From: "Bruce Beach"
Subject: [Arktwo] Two day lull
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 18:48:51 -0400
Israel was set to attack tonight -
but Egypt asked them not to.
Thursday night started the
Muslim weekly Holy Day -
and Friday night
will start the Jewish Sabbath -
so that is why I think a two day lull.
In the meantime -
G-8 nations have told Iran
they want an answer by July 5
The statement said the international
coalition that made the offer to Iran
"will assess the situation before mid-July."
The U.S. official, speaking on
condition of anonymity, said that
refers to a hastily scheduled meeting
among Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
and her counterparts from Great
Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China
on July 12 in Paris.
Iran continues to say -
they will replyon August 22nd.
That is over that horizon -and mine.
There are so many changes
and chances
in world events
that I cannot get a story told
before it changes again.
As I prepare to send this out
at 7 p.m. EST Thursday -
the story is that Hamas has agreed
to return the soldier -
but that may very likely change
by the time that you read this.
One of the young Israeli abductees
has now been killed -and buried.
Eliyahu Asheri, 18,
and buried today June 29th.
Meanwhile, a leaflet distributed Wednesday
by the Fatah-affiliated militant
group Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades,
claimed that a 62-year-old Rishon Letzion
resident also had been abducted
and was being held in the West Bank.
There are other reported
but as yet unverified
IDF personnel estimate (sic)
that the wave of kidnappings
may be used by
Palestinian factions in order
to spread fear and disinformation.
Shalit was the first to be seized
by Palestinian militants since the 1994
abduction of Corporal Nachshon Waxman,
a 19-year-old Israeli-American
At the time, Sayeret Matkal commandos
stormed the safe house where
Waxman was held,
but he died in the raid
along with a member of the rescue
force and three of his Palestinian kidnappers.
Now, I definitely don't remember THAT
as being true -
that there has been no abductions
since 1994.
So I researched by memory
and the following history.
Lynching of two Israeli soldiers in 2000.
This was a terrible picture
that I held in my mind
of two Israeli soldiers
who were captured and killed
by a Palestinian mob.
The murderers came to the window
showing the blood on their hands
and the crowd danced in the streets.
That is something that
also very much bothers me
about the Shalit scene.
Pictures yesterday of thousands
dancing in the streets
over the fact of his capture.
Animals - thought I.
Why would people take pleasure
in the pain of others.
Of terrorists blowing up students
in Pizza parlours -
of rockets falling on schoolyards -
of planes crashing into buildings.
At least the Israelis are regretful
when children are killed
on a beach or collaterally
when a terrorist is targeted.
So, I further researched
this concept of 'lynching'
and I was shocked
to find that many thousands of lynchings
have taken place in the US.
It is the American way.
It has occurred in all but four
of the US states.
Lynchings are different
from hangings.L
ynchings are done without process of law.
I don't recommend that you go
to the above website.
In fact -
I recommend that you don't.
I did look at a few of the pictures.
Pretty terrible.
Hopefully, you have not become
so inured to violence
that you wouldn't be bothered
by looking at it.
Violence and
man's inhumanity to man
is not limited to lynching
and terrorist bombers.
Conditions are so bad
at the American prison in Cuba
that recently
three prisoners committed suicide.
when the Supreme Court of the US
told Bush, today,
that he really shouldn't hold prisoners
and without the rights
to a lawyer and trial -
he told them to stick it in their ear.
No difference anyhow,
about bills laws and such.
The imperial presidency does
whatever it wishes with
'Presidential Signing Statements'
which says that while
he won't veto bills -
he just won't enforce them.
Google the phrase -'
Presidential Signing Statements'
for that whole story -
or look at:
But, ho hum,that too has
become the American way.
Lynchings are not the only disregard
of the law.
The problem is indifference
and alienation
on the part of the American people.
It has perhaps come about
because of emotional overload.
You could hardly find
an American officer
who would attend a wedding party
and slit the throats
of the bride and groom and
also the children ring and flower bearers -
but these same officers
are able to sally forth
from their base in Missouri
fly at great altitudes,
bomb the wedding party unseen -
and return to their base
in time to take their kids out
to the Little League softball game.
Okay,so probably neither you nor I
have participated in
any public lynchings -
or even witnessed one lately.
we have always said 'tut tut'
when we have heard of
accidental collateral wedding bombings
or what we hope are 'exceptional cases'
of torture,
waterboarding and such.
If asked,most of us will say -
that we don't 'condone'
such activity -(although you would be surprised
how many emails I may get in response
to this -saying I am not a real American
and that we should turn
the Muslim countries
'into glass'.)
It is just -
most people will tell me -
that we are all caught up
in a great web of events
over which we individually
have no control.
One should love their country -
love their religion -
love their race -
love their culture and language.
Our problem is -
that people can't see beyond that -
and that they should love
the whole of God's world -
more than just their country.
That their commitment should be
to justice for the whole of the world -
and not just for their country.
But -
people in loving their country -
come to hate other countries.
In becoming concerned about
their country's interests
they overlook justice
for the other countries.
They LOVE their country,
its flag, its language and customs,
and really don't want to worry
about any others.
They see their religion alone,
as being the religion of God,
and are so completely in love
with their country, religion and culture,
that they cannot possibly see
that they are bound by prejudices.
Tis the case -
the world over.
People don't seem to realise
that God created one world -
and that people have drawn the boundaries
on the map.
That God created one race -
the human race -
and that people
make the distinctions
about whom is the greater loved.
That God is God
to the infinite universe -
and that any one religion
on any one planet
among the billions of stars
in this one galaxy -
or among the billions of galaxies -
is not the one religion of God
and that all the others are wrong.
The time has come
that humanity must awaken
from its prejudices and hatreds.
We must get past the emotions
that take joy in
lynchings and retributions.
We can't just point at the others -
and say -
that is their nature -
not ours -
because it turns out
that it is our nature also.
Such sadness I feel,
seeing the lines of battle drawn
as did Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.
There -
his brethren and mine -
drawn up on both sides of the battle.
"The plain is disclosed
and mankind is sore vexed and fearful."
The Day of Divine Retribution cometh
and the river of my heart
like the Mighty Mississippi
flows with waves of anguish.
But, beyond the destruction
of the Great Last Battle of Armageddon
there lies another day.
Daniel 12:1 ... and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was
since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people
shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Mark 13:20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no fleshs
hould be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath
shortened the days.
How long it shall take
to reconstruct civilization -
I know not.
But eventually,
it shall be restored
and then one more time -
Revelation 20:3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and
set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the
thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a
little season.
Long is the vision for humankind.
Many are so troubled
that they tell me they cannot sleep.
Some nights -
for hours -
sleep flees from me also,
as I lie there in bed
with what seems like waves
of love and light
sweeping over me.
For I see what beyond lays
the travails of these days
to that ever brightening hour
abourning from the morning shower.
Let all who will,
come this soil to till,
for eventually the harvest bold
will come as has been anciently foretold.
More blest than any I know
as these seeds of the morrow I sew,
trees to blossom in the fullness of time
beyond any days that are personally mine.
Peace and love,
Arktwo mailing