June 23, 2006

This is from Allison Rae's blog. I think it is safe to say that Uncle Jose would be pleased with the Earthlings Anonymous group. It seems to meet all the ideas he has about our powerlessness, but not our ability to own our own power. It's very close to all the ideas the other people I read are saying.

Based on what she says, I think Allison is living in a cacoon. Corporate America is wildly out of control. Just because some businesses (mostly very small) are trying to do good things (that has always happened), it surely is true that transnational corporations are wildly out of control.

I don't think Arguelles is saying that all technology is bad (what does "technology" actually mean ...?), but that humans trancelike in their acceptance of militaristic/corporate concerns and not thinking about how to communicate with each other -- either verbally or by intuition. Just because the mass media doesn't show all the horrors going on, doesn't mean that they aren't occuring.

Again, I don't think it's one or the other .. it's both. We need the internet, we need real human-driven science (and permaculture) but we also need our hearts open. This is not a contradiction; she seems to imagine that it is.

Jose Arguelles' whole approach is to be INTERGALATIC in our understanding. This rids us of phoney divisions between each other and helps us realize that no one is better than another. We connect to the COSMIC SOURCE and don't get caught up in what "society" thinks .. we are interested in ONENESS. When we get their, we cannot harm anyone else or anything else that vibrates. Nothing. We can open our minds to the whole cosmos. I don't think she gets this .. I think she is looking for a peak experience. There is much more to getting to a place where we realize that everything is a part of Divine Source (God/Creator) than this undulating kundalini. It's recognizing that everything is a bit of God and finding everything sacred.

We all have work to do, and the heart binding between us all is necessary to "keep us going", but not the ONLY focus.

I wonder if she actually read Surfers of the Zuvuya or just his Mayan stuff, which is, when all is said and done, quite controversial. The Mayans aren't and weren't perfect either and his books were on their system a bit too pat. But Surfers of the Zuvuya is really about a new paradigm for LIVING.

Everything I have read about being intergalatic and tuned in suggests that we MUST increase our intuitive ability. No real surprise he would stress this again and again.

I really wish I had a complete script or transcript of what all Arguelles covered at this session. It really was a rare event. While I am glad to finally find some sort of report, I would like to have more come my way of those who understood where he is coming from just NOW.

I don't think the time span to get to a greater human consciousness is limited to 2012 or 2016 -- it's that the human race must get there SOON, if we are to stay "in the race".

today back to being Cozmic Mommy!!
And glad for all you folks who are with me in this internet "gathering of two or more" on a regular basis.
Again, prayers for all the people in the world's earthchange "trouble" spots today.
And I am grateful for what I was able to gleen from this report.

Thursday, April 6th 2006


"Where two or more are gathered..."
In the spheres of spiritual prophecy, Earth changes and the Mayan calendar, Jose Arguelles is a legendary figure. In 1987 he published The Mayan Factor, which he refers to as a transmission from the cosmic realms urging Earth dwellers to change their ways if we're going to be welcomed into the galactic community.
Through his work in the late 20th century, Jose raised public awareness about the importance of the 25-year window between the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. He called for spiritual gatherings at sacred sites around the world on the Harmonic Convergence to welcome the dawning of the next world age. Jose isn't generally on the lecture circuit, so when I learned he would be the featured speaker at the Road to 2012 Earth Changes Conference in Sedona on March 26, I decided to go.
I'd been looking for an opportunity to return to Sedona, a community where I enjoyed living five years ago, when Pluto was making another important transit (three direct oppositions with Saturn in 2001-2002).
Both Jose and Sedona have taken barbs in recent years. As a former journalist, I don't believe in heresay and won't publish it. As a double-Cancer, I believe in what I feel. I wanted to experience the energies and information of this important gathering for myself. I also had the opportunity to offer Mayan Astrology readings during the conference, making this unique adventure even more appealing. I wasn't disappointed.
The energy began to build early in the day of the conference. Thunderbeat and other Sedona musicians and dancers helped raise the energy as the event took shape. Bear Cloud, an amazing painter and crop circle researcher with ties to the Star Nations, was on the program in the afternoon, before Jose. We had met at Chet Snow's conferences in Sedona years ago. He recently updated his multimedia presentation on crop circles and sacred sites. If you get a chance to experience this in person, you'll be forever changed.
Then it was Jose's turn. The room was packed as he took the stage and began a lengthy discourse about the Earth's and humanity's place within the galactic scheme of things. The themes of his talk were familiar, and they originated from a common point (Divine Source) that informs many of today's new-thought leaders, authors, indigenous elders and other spiritual teachers. We live at an important point in cosmic time, to be sure. Earth changes are on the rise, and no one knows how cataclysmic they might get. "How bad the Earth changes are for you depends on how attached you are to your car," Jose said. Good point.
How to prepare? Get back to basics. Simplify your life. Connect with Divine Source. He repeatedly suggested, "Practice your telepathy. This is how the galactic community communicates."
How badly humans are messing things up is a point of discussion. Jose tends to throw the baby out with the bathwater, judging all things technological to be somehow evil or at least creating unhealthy dependency. Sure, many of us are over-reliant on cell phones and the Internet for communication and it would be good to disconnect from time to time and develop our intuitive abilities.
With Uranus transiting Pisces through 2011, though, most of us in the astrological community feel that the Internet and other technologies, used wisely, will assist in positive ways with humanity's evolution toward higher consciousness. In fact, some people say the Internet creates an etheric template to help bridge us over to telepathic communication in years to come. In the meantime, the Internet connects us, helps us find each other and communicate. I notice Jose has a web site, too.
Jose also seemed to dismiss all businesses as control-mongering centers of greed and corruption. When I left corporate America years ago, my spirit suffocated and worn, I would have agreed with him. My experience in recent years has softened my perspective. There are many, many heart-centered, purpose-driven, "conscious" businesses springing up that support the emerging paradigm, attempting to merge spiritual consciousness with material success in ways that can create a brighter future for all. This is a hopeful trend that Jose seems to have missed. Or perhaps he's not exposed to it.
Later, at dinner in the conference hotel's restaurant with Jose and about 10 others, the circle of energy grew exponentially. The guy definitely accesses cosmic dimensions, and aligning more closely with his energy field alongside others committed to planetary transformation was heart-swelling - a natural high. A spiritual family had reconnected, activated each other, and shared warm, rich blessings in the new millennium. I hope to transmit this energy to you through this web site in this and other postings. Namaste.

In Love and Peace, Allison Rae

Jose Arguelles LawOfTime.org
Bear Cloud StarNationGallery.com
ThunderVision Records - event co-sponsor ThunderVisionRecords.com
Four Corners Magazine - event co-sponsor FourCornersMagazine.com

By allisonrae at 5:58:11 AM
