January 27, 2008

integritynow.org and Dennis Kucinich

Integrity Now: Kucinich for Congress 2008! by Susan Rowe Add to favorites View on DFA-Link

Promoted Sunday, 01/27/08 @ 12:00 am. Published Saturday, 01/26/08 @ 07:15 am. Linked to Blog For America.Add to favorites View on DFA-Link

Kicking-off his 2008 re-election campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives, Progressive Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio delivered an impassioned speech on Friday, January 25, 2008 in his hometown of Cleveland. Note: His courageous speech will make tears of great joy well up in your eyes.

Congratulations Congressman Kucinich!


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by Jeff Morris

Promoted Friday, 01/25/08 @ 09:00 am. Published Thursday, 01/24/08 @ 11:50 pm. Linked to Kingston Democracy for America.Add to favorites View on DFA-Link

Rep. Kucinich was the most courageous and honest of all the candidates in the race. He had the guts to call the Bush administration on all of it's law breaking, and to actually take a stand AGAINST them. His introduction of HR # 333 and HR # 799 to impeach VP Cheney showed real leadership. It's too bad the MSM never gave him the equal air time for his campaign to gain traction.

From supporting the Impeachment of VP Cheney, to not wanting to grant retroactive immunity to the telecoms for illegally spying on innocent Americans, to opposing torturing detainees, Guantanamo Bay, The Military Commissions Act, The Patriot Act... Dennis always demonstrated superior judgement, social and fiscal responsibility, and the moral sanity and clarity at a time when our nation has never needed these qualities more from its leaders.

Once again I'm amazed at the spineless Democrats becoming even MORE cowardly as the 08 Pres election approaches. Today, enough Senate Dems sided with the Republicans, thus caving in once again by not demanding no retroactive immunity to the phone company giants for being accomplices with the White House on its law breaking and Constitution shredding. Even though they have two thirds of the American voters on their side. They chickened out again! Just like they did with the continued Iraq War Funding just before the Washington holiday season break!

Both Sen Clinton and Sen Obama claimed to support no immunity, but when it came time to act and vote on this, neither had the conviction to cause, or courage, to actually VOTE no on the immunity. What a courageous, righteous stand for change, right? All talk, but no real action, rarely changes anything, if ever at all. Dennis would have certainly had the guts to vote no. Good luck to Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich. I hope the voters in your district have the good sense to return you to your Congressional seat! Jeff Morris-Saugerties, N.Y.- DeJaVu57

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