While the world unquietly slips into a "state" of perpetual war, there HAD to be manifestations of things to counteract it. Whatreallyhappened.com is one of these. Also, peoplenomics and halfpasthuman.com. I keep meaning to put a link to peoplenomics on this blogsite as it is must reading everyday and the best $30 a yer you could ever spend. Here is today's what really happened to give you a taste for it.
June 06, 2006
Russian Exchange Stabilization Fund - From Rubles to foreign currencies to gold?
In moves designed to avoid precipitating the downfall of the $, China and now Russia are preventing such $ surpluses from entering their nations to bring on inflation or causing their currencies to appreciate, by sending them back to alternative foreign currencies as well as retaining them in a portion of U.S.$ then investing them abroad
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:53 AM PSTCategory: ECONOMY
Iraq becomes second Vietnam for USA
US forces burn Iraqi civilians alive with white phosphorous and try to find excuses for such horrifying crimes.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:52 AM PSTCategory: IRAQ
Source: Killing of Iraqi may have been 'premeditated'
Investigators have concluded U.S. Marines dragged the man from his house and shot him before placing the shovel and AK-47 next to his body, implicating him as an insurgent, the official told CNN.Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:49 AM PSTCategory: IRAQ
Oh Rapture!
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:47 AM PSTCategory: RELIGION
For the folks out there cowering in fear of today's date.
Chill out over global warming
The only inconvenient truth about global warming, contends Colorado State University's Bill Gray, is that a genuine debate has never actually taken place. Hundreds of scientists, many of them prominent in the field, agree.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:43 AM PSTCategory: SCIENCE/HEALTH
We just came out of an ice age. Of COURSE the Earth is getting warmer. And the geological record shows that the Earth gets warmer and colder in roughly 100,000 year cycles, corresponding to long period oscillations in Earth's orbit around the sun.
But politicians who want your votes and charlatans who want your money will use every change of the thermometer or barometer to sell you a product or an ideology, most of them devoid of any real value.
There is no "balance" of nature. Nature is change. Nature is chaos. Nature will never stand still and it is only the height of human arrogance and conceit that thinks nature can or should be frozen in a particular configuration.
Pentagon endorses force-feeding hunger strikers
"It seems like the motive (for force-feeding detainees) is to prevent embarrassment to the United States government because they don't appear to be waiting until someone's life or health is in significant danger," said Leonard Rubenstein, executive director of the group Physicians for Human Rights.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:42 AM PSTCategory: TORTURE SCANDAL
All DeLay's Children
If the toothless lobbying "reform" bill approved by the House and Senate is any indication, we haven't seen the last of the likes of Jack Abramoff or Tom DeLay.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:37 AM PSTCategory: POLITICS/CORRUPTION
news > Liberty Beat by Nat Hentoff" href="http://villagevoice.com/news/0623,hentoff,73418,6.html" target=_blank>Justice Department's Black Site
The administration censors internal probe of lawbreaking by the Oval Office and the NSA.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:35 AM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
Blackwell gets brunt of registrants' anger
Columbus- Democrats and representatives of voter-registration groups accused Secretary of State Ken Blackwell on Monday of trying to rig this November's election by publishing draconian new rules governing the activities of people who register voters.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:34 AM PSTCategory: VOTE FRAUD
How dumb does Bush think we are?
The Decider’s decision to whip up a phony crisis over same-sex marriage — Values under attack! Run for your lives! — is such a transparent ploy that even conservatives are scratching their heads, wondering if this is the best Karl Rove could come up with. Bush might as well open his next presidential address by giving himself a new title: The Distracter.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:33 AM PSTCategory: DUBYA
FLASHBACK: Iraqi civilian deaths shrouded in secrecy
Another veteran, Specialist Jody Casey, who was a scout sniper in Baquba, said he had also seen innocent civilians being killed.
Bombs "go off and you just zap any farmer that's close to you", he said.
Mr Casey said he did not take part in any atrocities himself, but was advised to always carry a shovel. He could then plant this on any civilian victims to make it look as though they were digging roadside bombs.Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:28 AM PSTCategory: IRAQ
Another Terrorist Attack Coming Soon?
U.S. officials believe Canadian arrests over the weekend and three recent domestic incidents in the United States are evidence the U.S. will soon be hit again by a terrorist attack. Privately, they say, they'd be surprised if it didn't come by the end of the year.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:25 AM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
Just in time for the election, in fact!
I told you; the frame-ups in London and Toronto are the public relations run-up to a new staged terror attack, to make certain you blame the patsy when the big "bang" happens!
Tel Aviv police arrest 3 for smuggling women into prostitution abroad
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:22 AM PSTCategory: ISRAEL
So the US lectures Germany about sex-slavery
World could handle Iranian oil cutoff: Energy Sec
The world economy could handle any theoretical cutoff of Iranian oil exports "for a while," U.S. Energy Secretary Sam Bodman said on Tuesday.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:18 AM PSTCategory: IRAN
The stupid-O-meter (next one over from the BEM) just pegged.
9/11 conspiracy movie taken off the web
In a certified letter sent to Dylan Avery, lawyers for Jules and Gedeon Naudet, makers of the renowned documentary 9/11 - The Filmmakers' Commemorative Edition, say they have never endorsed nor sponsored the controversial views in the film. The brothers captured what is thought to be the only footage of the first plane hitting the North tower
"It is clear that your intent is not to spread a controversial message but rather to profit," the lawyers conclude. They have identified at least 14 videofragments, including interviews with firemen. The Naudet Brothers, backed by distributor Paramount, are demanding $150,000 for each act of willful infringement.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:12 AM PSTCategory: 911
AP: U.S. to give Iran nuclear technology
A package of incentives presented Tuesday to Iran includes a provision for the United States to supply Tehran with some nuclear technology if it stops enriching uranium — a major concession by Washington, diplomats said.
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:09 AM PSTCategory: IRAN
Maybe the DC boys have figured out that they cannot successfully invade Iran, given the problems with Iraq and the near total absence of support from the American people. Maybe DC just blinked.
The wild card remains Israel, and what they will do to kick off a war between the US and Iran.
Iran sees positive signs in proposalAdd story to my swissinfo panel
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:07 AM PSTCategory: IRAN
Iranj is adopting a moderate "we can work this out" approach while the US maintains its "do what we want first, THEN we'll talk" hard line.
Guess which looks more reasonable to the rest of the world.
Field commanders tell Pentagon Iraq war 'is lost'
"We are in trouble in Iraq," says retired army general Barry McCaffrey. "Our forces can't sustain this pace, and I'm afraid the American people are walking away from this war."Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:05 AM PSTCategory: IRAQ
We were tricked into this war with lies. Give us one reason we should not pull the plug right now and get our kids home to help hang the bastards who did it.
Why Americans Should Be Packing Their Bags NOW
Posted Jun 6, 2006 09:03 AM PSTCategory: CURRENT EVENTS
U.S. warns Germany about prostitution risk
"The U.S. government opposes prostitution," a State Department report on global human trafficking said. "These activities are inherently harmful and dehumanizing."
Posted Jun 5, 2006 07:11 PM PSTCategory: CURRENT EVENTS
"Except in Nevada. Oh, and Washington DC , of course." -- Official White Horse Souse
Chavez bid to counter Hollywood
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has opened a film studio in the country aimed at curbing the cultural influence of the US in Latin America.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 07:10 PM PSTCategory: ENTERTAINMENT
Hmmm. I wonder if they need any really good visual effects people. :)
Sen. Lieberman May Be First Big Political Casualty Of Iraq War
Posted Jun 5, 2006 06:41 PM PSTCategory: IRAQ
US won't compensate Vietnam's Agent Orange victims: official
In April, visiting US Secretary of Veterans Affairs James Nicholson was pressed by Vietnamese journalists on why the United States compensates its own veterans for health defects linked to the chemical, but not Vietnam's.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 06:39 PM PSTCategory: CURRENT EVENTS
Police planted evidence: Terrorists’ arrest in Toronto was a sting operation
The three tonnes of ammonium nitrate found with the Totonto terrorism suspects was planted by the police in an elaborate sting operation.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 02:56 PM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
Posted Jun 5, 2006 02:54 PM PSTCategory: HUMOR
Stocks plunge on inflation fears
Inflation fears sent stocks plunging Monday after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned that the central bank remains determined to keep lifting interest rates until price increases are under control.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 02:22 PM PSTCategory: ECONOMY
AOL News - 500 Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11
Posted Jun 5, 2006 01:42 PM PSTCategory: 911
"Buffs" is a media word to make it look like a serious investigation of government lies (like the Iraqi WMDs) is nothing more than a hobby.
Check out the online poll. It was showing most respondents thought the government was complicit, then "suddenly" a whole slew of "no" votes materialized out of the air. I didn't realize Diebold did online polling! :)
Kevin Zeese: "Both Parties Selling Country to Highest Bidder!"
Zeese said, “We know that both parties are selling the country to the highest bidder. So, in a historical context, where do you want to be? Republicans controlled by corporations? Democrats controlled by corporations? Or, with some independent movement that is going to challenge the lack of representation of the people. I think in a historical context, we know where we want to be...What we do now will have an effect. We make a difference. So, waking people up to make a difference is very important to moving things forward electorally.”
Posted Jun 5, 2006 01:34 PM PSTCategory: CURRENT EVENTS
This gentleman is on the mark, but he misses one critical factor. The only way we can get real change is by every citizen of every state demanding a paper trail for all electronic voting machines in this country.
Is America a strategic liability? -
Posted Jun 5, 2006 01:29 PM PSTCategory: ISRAEL
With friends like these.... who needs enemies?
Jun 5, 2006 01:16 PM PSTCategory: CURRENT EVENTS
Bernanke voices inflation fears
Despite a slowdown in the economy the US Federal Reserve may have to raise rates to keep inflation under control, chairman Ben Bernanke has warned.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 01:10 PM PSTCategory: ECONOMY
This will have a tremendous ripple-effect, and it won't be pretty.
Mandatory Draft Bill Snuck In - To Be Debated on 6-6-6
The House is to convene on June 6 (06/06/06] to debate and possibly adopt this bill, that is, unless a vast public outcry succeeds in derailing this insanity
Posted Jun 5, 2006 01:06 PM PSTCategory: WAR/DRAFT
2006 Commencement Address
Posted Jun 5, 2006 12:34 PM PSTCategory: HUMOR
Spate of lawsuits target e-voting
Electronic voting machines, adopted widely after the disputed Florida ballot count in the 2000 presidential election, are under legal attack as primary election season heats up.Posted Jun 5, 2006 12:26 PM PSTCategory: VOTE FRAUD
The Gay Marriage Amendment - Nazi Ideology with Neocon Spin
Posted Jun 5, 2006 12:02 PM PSTCategory: CURRENT EVENTS
Yes, the Nazis did target the gays in Germany. And there is a lot of the Nazi methodology in the current administration, probably because the President's grandfather spoke highly of his German "business partner".
But let us not kid ourselves. The real agenda here has nothing to do with the gays and everything to do with preventing the Mideast wars and the lies used to start them from being THE issue for the November elections.
News > Politics -- Documents show issues with wives, child support" href="http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/politics/20060602-9999-7m2galley.html" target=_blank>More family values
Republican Jim Galley, who is running for Congress as a “pro-traditional family” candidate, was married to two women at the same time, defaulted on his child support payments and has been accused of abuse by one of his ex-wives.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:52 AM PSTCategory: POLITICS/CORRUPTION
Police put on a `good spectacle'
Snipers, leg irons, selected evidence, police brass — all calculated to sway the public, lawyers and security experts say.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:47 AM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
Take a good look at Iran
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:35 AM PSTCategory: IRAN
... before we bomb the crap out of it.
Bush team blocks suits with state secrets claim
Facing a wave of litigation challenging its eavesdropping at home and its handling of terror suspects abroad, the Bush administration is increasingly turning to a legal tactic that swiftly torpedoes most lawsuits: the state secrets privilege.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:31 AM PSTCategory: DICTATORSHIP
A diversionary crisis of Bush's gay contrivance
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:26 AM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
"Aww, c'mon, let's all go bash the homos! THAT will make you forget all about that stupid war. And the economy. And the lies. And the vote rigging. And 9-11. And AIPAC spying..." -- Official White Horse Souse
American Dominatrix
Anti-Americanism is a big problem for U.S. business: if people turn against America because of the policies of our government, then that means lost profits. Our proclivity for alienating the citizens of practically every nation is costing us a pretty penny.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:24 AM PSTCategory: CURRENT EVENTS
By-election defeat could signal disaster for Bush
The Republicans are alarmed after polls show that voters may turn against them in one of their strongholds.
A US by-election tomorrow to replace a jailed Congressman in a traditionally safe Republican seat is too close to call, an alarming sign for President Bush and his party ahead of November’s mid-term elections.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:18 AM PSTCategory: DUBYA
"We can announce that we are air-dropping brand new electronic voting machines on that district even as I speak these words!" -- Official White Horse Souse
US administration can be behind recent attack against Russian diplomats in Baghdad
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:16 AM PSTCategory: IRAQ
'US risking another fiasco in Somalia'
The United States should co-operate with his government rather than with unaccountable warlords in fighting terrorism, Mr Yusuf added. On its part, the Bush administration has neither denied nor confirmed that it is financing the warlord alliance. But some US officials, including the ambassador to Kenya William Bellamy, acknowledge that Washington is encouraging groups throughout Somalia to oppose militants linked to or supportive of Al Qaeda.
One reason for US reticence on this subject may be that the financing of warlord factions would amount to a violation of the United Nations’ arms embargo against Somalia. Indeed, a UN panel monitoring the embargo said in a recent report that it is investigating an unnamed country’s alleged support for an alliance in Somalia that has received large supplies of weapons. Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:14 AM PSTCategory: AFRICA
Israeli report will rank Iran nuke program as graver security threat than militants
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:13 AM PSTCategory: IRAN
The only questions are these: what will Israel do about it if the US does not go for its own pre-emptive strike, and when will they do it?
Robert Kennedy Assassination: Intimidation of a witness.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:11 AM PSTCategory: ASSASSINATION
Tomorrow, June 6th, is the anniversary of the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
Police fear bomb has been moved
Posted Jun 5, 2006 11:04 AM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
"Yeah, that's it. They moved it. The reason we didn't find the bomb, or vest, or whatever it was after we shot that guy is that they moved it. Yeah. Sure, sure. That's it. They moved it. Honest!" -- Number 9
My Lai to Haditha, wars' turning points
Haditha has received huge coverage in the main Arab dailies, particularly in Egypt, Syria, Palestine and Jordan. It is prime news in Iran. The immediate implications of Haditha are yet more empowering of Arab regimes throughout the Middle East. It is another blow for all those who are betting on US intervention in the Arab world, claiming that the Americans will bring democracy to Iraq and the Arabs at large.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:58 AM PSTCategory: IRAQ
Stooping to New Lows to Sabotage the Antiwar Movement
I asked her why there was no mention of the war. I pointed out that a clear and ever growing majority of voters were for that. And I informed her that Karl Rove essentially conceded that the war was Bush's Achilles heel. So if MoveOn wanted to defeat the Bushies, why not raise the war? Silence came over her. She then said, as if recalling something, that opposition to the war was "negative" and we had to have a "positive" agenda. I asked whether "Bring all the troops home now. Peace now." would amount to a "positive agenda." Silence. She did call the national office for me, but they had nothing to say in response.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:57 AM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
Another "phlog?"
The warhawks' plans to perpetuate the Mideast conquest seem to be to hijack the Democrats the way they hijacked the GOP so that once again, there is no pro-peace choice available in November.
The necessary step is for EVERY VOTER to write into the campaign headquarters of every candidate and state flat out that opposition to the war is THE issue in November; that make-issues like gay marriage will not distract the public from ending the war.
The pro-war politicians of BOTH parties must be shown the door. Hard enough to bounce. Twice.
Marine's wife paints portrait of US troops out of control in Haditha
The marine unit involved in the killing of Iraqi civilians in Haditha last November had suffered a "total breakdown" in discipline and had drug and alcohol problems, according to the wife of one of the battalion's staff sergeants.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:56 AM PSTCategory: IRAQ
VIDEO: Bill Kristol: 'Maybe Bush will become Supreme Leader..."
"Maybe we should have Supreme Leader Bush. I kind of like the sound of that."
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:55 AM PSTCategory: DICTATORSHIP
Kristol: Bush for Supreme Leader
Call me old fashioned, but I’d like to see our so-called servant put back inside the limits of Article II or tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:53 AM PSTCategory: DICTATORSHIP
Redwood makes the best rails. They have HUGE splinters!
Green Party candidates who submitted more than twice the legally required number of petition signatures to get on this fall's Ohio ballot are being stonewalled by the state's infamous Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell, who has expressed personal contempt for the Greens' gubernatorial candidate, Bob Fitrakis.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:52 AM PSTCategory: VOTE FRAUD
That's one way to rig an election. Just stop anyone from running you don't like!
The Toronto 17
It will be entertaining to watch the case against the 17 ‘terrorist’ suspects arrested by police in Toronto slowly unravel. We’ve been down this same road before, with the post-September 11 arrest of 19 suspected terrorists in Toronto, a case which fell apart. There is already a page of doubts on the latest arrests at YayaCanada.com. The main crux of the official case, the fact that the ‘terrorists’ ordered a large quantity of fertilizer, has been revealed to be a police sting operation, something the police didn’t bother to mention when they crowed about the arrests. Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:50 AM PSTCategory: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS
Another frame-up craters.
USA out-flanked in Eurasia Energy Politics?
If the trend of recent events continues, it won't be Bush-style democracy that is spreading, but rather, Russian and Chinese influence over major oil and gas energy supplies.Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:43 AM PSTCategory: ECONOMY
9/11: Wild Conspiracies and Rational Concerns
According to a recent Zogby poll, less than half of all Americans agree that "the 9/11 attacks were thoroughly investigated and that any speculation about U.S. government involvement is nonsense."
You could almost hear a wail of frustration rising up from the gatekeepers of acceptable discourse.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:42 AM PSTCategory: 911
Oil prices rise on Iran's warning
Oil prices have risen above $73 a barrel after Iran hinted it might cut its crude output if its ongoing nuclear stand-off with the West escalates.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:39 AM PSTCategory: ECONOMY
Somewhere in the halls of government, some numbskull was actually thinking that Iran would go on selling their oil to the western nations cheaply even as the tanks rolled across their borders.
Syrian exiles planning regime change
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:38 AM PSTCategory: SYRIA
Here's a question: who's funding these guys? (take three guesses, and the first two don't count.)You generally can't do regime change without bucks, weapons, and boots on the ground.
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:38 AM PST
Arkin slanders 911 truth seekers
Posted Jun 5, 2006 10:37 AM PST
"Go back to sleep. The government is telling the truth. Oswald acted alone. TWA 800 crashed from a fuel tank explosion and the hundreds of witnesses who saw a missile were all drunk. There were no additional bombs at OK City. Arabs did 9-11. You don;t need to see their IDs. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along."
Mr. Arkin, you're an obvious shill.
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