr. military people in the US are coming out against them in DROVES out of fear for their own families. This month a "drill" is to be run to see how well their expertise at directing everything goes (just as at the time of 9/11). It is scheduled for the day that Divine Strake was "supposed" to happen. Will Divine Strake happen .. or something like it? These freaks are capable of nearly ANYTHING. They've conned the US citizens into paying TRILLIONS to keep the system going .. the military/industrial complex is truly, truly terrifying. I think all along they have strung out Bush as the focal point; it diverts people from the REAL enemy. People like Barbara Ehrenreich are now identifying it -- but even she doesn't realize what she is up against. YET.
What is scary is that -- even though the sheeple won't "fall for it", what they have in place now is so very very dastardly. I have looked at exactly what the trilateral commission is up to, The most "prestigious" anti biochemical warfare and nuclear warfare committee has Putin, Spanish royalty, all sorts of odds and sods -- including population control Warren Buffet as an advisor. These psychopaths have not played with their new star wars toys!! Putin has the equivalent of HAARP and GOD KNOWS what he is up to with it. The DOD "claims" they aren't using HAARP, but with the ruling class Russkys still controlling the atmosphere who knows where everything will end up ...?
How about using Russians and Chinese to keep power. As COMMUNISTS, they have no spiritual "pretensions" at all. The Russians are CROOKS and have been caught running fraud after fraud up here in Canada. The Chinese don't want their children to be children. They understand nothing at all about psychology or what makes people tick. It's ALL about money. So the Ruling Class knows how to find another set of people to become sheeple very, very easily.
So, my conclusion is, the real ruling class can sacrifice Bush easily and would have done so long ago. Even daddy is fed up with Dubya and is trying to replace him with Jeb. (god help us!) The wildcard is that RUMMY knows way, way, way too much. He looks more like a rat daily. Watch his eyes on television. UGH.
The US needs to nail down Mexican and Canadian cooperation. They must have made SURE Paul Martin lost the election. Harper grows more smug by the day -- and his psychopathology is showing.
Nixon sat in office for months while deranged .. so it will be with Bush. But he is sandbaggged. The demoRATS have done nothing to get him to TRIAL. They hope that Cinderella woman Hilary will bail them out. Right.
I'll make one bet though. We are going to see a pullout of Iraq timetable very, very soon. One they can all agree on -- dems and repugs. And it will be FAST before any more horror stories emerge about genocide. The EU action must have caught them by surprise -- to refuse to identify plane passengers to the US. They cannot BAN European airlines from flying into the US! as a retaliatory measure.
The other thing to watch is how the UN gets pulled into being a relief organization and have no more "peacekeeping" troops. That is based on pure astrology. The Ruling Class counts on the UN to do its dirty work. Dag was a severe inconvenience and they killed him. And for years the UN has done the bidding of the rich and powerful. But as the planet goes down the tube, they won't have any operating funds if they don't clean up places like Indonesia. The web bot project is RIGHT ON.
The previous earthquake/volcanic eruption killed a wedding party of 80!! The bad news is that the devastation afterwards is STARVATION. Volcanic ash harms planes. You cannot fly in food!!! Shiploads of food should have been arriving WEEKS AGO. The UN is still trying to get tents, for X's sake. WHERE IS THE FOOD ...? I went to the UN site to see what they were ordering, what personnel are being sent in and so on. A calamity in the making. That is a very dense area of human population. Indonesia is the fourth most populated country!! The chain reaction of geophysical disaster is going to be enormous. The CIA did the research on the whole ring of fire in 1997 and identified ALL the trouble spots. Merapi is just the weakest link. If I can figure this out, why can't the UN? I noticed the only about 16 people have downloaded the disaster overlay on google earth. Who are they .. ? Bloggers like me, all peacemaker types I'll bet.
Today I am checking out where I submitted essays for awhile to see what the educated are saying ..
So my take .. even with Smirky (and don't we love to hate the guy) sandbagged there is an inordinate amount of stuff left to EXPOSE in the way of EVIL. Making good, health choices is still not the thing humans are experienced at. Too many years of violence and escapism to overcome.
Things are EXTREAM. I am having to meditate for hours at a time. Something is up. My body feels it.
June 09, 2006
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