This url takes you to a lot more of them.
I have only been able to get a copy of Kabuki The Alchemy. Me and Miles think the guy's art if fantastic and he is a genius.,GGLG:2006-10,GGLG:en%26sa%3DN
Excellent interview that helps you understand what he is up to ...
In Understanding Comics (1993) Scott McCloud took Eisner's term sequential art, equated it with the medium of comics, and defined both thus: "juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer"[3]; this definition excludes single-panel illustrations such as The Far Side, The Family Circus, and most political cartoons from the category, instead classifying those as cartoons. By contrast, The Comics Journal's "100 Best Comics of the 20th Century"[4], included the works of several single panel cartoonists and a caricaturist. From Wikipedia ..
Amazon's site doesn't have a pic of the book cover, at all, but it's interesting to see the other books that people buy when they get Understanding Comics.
William Irwin Thompson maintains that the new spirituality will grow out of the comics and new media areas, NOT for channelers.