November 03, 2007

Are You One of the Sheeple?

By L. Vincent Poupard

The term, sheeple, was first introduced in a 1984 article in the Wall Street Journal. It is a term that refers to people who are conformists, and will follow whatever the consumer market and the media tell them. Answer yes or no to the following questions, and then read further:

Do you believe that the media is always right?

Do you watch TV shows because they are the most popular show on TV?

Do you ever go to see movies so that you can discuss them with others?

Do you buy items because of the social status that the name brand will give you?

Can you name three or more hosts of the major celebrity news shows?

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, I am sorry, but you are one of the sheeple. You are a conformist. (not necessarily, some of us STUDY this stuff!!)

For years, we have been told to trust the media. We are told that the media is there to protect our rights, and to give us all of the information that we need to know. There have been millions of examples were the media has given us false or misleading information.

If you can ignore this, you are half way to admitting that you are one of the sheeple.

Many people chose what shows to watch simply by seeing what other people watch. If you are someone who enjoys watching a popular show, this does not pertain to you. If you are someone who only watches the popular shows so that you can appear cool, you are a good candidate for the sheeple movement.

If you have ever gone to see a movie just because of the popularity of it, chances are you are, "of the sheeple." A perfect example of this would be the popularity of the movie, Titanic. One out of five people who saw the movie said that the only reason why they went was because everyone else was.

If you own items that were made by Coach, DKNY, Polo, or Lucky, you are great candidate. There are many other name brands that would put someone into this category. The type of status sense that someone gains from these items is a false sense that has been programmed into the American public.

A prime example of sheeple in American society are the people that watch a significant amount of celebrity news shows. We are taught that we should epitomize and imitate certain celebrities. At one time, celebrities were heroes and idols.

In today's society, they are there simply to be harassed and mocked. The sheeplizing of the American populace has led to the loss of individuality.

We are told that we should drink or eat certain things. We are to watch certain shows and see certain movies. We are told who celebrities are, and that they are important. We are told that the media that tell us these things are there to help us. Help us become sheeple.

William Cooper: Secret Government

"I only have one message to give you. I don't care what you think of me. I don't care what you call me. I do care what you do with this information because it is important to our survival as a species. It is important to our planet. It is important for the world.

What happens to me is of no consequence, and I knew that when I started this. Over the last 17 years I knew that I would have to stand up and say this whether I wanted to or not, whether I was afraid, or not. Now I am here, and now it is done. And I feel an overwhelming relief.

You now have the information. You can laugh at it, you can throw it in the trashcan. You can burn my house down if you want to. But I am telling you right now, your future, your children's future, your grandchildren's future, depends on what you do with this information.

Your own government is selling your children drugs, and you don't seem to care. Your own government has given away the power of the people and you don't seem to care. There is an apathy that is running rapid in this country, that is deadly. Whether or not there are aliens, we are truly now at this moment a nation of sheep. And ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that sheep are always lead to the slaughter. But it does not have to be that way.

There is tremendous power in knowledge. There is also tremendous power in secrecy. Take away that secrecy, you make sure that you are informed, and you can change things."

William Cooper was killed by the secret government on 11 May 2001. They did not want him around for 9/11.

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