January 27, 2008

A Democratic Coup D'etat in Turkey?

While the leader of the Turkish 'Deep State', war criminal, General Yasar Buyukanit, was out of the country visiting London (20th-24th Jan), 33 members of a shadowy, extreme right wing ultra nationalist group, named Ergenekon were rounded up and detained (22nd Jan). They are now awaiting charges of political murder, assassination, provocations and dirty 'Deep State' activities.

Was it significant that General Buyukanit was out of the country when these arrests took place and does this indicate an escalation in the tension and friction between the ruling AKP and Turkish 'deep staters' such as Buyukanit?

Was this a democratic Coup D'etat?

I suppose the answer to that will come if these arrests actually come to court and charges and sentences are passed down and the enquiries widen. The examples of the trial of Hrant Dink's murderers and Semdinli do not bode well for such a positive outcome, although it does shine yet another light on the dirty politics of the true power in Turkey that is blocking any solution to The Kurdish Question and democratisation.

This is also a chance for all democrats in Turkey to assert themselves and come out and challenge this group of people that have held Turkey back and created conflict, so as to dominate the political and economic field.

This all comes at a time when Sibel Edmonds is also revealing 'secrets' about the 'dirty' relationships between, Neo Con/American individuals and Turkish 'Deep Staters' in the US. (watch sensational documentary)

These two developments should be linked and further investigations should be followed up.

Here again, conflicts created for the benefit of financial gains of a few individuals and private organisations, at the expense of misery, war and hardship for the majority of citizens of Turkey and Kurdistan.

A network of spies, murders, criminals, politicians, intelligence agents, military generals and consultancy groups all working for their own selfish greed in the trade of narcotics, arms, oil and much more.

The names from the US and Turkey will, undoubtedly, all join up in the end!

One person who has made the links and has republished an interesting article is Turkey's Drug-Terrorism Connection By Martin A. Lee January 25, 2008 (First published in 1997).

The Kurdish Movement should give full support to Sibel Edmonds and her efforts to expose the Neo Con/Turkish Deep State relationships.

The Turkish 'Deep State' is the main obstacle blocking democratisation and a peaceful and poltical resolution to The Kurdish Question.

Lets hope that the events of the last few days are meaningful and widen so as to give hope for democracy to have a chance to make a reappearence in Turkey.

But, don't hold you breath.

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