July 02, 2008

Yaya Canada's essay on "Canada Day" ..

Tuesday July 1, 2008

Didn't this used to be Dominion Day?

Are Canada Day revelers dupes of nonsensical images implanted by psychopaths?

Why, yes it did, and yes we are. Greg Felton tells us all about the history of the term "Canada Day" including a rich portrayal of how government pretty much just does whatever it wants to and all we like sheep accept the result.

I personally don't care about the terminology used to describe my country, but rather what lies behind it. Not everybody listening to this popular song would agree with its premise, that "Canada is made for love" and will "show them how to live in peace".

As I was writing the above, an email arrived from Ron Saba with a link to a music video showing a much clearer reality of North American tradition.

Whatever we call it, this day is just another bread and circuses event laid on by the government to mislead a jaded populace. Those who really do care about Canada and its claims about itself are not so easily distracted.

The last time I personally sent up a heartfelt cheer for Canada was New Years eve, 1966-67 as my country turned 100 years old. After that, little windows began to open in my mind and continued opening until all nationalistic fervor had subsided - or perhaps I just grew up.

Whatever the reason, I began to see that there was a world outside our smug and comfortable borders that we were impacting in increasingly negative ways. And then I saw clearly the worlds within our borders that we historically, ignorantly, have regarded as threats - the Chinese, the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, the Germans, the Japanese, and most criminally of all, the people who lived here long before our ancestors knew this great land existed.

And we weren't (and still aren't) nearly so welcoming of Blacks as the images of the underground railroad planted firmly in our noggins would have us imagine.

Now Muslims and Arabs are the threat du jour, on the sole pretext of 9/11, an event for which the FBI admits it has no hard evidence to support the official cause.

Ou flag-waving is a direct result of mental conditioning in our schools by mentally conditioned teachers, and via TV, all for the purpose of keeping citizens compliant with the self-serving goals of self-styled leaders whose loyalties lie elsewhere - primarily to wherever the money is.

Canadian opportunists infiltrate government and media, having convinced themselves that whatever is good for business, and for their own status, is good for the country.TV serves up facts in tiny, misshapen bites between huge gulps of fantasy, dominated by ads writ large enough to whet the appetite for more food, more gadgets, more status symbols, more entertainment - playing on the self-doubt and sense of inferiority already instilled by the way society is structured.

The perpetraitors take their motivation from outside the borders they claim to serve and protect. And this is not only true of Canada.The awful truth is that no one is free and equal, not in Canada, nor anywhere in the world.

You think that Constitutions make a difference? That's ridiculous. Equality, equal rights, a share in the wealth - those are all commie notions, don't you know. Anybody who actually tries to uphold such concepts is deemed a commie influence, a threat to "democracy"!

Anybody who rails against the war crimes that prove the international conventions are totally bogus is put on a list of possible "security" threats!

Democracy, freedom, equality, these are just words to quell dissent. The reality is that the entire globe is operated on a pyramid scheme. Everyone is forced to look up - and climb up, often kicking the face of the person climbing below. Everyone is made to feel inferior to someone else. Is it any wonder that the slightest taste of any kind of power drives humans to evil?

Even citizens of nations with a semblance of freedom, those who have largely escaped the overt ravages of modern warfare, are the laughable dupes of necrophiles who revel in mass destruction, in the stench of bloodletting and piles of rotting corpses, somehow making us believe it's necessary for our liberty, and that our participation in this sickness is glorious, and in fact "the highest calling".

Far from glorious, Canada's history is fraught with contradiction and deeply marred by race, gender and class distinctions that have led to all sorts of inhumane acts. Conditioned to believe that politicians are servants of the people, we are at the same time expected to follow them blindly into the depths of their depravity, handing over our offspring for sacrifice to their gods.

There has never been a war in modern history that in hindsight had to be. Yet even now, Canada conspires with the United States in its wars of acquisition, and with Israel whose political leadership has declared that if Iran can't convince them it wants nuclear power for purely peaceful purposes an assault on Iran is "unavoidable".

Isn't this the same as asking an accused witch to prove she isn't one? We've been there, done that, haven't we? We know that was mass hypnosis, don't we? Yet here we are again, bombarded by weak rationales for gross destruction, masking the psychopathology behind them.

Whenever I see on the streets the hordes of Canada Day revelers, red maple leaves plastered on their faces, slack-jawed and staggering under the weight of far too much alcohol, shouting "Wahoo! Go Canada! I AM Canadian!" (that last one straight out of a TV beer commercial), I'm reminded of Russia at the time of the coronation of Nicholas and Alexandra, when "more than a thousand people were crushed to death in a stampede sparked by rumors that free beer and souvenirs were running out". (UMich)

It's from that same mentality pool that government callously derives its cannon fodder and its "tactical" and secret police.

Our salvation lies within our selves, in the realization that "divine right" is not the sole property of monarchs but resides in each of us. What we do with that knowledge, how far we are prepared to go to ensure that the divinity in our fellow humans is acknowledged and respected, will determine the future of humankind.

A good start would be to turn off the TV and spend as much time as possible each day in silent solitude. If you find that hard to do, then you really need to do it.

Related: Living Ever Larger; How Wretched Excess Became a Way of Life in Southern California

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lady, for posting my article on Canada Day.
