January 01, 2008

IMPEACHMENT TOOLKIT: Ron And Ron: Two Of Capitalism’s Finest - Jason Miller (countercurrents)

Ron Paul's candidacy for President is SO dangerous.While the "eVOL3tion" makes huge use of the INTERNET, my prime concern is that these people are staying IN THEIR HEADS, rather than doing what the Constitution (that they wave ever-so freely as if they had a patent on it - of course, under their form of craziness, there would be no patents!!)and they don't advocate the REAL CURE for what ails America - a return to the RULE OF LAW.Okay, so anarchism is fun and whacky. However, we live in a society based on CONSENSUS - and what is socially acceptable and what is not. You cannot legislate MORALITY and stop evil (humans hurting other humans) without enacting laws to determine what is in the common good. When something "gets"/evolves into law, it is a sign of social PROGRESS, of elevating the baser instincts and programmed behaviours into something higher and more socially encompassing, something more "brotherly and sisterly". It helps us keep the human house FUNCTIONAL.A house with no rules is an open invitation to INCREASED violence and addiction, of which we already see plenty.If this is the case - that we must have rules and Ron Paul is correct in saying that the US must follow the Constitution (which for now, is the RULE OF LAW!!) why is not advocating IMPEACHMENT NOWPurely a rhetorical question.The answer is this - pure and simple - IF HIS FOLLOWS WERE TO PURSUE IMPEACHMENT NOW - they might find out THEY HAVE POWER and his little "scheme" to save the capitalist system would fall FLAT today.There would be no $12 million dollar "war chest" for RON PAUL! Oh, my!!They would be putting their money into buying up radio time and TV spots INSTEAD for IMPEACHMENT.Yup. They might even begin to understand the depth of the BuZh adminstration's CRIMES - it's high crimes and misdemeanors.WOW! Now there's a thought.Any money I might have had (which is basically nothing) - I would spent sending copies of the Constitution to Ron Paul and his campaign staff with highlights in RED saying IMPEACHMENT IS THE ANSWER to the woes facing America.As we have shown, US statutes are very clear as to the HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS (which include TREASON) committed by the BuZh/Clintonistas in the past decades - and by CONgress itself.They leave in a state of denial and delusion, as EVENTUALLY, if the US does not pursue impeachment one or another of two things will happen: (1) another nation, enabled by the rules of the Geneva Convention WILL attack the US (and the current balkanization of the middle east ensures that indeed this SHALL happen or (2) some nation will start international crimes proceedings against the United States anyway!! Yup!! Some nation, not inhabited (as is Iraq) by the US black ops forces who don't want to be destroyed, for example, someone NOT bought off by the IMF or Hank Paulson's Millenial Fund group!! Someone who doesn't want to be destroyed by nuclear leaks, depleted uranium weapons -- some nation not "in the game" .. ya think???There are other salient points not mentioned by Jason Miller (but I am posting this as I want people to see that some of us progressives are getting more vocal - * Ron Paul's supporters are often covert racists - and in some cases, as shown on this blog, OVERT RACISTS. And Ron Paul can SAY he doesn't want his money, but he just plain doesn't care when it comes to recording their funds on his fundraising days so that it hits the lamestream (uncritical, uninvestigative) media* His fundraising bigwigs are often SCIENTOLOGISTS (and if you think they aren't racist, guess again - they refer to some of us as TRASH, and it is an outgrowth of Nazi eugenics) who hid behind flags, liberty vocabulary and patriotism to fool you into thinking they are "high minded". Forget it! They just want MONOPOLIES on natural health food products, nutritional supplements and "green" products as they figured out long ago, the profit stream of this stuff is ENDLESS - so they want the FDA (as sick as it is) to GO AWAY, rather than to work at getting it responsive to The People. Talk about Instant Answers! and feeding the power, greed and addiction to profit$ agenda.* They just do not "get" globalization, modern slavery, and addiction mentality as that would take some thought and analysis. Instead, they rely (and so does he, a DOCTOR, for crap's sake) - on all the propaganda techniques to cut off criticism as quickly as they can demonize someone. So anyone who doesn't like their "take" is stupid, is expected to fall for the "Ron Paul is the ONLY one who is criticizing lobbying (that's NOT true - so does John Edwards and certainly so does Dennis Kucinich .. even Obama gets some of this), and they want you to think that the ONLY game in town is the so-called Ron Paul r3VOLution .. and that's simply a propaganda tecnique.When you question their PREMISES and ASSumptions, they ignore what they choose, and discuss what they want ONLY. They are taught these techniques in Scientology training schools - we have one here in Toronto called Delphi. They know how to USE the internet for power and CONtrol, not to educate.So here is Jason's article to DIGG, digg, digg. I'll be posting MORE Of these in future in hopes someone will spot REAL objections to this "save the system" and make excuses for excesses in future blog posts."Despite his apparent opposition to the powers that be, a vote for Ron Paul is still a vote for our continued enslavement by a system predicated on greed, selfishness, and the prosperity of the few at the expense of the many. In fact, unless by some miracle a viable candidate who opposes capitalism actually emerges, the act of voting in our bourgeois democracy is little more than a validation of our servitude .." - Jason MillerYou didn't mention his neonazi supporters, nor the fact that his meetup groups throw out anyone who voices any criticism NOR the fact that SCIENTOLOGISTS occupy the top spots of his state fundraising HQs.Dennis Kucinich is the real choice - Dr. Michael Hudson his economic advisor is very hip to what is going on economically. I get his gang of 8 yahoogroup postings, and I know that they understand globalization and the current fiscal crisis inside out and are trying to do something about it on a GLOBAL level, where it has to be done.Please keep posting your great articles. I hope you don't get too many of the Ron Paul bashers - I surely get them like crazy.For all of the above reasons, PLUS Ron Paul is just a total wimp on impeachment. He is a constitutional HYPOCRITE, too busy running for office and counting money to get his supporters to do what is required to get a return to the RULE OF LAW - something undone since Clinton's time.

read more | digg story

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