January 18, 2008

Yeah, where IS our gold? GATA ad to apper in the NYT

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee is one of my favorite things to track.

They have just gotten the okay to run their BIG HUGE ad in the New York Times.

It's gotta be .. one of the coollest .. things ... ever".

Have a read of the link below. I'd love to post it here, but I cannot, so you'll just have to push that linky thingy.

RAH! I just love it when someone lets the manipulators have it!

(and I love Catherine Austin Fitts program, her energy, her smarts, her ANSWERS.

Solari.com. Do check it out!! I have her article on the swicki down below cuz I love her and trust her THAT much. Ya want to know something about progressive economics, give my swicki a search! It's AMAZING.

Wall Street Journal agrees to print full-page ad from GATA


1:45p PT Friday, January 18, 2008

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

This month GATA will place a full-page advertisement in The Wall Street Journal calling attention to the international central bank scheme to suppress the price of gold and to GATA's conference in Washington in April.

The ad was devised with great care by GATA's Board of Directors over the last several weeks and The Wall Street Journal today confirmed to GATA that it will publish the ad as submitted. In the belief that this ad can strike a profound blow against the rigging of the gold market and all related markets, GATA has cobbled together assets valued at the more than quarter-million dollars to be charged by the newspaper for printing the ad and expects to convert them to U.S. dollars and make payment to the newspaper next week.

You can see the advertisement here:


Please distribute the ad to anyone who might be interested in it.

GATA is not asking for contributions to underwrite the ad particularly. But if you approve of GATA's work generally (and would like to help us get our children back), you can learn how to support GATA financially here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

1 comment:

Carter Apps, dabbler of stuff said...

Good for them, Gata runs a lot of good press releases but few if any make it past a spattering of contrarian investment sites.

The U.S. government, central banks and many investment banks and the NYMEX have been manipulating the prices of gold and silver for a long time examples

MYMEX allows less than 4 Anonymous traders to control the vast majority of short futures contracts that represent 3-4 times more silveer than their stockpile can cover, This short possition represents a full 161 days of world production, the largest in any commodity
See the work of Ted Butler

JP morgan lost a class action cass where they were selling bars, pool accounts and silver certificates, charging storage fees for years but never bought the actual metals.

Bank accounting rules allows loaned or leased metals to appear as possitive entries on both parties books, hyping the perception of too much supply.

I hope this move opens some eyes to the manipulation in progress for the sole purposes of self enrichment and defrauding the public about the real value of their fiat money.
